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authorkhussey2007-04-03 17:35:23 +0000
committerkhussey2007-04-03 17:35:23 +0000
commit9ddf8779e8c8d45d05402e97bdae429df8fa9ff4 (patch)
treeb459fb53427f8f7eebb1936a28969db223ac29bb /doc
parenteae94b5bb4e9ce24b25361f869715dd57ac42580 (diff)
[173647] Making changes required for new modeling build.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 58 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/ b/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/
index a89e55631..4f9b36b52 100644
--- a/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/
+++ b/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/
@@ -1,48 +1,18 @@
+# The current direcotry
-# The plugin name
-# string labels for javadoc content
-windowTitle="UML2 Javadoc";
-# files to exclude from javadoc process - use Ant syntax
-javadocExclusions="<exclude name=\"**/impl/**\"/> <exclude name=\"**/internal/**\"/> <exclude name=\"**/examples/**\"/> <exclude name=\"**/tests/**\"/> <exclude name=\"**/templates/**\"/>";
-debug=0; if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] debug: "$debug; fi
-if [ "x"$ANT_HOME = "x" ]; then export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.6; fi
-if [ "x"$JAVA_HOME = "x" ]; then export JAVA_HOME=/opt/ibm-java2-1.4; fi
-export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin
-# current directory - all but the name of this script, no trailing slash
-currentPath=$PWD"/"$0; currentPath=${currentPath%/*}; if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] currentPath: "$currentPath; fi
-# path to $buildID/eclipse/plugins, no trailing slash
-pluginPath=${currentPath%/$pluginName*}; if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] pluginName: "$pluginName; echo "[antJd] pluginPath: "$pluginPath; fi
-# ant script to create and then execute
-antScript=$currentPath"/javadoc.xml"; if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] antScript: "$antScript; fi
-cp $antScript.template $antScript.template.orig;
+# export JAVA_HOME=/opt/sun-java2-5.0
# The eclipse directory
-eclipseDir=`cd $1; echo $PWD`; if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] eclipseDir: "$eclipseDir; fi
# The destination directory
-destDir=$currentPath/../references/javadoc; mkdir -p $destDir; destDir=`cd $destDir; echo $PWD`; # resolve relative path
-if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] destDir: "$destDir; fi
-hasToken=`grep -c "@plugin@" $antScript".template"`;
-# Finds plugins in the Workspace:
-pluginDirs=`find $pluginPath -name "${pluginName}*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | cut -f2 -d' '`;
+# Don't execute if the destination directory has files
+if [ -d $destDir ]; then
+ exit
function groupPackage
@@ -61,107 +31,55 @@ function groupPackage
-if [ $hasToken -gt 0 ]; then
- for pluginDir in $pluginDirs; do
- srcDir=$pluginDir/src;
- echo "[antJd] Process "$srcDir;
- if [ -d "$srcDir" ]; then
- if [ `find $srcDir -name "*.java" | grep -c .` -eq 0 ]; then # must unpack zips first
- if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] Unpacking *"; fi
- cp -r ${srcDir} ${srcDir}_orig;
- for f in `find ${srcDir} -name "*"`; do
- if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then echo "[antJd] Unpack $f"; fi
- unzip -q -d $srcDir $f;
- done
- fi
- if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] *.java in srcDir: "; echo "-----------------"; echo `find $srcDir -type f -name '*.java'`; echo "-----------------"; fi
- packages=`find $srcDir -type f -name '*.java' -exec grep -e '^package .*;' {} \; | sed -e 's/^package *\(.*\);/\1/' | sed -e 's/[ ]*//g' | dos2unix | sort | uniq | xargs | sed -e 's/ /:/g'`;
- if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then echo "[antJd] packages1: "$packages; fi
- packages=`echo $packages | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g' | sed -e 's/\./\\\\\./g'`; # slash escape
- if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then echo "[antJd] packages2: "$packages; fi
- sed -e "s/\@plugin\@/${packages}/g" $antScript.template > $antScript.template.tmp;
- mv $antScript.template.tmp $antScript.template;
- fi
- done
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore.ui
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.common
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.common.edit
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore.ui
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.common
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.common.edit
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.exporter
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.importer
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.exporter
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.importer
- groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.editor
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit
-# Finds plugins in the Workspace:
-pluginDirs=`find $pluginPath -name "${pluginName}*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | cut -f2 -d' '`;
-if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "[antJd] pluginDirs:";
- for pluginDir in $pluginDirs; do echo "[antJd] "$pluginDir; done
+groupPackage org.eclipse.uml2.uml.editor
-### TODO?: missing emf/sdo/xsd plugins in $eclipseDir - need to copy them over or reference source so that all classes/packages (and thus @links) can be resolved
+# The directory of the uml2 plugins in the order they were built
+pluginDirs=`find $eclipseDir/plugins -name @dot -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | egrep -e 'org.eclipse.uml2' | egrep -v 'example' | egrep -v 'tests' | cut -f2 -d' ' | sed -e 's/\(\/.*\)\/.*/\1/'`
-# All the jars in the plugins directory
-classpath="."`find $eclipseDir/plugins -name "*.jar" -printf ":%p"`; if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] classpath: "$classpath; fi
+# All the jars in the pluigins directory
+classpath=`find $eclipseDir/plugins -name *.jar -print | grep -v org.eclipse.uml2 | tr '\n' ';'`
-# Calculates the packagesets and the calls to copyDocFiles
+# Calculates the packagesets
for pluginDir in $pluginDirs; do
- pluginDir=`echo $pluginDir | sed -e 's/\/runtime$//g'`;
- srcDir=$pluginDir/src;
- if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo "[antJd] srcDir: "$srcDir; fi
- if [ -d "$srcDir" ]; then
- # define what to include when javadoc'ing here:
- packagesets=$packagesets"<packageset dir=\"$srcDir\"> ";
- packagesets=$packagesets"<exclude name=\"$srcDir/**/doc-files/**\"/> ";
- packagesets=$packagesets""$javadocExclusions;
- packagesets=$packagesets"</packageset>";
- copydocfiles=$copydocfiles"<copyDocFiles pluginDir=\"$pluginDir\"/>";
+ pluginDir=`echo $pluginDir | sed -e 's/\/runtime$//g'`
+ srcDir=$pluginDir/src
+ if [ -d $srcDir ]; then
+ packagesets=$packagesets"<packageset dir=\"$srcDir\">"
+ packagesets=$packagesets"<exclude name=\"**/impl/**\"/>"
+ packagesets=$packagesets"<exclude name=\"**/internal/**\"/>"
+ packagesets=$packagesets"<exclude name=\"**/templates/**\"/>"
+ packagesets=$packagesets"</packageset>"
-if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "[antJd] packagesets:"; echo $packagesets;
- echo "[antJd] copydocfiles:"; echo $copydocfiles;
-# Finds the proper org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv jar
-docjar=`find $eclipseDir/plugins/ -name "org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv*.jar" -printf "%f"`; if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then echo "[antJd] docjar: "$docjar; fi
-# do replacements in template
-if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then echo "[antJd] Replace @packagesets@ in the template ..."; fi
-packagesets=`echo $packagesets | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g' | sed -e 's/\./\\\\\./g'`;
-sed -e "s/\@packagesets\@/${packagesets}/g" $antScript.template > $antScript.template.tmp;
+# Replaces the token @packagesets@ in the template by the actual value
+packagesets=`echo $packagesets | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g' | sed -e 's/\./\\\\\./g'`
+sed -e "s/\@packagesets\@/${packagesets}/g" $currentPath/javadoc.xml.template > javadoc.xml
-if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then echo "[antJd] Replace @copydocfiles@ in the template ..."; fi
-copydocfiles=`echo $copydocfiles | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g' | sed -e 's/\./\\\\\./g'`;
-sed -e "s/\@copydocfiles\@/${copydocfiles}/g" $antScript.template.tmp > $antScript;
-#run ant to do javadoc build
-ant -f $antScript \
+# Executes the ant script
+ant -f javadoc.xml \
-DdestDir="$destDir" \
-Dclasspath="$classpath" \
-DeclipseDir="$eclipseDir" \
- -Ddocjar="$docjar" \
- -DwindowTitle="$windowTitle" \
- -DgroupTitle="$groupTitle" \
- -Doverview="$currentPath/overview.html";
-# Clean up templates
-rm -f $antScript $antScript.template.tmp;
-mv -f $antScript.template.orig $antScript.template;
+ -Doverview="$eclipseDir/plugins/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/overview.html"
# Generate topics_Reference.xml (replacement for doclet).
-echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $trXML;
+echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' >> $trXML;
echo '<?NLS TYPE=""?>' >> $trXML;
echo '<toc label="Reference">' >> $trXML;
echo ' <topic label="API Reference" href="references/javadoc/overview-summary.html">' >> $trXML;
@@ -172,13 +90,3 @@ for packSum in `find $destDir -name "package-summary.html" | sort`; do
echo ' </topic>' >> $trXML;
echo '</toc>' >> $trXML;
-# cleanup unpacked src/ folders
-for pluginDir in $pluginDirs; do
- srcDir=$pluginDir/src;
- if [[ -d ${srcDir}"_orig" ]]; then
- echo "[antJd] Replace unpacked "$srcDir;
- rm -fr ${srcDir}; # clean up unpacked source
- mv -f ${srcDir}_orig ${srcDir};
- fi
diff --git a/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/javadoc.xml.template b/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/javadoc.xml.template
index 251aea12d..101abab37 100644
--- a/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/javadoc.xml.template
+++ b/doc/org.eclipse.uml2.doc/build/javadoc.xml.template
@@ -3,43 +3,32 @@
<property name="destDir" value="doc"/>
<property name="classpath" value="bin"/>
<property name="overview" value="build/overview.html"/>
- <property name="eclipseDir" value="."/>
- <property name="docjar" value="org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv.jar"/>
- <!-- other properties that must be passed to this script include:
- windowTitle
- groupTitle
- -->
+ <property name="eclipseDir" value="../../.."/>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="javaHome" value="${env.JAVA_HOME}"/>
<property name="" value="${eclipseDir}/javadoc"/>
<available property="platformJavadocExists" file="${}/platform/"/>
+ <available property="platformEMFExists" file="${}/emf/"/>
- <!-- TODO Enable linking to the platform javadoc -->
- <!-- <target name="extractPlatformJavadoc" unless="platformJavadocExists">
- <exec executable="find">
- <arg value="${eclipseDir}/.."/>
- <arg value="-type"/>
- <arg value="d"/>
- <arg value="-name"/>
- <arg value="javadoc"/>
- </exec>
- <unzip src="${eclipseDir}/@docjar@" dest="${}/platform/"/>
- </target> -->
+ <target name="extractPlatformJavadoc" unless="platformJavadocExists">
+ <unzip src="${eclipseDir}/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv.jar" dest="${}/platform/"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="extractEMFJavadoc" unless="platformEMFExists">
+ <unzip src="${eclipseDir}/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.doc/" dest="${}/emf/"/>
+ </target>
- <!-- TODO Enable linking to the platform javadoc -->
- <!-- <target name="javadoc" depends="extractPlatformJavadoc"> -->
+ <target name="javadoc" depends="extractPlatformJavadoc,extractEMFJavadoc">
- <target name="javadoc">
- windowtitle="${windowTitle}"
- footer="Copyright 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.&lt;br&gt; All Rights Reserved."
+ windowtitle="Unified Modeling Language 2.x Javadoc"
+ footer="Copyright 2003, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.&lt;br&gt; All Rights Reserved."
additionalparam="-breakiterator -tag model:X -tag generated:X -tag ordered:X"
@@ -56,11 +45,11 @@
- <arg value="-J-Xmx180m"/>
- <link offline="true" href="" packagelistLoc="${javaHome}/docs/api/"/>
- <!-- TODO Enable link to platform documentation -->
- <!-- <link offline="true" href="/help/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/api/" packagelistLoc="${}/platform/reference/api/"/> -->
+ <arg value="-J-Xmx256m"/>
+ <link offline="true" href="" packagelistLoc="${javaHome}/docs/api/"/>
+ <link offline="true" href="/help/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/api/" packagelistLoc="${}/platform/reference/api/"/>
+ <link offline="true" href="/help/topic/org.eclipse.emf.doc/references/javadoc/" packagelistLoc="${}/emf/references/javadoc/"/>
<tag name="ignore" description="ignore" enabled="false"/>
<tag name="generated" description="ignore" enabled="false"/>
@@ -70,8 +59,6 @@
<tag name="implements" description="ignore" enabled="false"/>
<tag name="ordered" description="ignore" enabled="false"/>
- <!-- If you add a @ plugin @ below, don't forget to update the file -->
<group title="Ecore Code Generation" packages="@org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore@"/>
<group title="Ecore Code Generation UI" packages="@org.eclipse.uml2.codegen.ecore.ui@"/>
@@ -83,24 +70,10 @@
<group title="UML Editor" packages="@org.eclipse.uml2.uml.editor@"/>
<group title="UML Importer for EMF" packages="@org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.importer@"/>
<group title="UML Exporter for EMF" packages="@org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ecore.exporter@"/>
- <!-- If you add a @ plugin @ above, don't forget to update the file -->
- @packagesets@
- <!-- make sure the doc-files are copied -->
- <macrodef name="copyDocFiles">
- <attribute name="pluginDir"/>
- <sequential>
- <copy todir="${destDir}" failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="@{pluginDir}/src" includes="**/doc-files/**"/>
- </copy>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- @copydocfiles@

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