Target Communication Framework Services - System Monitor

System Monitor Service

The service can be used for monitoring system activity and utilization. It provides list of running processes, different process attributes like command line, environment, etc., and some resource utilization data. The service can be used by a client to provide functionality similar to Unix 'top' utility or Windows 'Task Manager'.

Command and event parameters are encoded as zero terminated JSON strings.

The service uses standard format for error reports, see Error Report Format.


Get Context

C • <token> • SysMonitor • getContext • <string: context ID>

The command retrieves context info for given context ID. A context corresponds to an execution thread or process. Context IDs are valid across TCF services, so it is allowed to issue 'SysMonitor.getContext' command with a context that was obtained from another service.


R • <token><error report><context data><context data>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ <object>

Context data object should, at least, contain member "ID" : <string>.

Predefined context properties are:

Get Children

C • <token> • SysMonitor • getChildren • <string: parent context ID>

The command requests a list of contexts available for System Monitor commands.

Parent context ID can be null – to retrieve top level of the hierarchy, can be one of context IDs retrieved by previous getChildren commands, or it can be obtained from another service. Contexts hierarchy can be simple plain list or it can form a tree. It is up to target agent developers to choose layout that is most descriptive for a given target.


R • <token><error report><array of context IDs><array of context IDs>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ ]
    ⇒ [ <context ID list> ]
<context ID list><string: context ID><context ID list> , <string: context ID>

Get Command Line

C • <token> • SysMonitor • getCommandLine • <string: context ID>

The command requests a list of progess command line arguments.


R • <token><error report><array of string><array of string>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ ]
    ⇒ [ <string list> ]
<string list><string><string list> , <string>

Get Environment

C • <token> • SysMonitor • getEnvironment • <string: context ID>

The command requests a list of progess environment variables.


R • <token><error report><array of string>


No events are currently defined for System Monitor service.


public interface ISysMonitor extends IService {

   static final String NAME = "SysMonitor";

     * Retrieve context info for given context ID.
     * @param id – context ID. 
     * @param done - callback interface called when operation is completed.
    IToken getContext(String id, DoneGetContext done);

     * Client callback interface for getContext().
    interface DoneGetContext {
         * Called when contexts data retrieval is done.
         * @param error – error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param context – context data.
        void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, SysMonitorContext context);

     * Retrieve children of given context.
     * @param parent_context_id – parent context ID. Can be null –
     * to retrieve top level of the hierarchy, or one of context IDs retrieved
     * by previous getContext or getChildren commands. 
     * @param done - callback interface called when operation is completed.
    IToken getChildren(String parent_context_id, DoneGetChildren done);

     * Client callback interface for getChildren().
    interface DoneGetChildren {
         * Called when contexts data retrieval is done.
         * @param error – error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param context_ids – array of available context IDs.
        void doneGetChildren(IToken token, Exception error, String[] context_ids);
     * Context property names.
    static final String
        /** The TCF context ID */
        PROP_ID = "ID",
        /** The TCF parent context ID */
        PROP_PARENTID = "ParentID",
        /** Current working directory of the process */
        PROP_CWD = "CWD",
        /** The process's root directory (as set by chroot) */
        PROP_ROOT = "Root",
        /** User ID of the process owner */
        PROP_UID = "UID",
        /** Group ID of the process owner */
        PROP_UGID = "UGID",
        /** User name of the process owner */
        PROP_USERNAME = "UserName",
        /** Group name of the process owner */
        PROP_GROUPNAME = "GroupName",
        /** System process ID */
        PROP_PID = "PID",
        /** Executable file of the process */
        PROP_FILE = "File",
        /** One character from the string "RSDZTW"  where  R  is  running,  S  is
         *  sleeping  in  an  interruptible wait, D is waiting in uninterruptible
         *  disk sleep, Z is zombie, T is traced or stopped (on a signal), and  W
         *  is paging.*/
        PROP_STATE = "State",
        /** System ID of the parent process */
        PROP_PPID = "PPID",
        /** The process group ID of the process */
        PROP_PGRP = "PGRP",
        /** The session ID of the process */
        PROP_SESSION = "Session",
        /** The tty the process uses */
        PROP_TTY = "TTY",
        /** The process group ID of the process which currently owns the tty that
         *  the process is connected to. */
        PROP_TGID = "TGID",
        /** ID of a process that has attached this process for tracing or debugging */
        PROP_TRACERPID = "TracerPID",
        /** The kernel flags word of the process. Details depend on the kernel */
        PROP_FLAGS = "Flags",
        /** The  number  of  minor  faults  the  process  has made which have not
         *  required loading a memory page from disk */
        PROP_MINFLT = "MinFlt",
        /** The number of minor faults that  the  process's  waited-for  children have made */
        PROP_CMINFLT = "CMinFlt",       
        /** The  number  of major faults the process has made which have required
         *  loading a memory page from disk */
        PROP_MAJFLT = "MajFlt",
        /** The number of major faults that  the  process's  waited-for  children
         *  have made */
        PROP_CMAJFLT = "CMajFlt",
        /** The number of milliseconds that this process has been scheduled in user mode */
        PROP_UTIME = "UTime",
        /** The number of milliseconds that this process has been scheduled in kernel mode */
        PROP_STIME = "STime",
        /** The  number  of  jiffies that this process's waited-for children have
         *  been scheduled in user mode */
        PROP_CUTIME = "CUTime",
        /** The  number  of  jiffies that this process's waited-for children have
         *  been scheduled in user mode */
        PROP_CSTIME = "CSTime",
        /** The standard nice value */
        PROP_PRIORITY = "Priority",
        /** The nice value */
        PROP_NICE = "Nice",
        /** The time in milliseconds before the next SIGALRM is sent  to  the  process
         *  due to an interval timer */
        PROP_ITREALVALUE = "ITRealValue",
        /** The time in milliseconds the process started after system boot */
        PROP_STARTTIME = "StartTime",
        /** Virtual memory size in bytes */
        PROP_VSIZE = "VSize",
        /** Memory pages size in bytes */
        PROP_PSIZE = "PSize",
        /** Resident  Set  Size:  number of pages the process has in real memory,
         *  minus used for administrative purposes. This is  just  the  pages  which
         *  count  towards  text,  data,  or  stack space.  This does not include
         *  pages which have not been demand-loaded in, or which are swapped out */
        PROP_RSS = "RSS",
        /** Current  limit in bytes on the rss of the process */
        PROP_RLIMIT = "RLimit",
        /** The address above which program text can run */
        PROP_CODESTART = "CodeStart",
        /** The address below which program text can run */
        PROP_CODEEND = "CodeEnd",
        /** The address of the start of the stack */
        PROP_STACKSTART = "StackStart",
        /** The bitmap of pending signals */
        PROP_SIGNALS = "Signals",
        /** The bitmap of blocked signals */
        PROP_SIGBLOCK = "SigBlock",
        /** The bitmap of ignored signals */
        PROP_SIGIGNORE = "SigIgnore",
        /** The bitmap of caught signals */
        PROP_SIGCATCH = "SigCatch",
        /** This  is  the  "channel"  in which the process is waiting.  It is the
         *  address of a system call, and can be looked up in a name list  if  you
         *  need  a  textual  name */
        PROP_WCHAN = "WChan",
        /** Number of pages swapped */
        PROP_NSWAP = "NSwap",
        /** Cumulative NSwap for child processes */
        PROP_CNSWAP = "CNSwap",
        /** Signal to be sent to parent when this process exits */
        PROP_EXITSIGNAL = "ExitSignal",
        /** CPU number last executed on */
        PROP_PROCESSOR = "Processor",
        /** Real-time scheduling priority */
        PROP_RTPRIORITY = "RTPriority",
        /** Scheduling policy */
        PROP_POLICY = "Policy";
     * A context corresponds to an execution thread, process, address space, etc.
     * A context can belong to a parent context. Contexts hierarchy can be simple
     * plain list or it can form a tree. It is up to target agent developers to choose
     * layout that is most descriptive for a given target. Context IDs are valid across
     * all services. In other words, all services access same hierarchy of contexts,
     * with same IDs, however, each service accesses its own subset of context's
     * attributes and functionality, which is relevant to that service. 
    interface SysMonitorContext {
         * Get context ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“ID”)
        String getID();

         * Get parent context ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“ParentID”)
        String getParentID();

         * Get process group ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“PGRP”)
        long getPGRP();

         * Get process ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“PID”)
        long getPID();

         * Get process parent ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“PPID”)
        long getPPID();

         * Get process TTY group ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“TGID”)
        long getTGID();

         * Get tracer process ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“TracerPID”)
        long getTracerPID();

         * Get process owner user ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“UID”)
        long getUID();

         * Get process owner user name.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“UserName”)
        String getUserName();

         * Get process owner user group ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“UGID”)
        long getUGID();

         * Get process owner user group name.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“GroupName”)
        String getGroupName();
         * Get process state.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“State”)
        String getState();

         * Get process virtual memory size in bytes.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“VSize”)
        long getVSize();

         * Get process virtual memory page size in bytes.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“PSize”)
        long getPSize();

         * Get number of memory pages in process resident set.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“RSS”)
        long getRSS();

         * Get context executable file.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“File”)
        String getFile();

         * Get context current file system root.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“Root”)
        String getRoot();

         * Get context current working directory.
         * Same as getProperties().get(“CWD”)
        String getCurrentWorkingDirectory();

         * Get all available context properties.
         * @return Map 'property name' -> 'property value'
        Map<String,Object> getProperties();
     * Get context command line.
    IToken getCommandLine(String id, DoneGetCommandLine done);
    interface DoneGetCommandLine {
        void doneGetCommandLine(IToken token, Exception error, String[] cmd_line);

     * Get context environment variables.
    IToken getEnvironment(String id, DoneGetEnvironment done);
    interface DoneGetEnvironment {
        void doneGetEnvironment(IToken token, Exception error, String[] environment);