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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-11-14DayTime agent example is moved into the agent repositoryEugene Tarassov10-593/+0
2011-11-11"Incubation" is removed from TCF plugin descriptions.Eugene Tarassov1-1/+1
2011-11-11TCF Version number is changed to 1.0.0Eugene Tarassov1-3/+3
2011-11-11Fixed TCF package names in import statements.Eugene Tarassov10-30/+30
2011-11-11TCF Core: removed .tm. from project names.Eugene Tarassov2-2/+2
2011-11-11TCF Java package names changed:* -> org.eclipse.tcf.*Eugene Tarassov23-0/+0
2011-09-30Source code cleanup: CRLF -> LF, removing extra space charsEugene Tarassov2-4/+3
2011-09-29Fixed makefiles that depend on agent source location.Eugene Tarassov1-2/+2
2011-09-01TCF version changed to 0.5.0eutarass1-3/+3
2011-09-01TCF Debugger: fixed: .svn directories are shown in Project Explorer in the ↵eutarass1-1/+1
debugger plugins.
2011-07-25Bug 351154 - TCF feature still uses " - DSDP" as provider.eutarass1-1/+1
2011-05-27TCF Agent: added a clarification phrase to the licensing notices in the ↵eutarass4-0/+4
agent source code: "You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses."
2011-05-19Merged changes from 0.4.0 release branch to trunk.eutarass1-3/+3
2010-10-11TCF Agent: fixed few build errors that happen when the code is built with ↵eutarass1-3/+3
2010-06-10Added excluding="**/.svn/*" to make sure SVN metadata is not treated as ↵eutarass1-1/+1
source code by JDT
2010-06-041. Added version=0.3.0 on Export-Package:
2. Added "x-friends:=" directives in tm.tcf.debug/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 3. Reverted version changes on tm.tcf.dsf - nothing has happened to them in the past year 4. Fixed: in, the providerName should be " - DSDP" for consistency, and as required by the Development Process. 5. Fixed some compiler warnings
2010-06-04TCF version changed to 0.3.0eutarass1-3/+3
2010-05-18Bug 312840: Unable to effectively include in make systems which ↵eutarass1-1/+1
use the CFLAGS variable
2010-05-17TCF Agent: fixed "daytime" example project: services-ext.h should be "main" ↵eutarass1-0/+0
2010-05-15TCF Agent: Bug 225082: [tcf][releng] Improve TCF Agent build directory ↵eutarass4-9/+9
structure: 1. #include statements changed to include directory names, because flat include can easily lead to unwanted name clashes. 2. clients now don't have to add -I to compiler command line for every source directory 3. #include "..." changed to #include <...> to allow substitution of header files by clients.
2010-05-05Bug 311420: Move CONFIG_MAIN into main.c:eutarass4-29/+30
1. Service initialization code moved from config.h into separate file: main/services.c 2. Server initialization code moved from main.c into separate file: main/server.c 3. Created file main/services-ext.h to allow user extensions of services initialization code.
2010-02-23TCF Agent:eutarass1-1/+1
1. TCFSuspendGroup definition and related code is deleted. It was conflicting with value-add functionality. 2. "char *" changed to "const char *" where necessary to get rid of g++ warnings "deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char'" 3. fixed g++ warnings "'...' might be used uninitialized in this function"
2009-11-02Bug 225082 - [tcf][releng] Improve TCF Agent build directory structureeutarass3-37/+20
2009-09-09Code cleanup: trailing spaces are removed from the source lineseutarass4-38/+38
2009-09-02Code cleanup: trailing spaces are removed from the source lineeutarass3-21/+21
2009-08-28Bug 287732: Unable to build using headless build:eutarass1-2/+3
1. Created headless build project: features/ 2. Changed to be a plugin instead of fragment and added bundle activator class
2009-04-20Bug 270605: [tcf] TCF plugins should have qualified version numberseutarass1-1/+1
2009-03-20TCF Agent: made changes to allow the build system to include/exclude ↵eutarass1-0/+2
individual services by using command line options like -DSERVICE_Memory=0 TCF Agent: added conditional compilation variables: SERVICE_MemoryMap, ENABLE_DebugContext. TCF Agent: removed unnecessary #include "mdep.h", since it is included by config.h
2009-03-04Implemented better handling of unrecognized commands in TCF protocol: ↵eutarass1-7/+7
instead of terminating a connection, peers now can send special "command is not recognized" message. Added TCF error code "command is not recognized". Fixed agent build error on CygWin.
2009-02-13classpathe updatedmischarf1-7/+7
2009-02-09Bug 257261: [tcf] the daytime agent does not build on linuxeutarass1-6/+6
Renamed: elf.h -> tcf_elf.h, elf.c -> tcf_elf.c Added Makefile variable: TCF_AGENT_DIR
2008-09-22Better support for TCF Agent portability:eutarass1-18/+32
1. Changed TCF Agent Makefile to use different output directories for different build targets. 2. Agent binary files are now created in "<OS name>/<CPU name>/<Debug|Release>" directories. 3. Changed agent CDT project file to include multiple build configurations: Cygwin Debug, Cygwin Release, Msys Debug, etc.
2008-07-28Msys support for agent to Makefilemoberhuber1-1/+6
2008-07-28EPL to EPL+EDL for Daytime Agent Examplemoberhuber5-20/+119
2008-06-26Added -Wmissing-prototypes in daytime example makefileeutarass1-1/+1
2008-06-26Bug 225103: [tcf][releng] Add "(Incubation)" to TCF plugins in order to be ↵eutarass2-2/+17
2008-06-25Bug 232410: [tcf][api] TCF needs standard way to define agent error codeseutarass1-3/+3
2008-05-141. Bug 229039: [tcf] Discovery service should be optionaleutarass1-1/+2
2. Fixed Windows sockets error handling 3. Fixed Windows pthread_cond_timedwait() implementation - timeout value was not handled properly
2008-04-12TCF agent: Processes service is implemented for Windows. Now TCF debugger ↵eutarass1-0/+2
prototype can start and attach a Windows process. Also fixed: 1. racing in TCFLaunch startup sequence 2. broken channel close notifications in the agent 3. missing command reply arguments in daytime.c example code 4. null pointer exception in TCF/RSE bridge
2008-04-07Fixed code formatting of, made it ↵eutarass5-113/+394
consistent with other TCF projects.
2008-03-241. Debug services RunControl, Breakpoints, Memory, Registers and StackTrace ↵eutarass3-1/+3
now work on Windows and CygWin. 2. Added missing error checks on all pthreads calls. 3. Fixed Bug 222929: [tcf] "Processes attach <ID>" command generates an invalid TCF message
2008-03-12Bug 222255: TCF Trace facility must be configurableeutarass1-2/+4
2008-03-12Bug 222363: Initial implementation of value-addeutarass1-81/+81
2008-03-07[cleanup] CDT-5.0 compliant .project settings with sorted attributes; adapt ↵moberhuber2-78/+82
build directory to renamed project
2008-02-26Example projects: added readme files, added copyright notices, did some ↵eutarass8-9/+69
cosmetic changes.
2008-02-25Added example agent project: examples/
Renamed agent/memory.[hc] to agent/memoryservice.[hc] to avoid conflict with standard header file.
2008-02-21In order to comply with naming conventions at Eclipse, plugins, packages, ↵eutarass13-311/+34
etc. are renamed from com.windriver.* to* Copyright notices are updated to include year 2008.
2008-02-21Specify execution environment J2SE-1.5 for tcf.examples.daytimemoberhuber4-2/+280
2008-02-15In tcf.examples.daytime/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, changes ↵eutarass1-1/+1
Bundle-Vendor=WINDRIVER to
2008-02-15The new version 0.2.0 of Target Communication Framework has major improvementseutarass9-0/+243
in several areas: 1. Target agent improvements: a. Generic communication and discovery code is separated from TCP/IP specific code. Now the agent can support multiple transport protocols simultaneously. b. Multiple agents can run on same host. One of them is automatically elected to be a master discovery server. c. Agent now can have different sets of services on different server sockets. 2. TCF debugger prototype is reworked in order to improve remote data caching logic. Now, for example, stack frame attributes, like source code position, are reused from cache when a thread is suspended; only frames that did not change during thread execution are reused - usually bottom part of a stack. 3. DSF/TCF integration is extended to include TCF implementation of several DSF services. 4. Many bugs are fixed in the code.

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