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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <title>Target Communication Framework Services - File System</title>
+<body lang='EN-US'>
+<h1>Target Communication Framework Services - File System</h1>
+ <li><a href='#ReqSync'>Request Synchronization and Reordering</a>
+ <li><a href='#FileNames'>File Names</a>
+ <li><a href='#FileModes'>File Open Modes</a>
+ <li><a href='#FileAttributes'>File Attributes</a>
+ <li><a href='#ErrorCodes'>Error Codes</a>
+ <li><a href='#Cmds'>Commands</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href='#CmdOpen'>open</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdClose'>close</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdRead'>read</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdWrite'>write</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdStat'>stat</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdLStat'>lstat</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdFStat'>fstat</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdSetStat'>setstat</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdFSetStat'>fsetstat</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdOpenDir'>opendir</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdReadDir'>readdir</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdMkDir'>mkdir</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdRmDir'>rmdir</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdRoots'>roots</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdRemove'>remove</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdRealPath'>realpath</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdRename'>rename</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdReadLink'>readlink</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdSymLink'>symlink</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdSymLink'>copy</a>
+ <li><a href='#CmdSymLink'>user</a>
+ </ul>
+ <li><a href='#API'>API</a>
+<h1>File System Service</h1>
+<p>File System service provides file transfer (and more generally file
+system access) functionality in TCF. The service design is
+derived from SSH File Transfer Protocol specifications.</p>
+<h2><a name='ReqSync'>Request Synchronization and Reordering</a></h2>
+<p>The protocol and implementations MUST process requests relating to
+the same file in the order in which they are received. In other
+words, if an application submits multiple requests to the server, the
+results in the responses will be the same as if it had sent the
+requests one at a time and waited for the response in each case. For
+example, the server may process non-overlapping read/write requests
+to the same file in parallel, but overlapping reads and writes cannot
+be reordered or parallelized. However, there are no ordering
+restrictions on the server for processing requests from two different
+file transfer connections. The server may interleave and parallelize
+them at will.</p>
+<p>There are no restrictions on the order in which responses to
+outstanding requests are delivered to the client, except that the
+server must ensure fairness in the sense that processing of no
+request will be indefinitely delayed even if the client is sending
+other requests so that there are multiple outstanding requests all
+the time.</p>
+<p>There is no limit on the number of outstanding (non-acknowledged)
+requests that the client may send to the server. In practice this is
+limited by the buffering available on the data stream and the queuing
+performed by the server. If the server's queues are full, it should
+not read any more data from the stream, and flow control will prevent
+the client from sending more requests.</p>
+<h2><a name='FileNames'>File Names</a></h2>
+<p>This protocol represents file names as strings. File names are
+assumed to use the slash ('/') character as a directory separator.</p>
+<p>File names starting with a slash are "absolute", and are relative to
+the root of the file system. Names starting with any other character
+are relative to the user's default directory (home directory). Client
+can use 'user()' command to retrieve current user home directory.</p>
+<p>Servers SHOULD interpret a path name component ".." as referring to
+the parent directory, and "." as referring to the current directory.
+If the server implementation limits access to certain parts of the
+file system, it must be extra careful in parsing file names when
+enforcing such restrictions. There have been numerous reported
+security bugs where a ".." in a path name has allowed access outside
+the intended area.</p>
+<p>An empty path name is valid, and it refers to the user's default
+directory (usually the user's home directory).</p>
+<p>Otherwise, no syntax is defined for file names by this specification.
+Clients should not make any other assumptions; however, they can
+splice path name components returned by readdir() together
+using a slash ('/') as the separator, and that will work as expected.</p>
+<h2><a name='FileModes'>File Open Modes</a></h2>
+<p>File open mode is bitwise OR of mode flags:</p>
+ <dt><code>O_READ = 0x00000001</code>
+ <dd>Open the file for reading.
+ <dt><code>O_WRITE = 0x00000002</code>
+ <dd>Open the file for writing. If both this and O_READ are
+ specified, the file is opened for both reading and writing.
+ <dt><code>O_APPEND = 0x00000004</code>
+ <dd>Force all writes to append data at the end of the file.
+ <dt><code>O_CREAT = 0x00000008</code>
+ <dd>If this flag is specified, then a new file will be created if one
+ does not already exist (if O_TRUNC is specified, the new file will
+ be truncated to zero length if it previously exists).
+ <dt><code>O_TRUNC = 0x00000010</code>
+ <dd>Forces an existing file with the same name to be truncated to zero
+ length when creating a file by specifying O_CREAT.
+ O_CREAT MUST also be specified if this flag is used.
+ <dt><code>O_EXCL = 0x00000020</code>
+ <dd>Causes the request to fail if the named file already exists.
+ O_CREAT MUST also be specified if this flag is used.
+<h2><a name='FileAttributes'>File Attributes</a></h2>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+<i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i>
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> <i>&lt;object&gt;</i>
+<p>All attributes are optional.
+Tools and targets can define additional attributes. Predefined attributes are:</p>
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"Size" : <i>&lt;int&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - file size in bytes
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"UID" : <i>&lt;int&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - file owner user ID
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"GID" : <i>&lt;int&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - file owner group ID
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"Permissions" : <i>&lt;int&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - file access permissions
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"ATime" : <i>&lt;int&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - file last access time
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"MTime" : <i>&lt;int&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - file last modification time
+<h2><a name='ErrorCodes'>Error codes</a></h2>
+<p>The service uses standard format for error reports,
+see <a href='TCF Services.html#ErrorFormat'>Error Report Format</a>.</p>
+<p>Currently, the following values are defined for error code (other values may be
+defined by future versions of this protocol):</p>
+ <dt><code>STATUS_OK = 0</code>
+ <dd>Indicates successful completion of the operation.
+ <dt><code>STATUS_EOF = 1</code>
+ <dd>Indicates end-of-file condition; for 'read' it means that no
+ more data is available in the file, and for 'readdir' it
+ indicates that no more files are contained in the directory.
+ <dt><code>STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE = 2</code>
+ <dd>This code is returned when a reference is made to a file which
+ should exist but doesn't.
+ <dt><code>STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED = 3</code>
+ <dd>is returned when the authenticated user does not have sufficient
+ permissions to perform the operation.
+ <dt><code>STATUS_FAILURE = 4</code>
+ <dd>is a generic catch-all error message; it should be returned if an
+ error occurs for which there is no more specific error code.
+ <dt><code>STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE = 5</code>
+ <dd>may be returned if a badly formatted packet or protocol
+ incompatibility is detected.
+ <dt><code>STATUS_NO_CONNECTION = 6</code>
+ <dd>is a pseudo-error which indicates that the client has no
+ connection to the server (it can only be generated locally by the
+ client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+ <dt><code>STATUS_CONNECTION_LOST = 7</code>
+ <dd>is a pseudo-error which indicates that the connection to the
+ server has been lost (it can only be generated locally by the
+ client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+ <dt><code>STATUS_OP_UNSUPPORTED = 8</code>
+ <dd>indicates that an attempt was made to perform an operation which
+ is not supported for the server (it may be generated locally by
+ the client if e.g. the version number exchange indicates that a
+ required feature is not supported by the server, or it may be
+ returned by the server if the server does not implement an
+ operation).
+<h2><a name='Cmds'>Commands</a></h2>
+<h3><a name='CmdOpen'>open</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • open • <i>&lt;string: file name&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: mode&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command opens or creates a file on a remote system. If mode contains O_CREAT then new file is created, otherwise exsting
+file is opened. If the file is created, file attributes is looked up for UID, GID and permissions. If no attribute value is found in
+the command parameters, a default value is used.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file handle&gt;</i> •
+<i>&lt;file handle&gt;</i>
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> null
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> <i>&lt;string&gt;</i>
+<p>On success, the replay contains open file handle. The handle is encoded as a string of characters. Client should never try
+to decode the string, but should use it as is to issue further file access commands. Client should close the file when it is
+not needed any more. Server should close all files that were left open after client connection was closed ot terminated.</p>
+<h3><a name='CmdClose'>close</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • close • <i>&lt;string: file handle&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command closes a handle, which was open by 'open' or 'opendir' commands.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdRead'>read</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • read • <i>&lt;string: file handle&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: offset&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: size&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command reads bytes from an open file.
+In response to this request, the server will read as many bytes as it
+can from the file (up to `len'), and return them in a byte array.
+If an error occurs or EOF is encountered, the server may return
+fewer bytes then requested. Replay argument 'error report'
+will be not null in case of error, and argument 'eof' will be
+true in case of EOF. For normal disk files, it is guaranteed
+that this will read the specified number of bytes, or up to end of file
+or error. For e.g. device files this may return fewer bytes than requested.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: data&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;boolean: eof&gt;</i> •
+<p><i>&lt;string: data&gt;</i> is Base64 encoded byte array of file data. Number of bytes is determined by the string length.
+'eof' is true when 'data' contains all available bytes up to the end of the file.</p>
+<h3><a name='CmdWrite'>write</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • write • <i>&lt;string: file handle&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: offset&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: data&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command writes bytes into an open file.
+The write will extend the file if writing beyond the end of the file.
+It is legal to write way beyond the end of the file; the semantics
+are to write zeroes from the end of the file to the specified offset
+and then the data. <i>&lt;string: data&gt;</i> is Base64 encoded array of data bytes.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdStat'>stat</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • stat • <i>&lt;string: file name&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command retrieves file attributes.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdLStat'>lstat</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • lstat • <i>&lt;string: file name&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command retrieves file attributes.
+Unlike 'stat', 'lstat' does not follow symbolic links.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdFStat'>fstat</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • fstat • <i>&lt;string: file handle&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command retrieves file attributes for an open file (identified by the file handle).</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdSetStat'>setstat</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • setstat • <i>&lt;string: file name&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command sets file attributes.
+This request is used for operations such as changing the ownership,
+permissions or access times, as well as for truncating a file.
+An error will be returned if the specified file system object does
+not exist or the user does not have sufficient rights to modify the
+specified attributes.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdFSetStat'>fsetstat</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • fsetstat • <i>&lt;string: file handle&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command sets file attributes for an open file (identified by the file handle).
+This request is used for operations such as changing the ownership,
+permissions or access times, as well as for truncating a file.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdOpenDir'>opendir</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • opendir • <i>&lt;string: path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command opens a directory for reading.
+Once the directory has been successfully opened, files (and
+directories) contained in it can be listed using 'readdir' requests.
+When the client no longer wishes to read more names from the
+directory, it SHOULD call 'close' for the handle. The handle
+should be closed regardless of whether a read errors have occurred or not.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file handle&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdReadDir'>readdir</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • readdir • <i>&lt;string: file handle&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command returns one
+or more file names with full file attributes for each file. The
+client should call 'readdir' repeatedly until it has found the
+file it is looking for or until the server responds with a
+message indicating an error or end of file. The client should then
+close the handle using the 'close' request.
+Note: directory entries "." and ".." are NOT included into readdir()
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;array of directory entries&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;boolean: eof&gt;</i> •
+<i>&lt;array of directory entries&gt;</i>
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> null
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> [ ]
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> [ <i>&lt;directory entry list&gt;</i> ]
+<i>&lt;directory entry list&gt;</i>
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> <i>&lt;directory entry&gt;</i>
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> <i>&ltdirectory entry list&gt;</i> , <i>&lt;directory entry&gt;</i>
+<i>&lt;directory entry&gt;</i>
+ <font face=Wingdings>Ø</font> <i>&lt;object&gt;</i>
+<p>Directory entry attributes are:</p>
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"FileName" : <i>&lt;string&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - a file name being returned, it will be a relative name within the directory,
+ without any path components.
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"LongName" : <i>&lt;string&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - a human readable, expanded format for the file name, similar to what
+ is returned by "ls -l" on Unix systems
+ <li><code><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>"Attrs" : <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i></font></b></code>
+ - the attributes of the file as described in Section <a href='#FileAttributes'>File Attributes</a>.
+<h3><a name='CmdMkDir'>mkdir</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • mkdir • <i>&lt;string: directory path&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command creates a directory on the server.
+<i>&lt;string: directory path&gt;</i> specifies the directory to be created.
+<i>&lt;file attributes&gt;</i> specifies new directory attributes.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdRmDir'>rmdir</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • rmdir • <i>&lt;string: directory path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command removes a directory.
+An error will be returned if no directory
+with the specified path exists, or if the specified directory is not
+empty, or if the path specified a file system object other than a
+directory. <i>&lt;string: directory path&gt;</i> - specifies the directory to be removed.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdRoots'>roots</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • roots •
+<p>The command retrieves file system roots - top level file system objects.
+UNIX file system can report just one root with path "/". Other types of systems
+can have more the one root. For example, Windows server can return multiple roots:
+one per disc (e.g. "/C:/", "/D:/", etc.). Note: even Windows implementation of
+the service must use forward slash as directory separator, and must start
+absolute path with "/". Server should implement proper translation of
+protocol file names to OS native names and back.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;array of directory entries&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdRemove'>remove</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • remove • <i>&lt;string: path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command removes a file or symbolic link.
+This request cannot be used to remove directories.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdRealPath'>realpath</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • realpath • <i>&lt;string: path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command canonicalizes any given path name to an absolute path.
+This is useful for converting path names containing ".." components or
+relative pathnames without a leading slash into absolute paths.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: path&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdRename'>rename</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • rename • <i>&lt;string: old path&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: new path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command renames a file.
+It is an error if there already exists a file
+with the name specified by <i>&lt;string: new path&gt;</i>. The server may also fail rename
+requests in other situations, for example if <i>&lt;string: old path&gt;</i> and <i>&lt;string: new path&gt;</i>
+point to different file systems on the server.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdReadLink'>readlink</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • readlink • <i>&lt;string: link path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command reads the target of a symbolic link.
+<i>&lt;string: link path&gt;</i> specifies the path name of the symbolic link to be read.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: path&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdSymLink'>symlink</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • symlink • <i>&lt;string: link path&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: target path&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command creates a symbolic link on the server.
+<i>&lt;string: link path&gt;</i> specifies the path name of the symbolic link to be created.
+<i>&lt;string: target path&gt;</i> specifies the target of the symbolic link.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdCopy'>copy</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • copy • <i>&lt;string: source path&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: destination path&gt;</i> •
+ <i>&lt;boolean: copy permissions&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;boolean: copy ownership&gt;</i> •
+<p>The command copies a file on remote system.
+<i>&lt;string: source path&gt;</i> specifies the path name of the file to be copied.
+<i>&lt;string: destination path&gt;</i> specifies destination file name.
+If <i>&lt;boolean: copy permissions&gt;</i> is true then copy source file permissions.
+If <i>&lt;boolean: copy ownership&gt;</i> is true then copy source file UID and GID.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;error report&gt;</i> •
+<h3><a name='CmdUser'>user</a></h3>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+C • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • FileSystem • user •
+<p>The command retrieves information about user account, which is used by server
+to access file system on behalf of the client.</p>
+<pre><b><font face="Courier New" size=2 color=#333399>
+R • <i>&lt;token&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: real UID&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: effective UID&gt;</i> •
+ <i>&lt;int: real GID&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;int: effective GID&gt;</i> • <i>&lt;string: home directory&gt;</i> •
+<h2><a name='API'>API</a></h2>
+<font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * File System service provides file transfer (and more generally file
+ * system access) functionality in TCF. The service design is
+ * derived from SSH File Transfer Protocol specifications.
+ */</font>
+<font color=#7F0055>public interface</font> IFileSystem <font color=#7F0055>extends</font> IService {
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Service name.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>static final</font> String NAME = "FileSystem";
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Flags to be used with open() method.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>static final int</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Open the file for reading.
+ */</font>
+ O_READ = 0x00000001,
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Open the file for writing. If both this and O_READ are
+ * specified, the file is opened for both reading and writing.
+ */</font>
+ O_WRITE = 0x00000002,
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Force all writes to append data at the end of the file.
+ */</font>
+ O_APPEND = 0x00000004,
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * If this flag is specified, then a new file will be created if one
+ * does not already exist (if O_TRUNC is specified, the new file will
+ * be truncated to zero length if it previously exists).
+ */</font>
+ O_CREAT = 0x00000008,
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Forces an existing file with the same name to be truncated to zero
+ * length when creating a file by specifying O_CREAT.
+ * O_CREAT MUST also be specified if this flag is used.
+ */</font>
+ O_TRUNC = 0x00000010,
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Causes the request to fail if the named file already exists.
+ * O_CREAT MUST also be specified if this flag is used.
+ */</font>
+ O_EXCL = 0x00000020;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Flags to be used together with FileAttrs.
+ * The flags specify which of the fields are present. Those fields
+ * for which the corresponding flag is not set are not present (not
+ * included in the message).
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>static final int</font>
+ ATTR_SIZE = 0x00000001,
+ ATTR_UIDGID = 0x00000002,
+ ATTR_PERMISSIONS = 0x00000004,
+ ATTR_ACMODTIME = 0x00000008;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * FileAttrs is used both when returning file attributes from
+ * the server and when sending file attributes to the server. When
+ * sending it to the server, the flags field specifies which attributes
+ * are included, and the server will use default values for the
+ * remaining attributes (or will not modify the values of remaining
+ * attributes). When receiving attributes from the server, the flags
+ * specify which attributes are included in the returned data. The
+ * server normally returns all attributes it knows about.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>final static class</font> FileAttrs {
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The `flags' specify which of the fields are present.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final int</font> flags;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The `size' field specifies the size of the file in bytes.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final long</font> size;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The `uid' and `gid' fields contain numeric Unix-like user and group
+ * identifiers, respectively.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final int</font> uid;
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final int</font> gid;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The `permissions' field contains a bit mask of file permissions as
+ * defined by posix [1].
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final int</font> permissions;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The `atime' and `mtime' contain the access and modification times of
+ * the files, respectively. They are represented as milliseconds from
+ * midnight Jan 1, 1970 in UTC.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final long</font> atime;
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final long</font> mtime;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Additional (non-standard) attributes.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final</font> Map&lt;String,Object&gt; attributes;
+ <font color=#7F0055>public</font> FileAttrs(<font color=#7F0055>int</font> flags, <font color=#7F0055>long</font> size, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> uid, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> gid,
+ <font color=#7F0055>int</font> permissions, <font color=#7F0055>long</font> atime, <font color=#7F0055>long</font> mtime, Map&lt;String,Object&gt; attributes);
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Determines if the file system object is a file on the remote file system.
+ *
+ * @return true if and only if the object on the remote system can be considered to have "contents" that
+ * have the potential to be read and written as a byte stream.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public boolean</font> isFile();
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Determines if the file system object is a directory on the remote file system.
+ *
+ * @return true if and only if the object on the remote system is a directory.
+ * That is, it contains entries that can be interpreted as other files.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public boolean</font> isDirectory();
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The following flags are defined for the 'permissions' field:
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>static final int</font>
+ S_IFMT = 0170000, // bitmask for the file type bitfields
+ S_IFSOCK = 0140000, // socket
+ S_IFLNK = 0120000, // symbolic link
+ S_IFREG = 0100000, // regular file
+ S_IFBLK = 0060000, // block device
+ S_IFDIR = 0040000, // directory
+ S_IFCHR = 0020000, // character device
+ S_IFIFO = 0010000, // fifo
+ S_ISUID = 0004000, // set UID bit
+ S_ISGID = 0002000, // set GID bit (see below)
+ S_ISVTX = 0001000, // sticky bit (see below)
+ S_IRWXU = 00700, // mask for file owner permissions
+ S_IRUSR = 00400, // owner has read permission
+ S_IWUSR = 00200, // owner has write permission
+ S_IXUSR = 00100, // owner has execute permission
+ S_IRWXG = 00070, // mask for group permissions
+ S_IRGRP = 00040, // group has read permission
+ S_IWGRP = 00020, // group has write permission
+ S_IXGRP = 00010, // group has execute permission
+ S_IRWXO = 00007, // mask for permissions for others (not in group)
+ S_IROTH = 00004, // others have read permission
+ S_IWOTH = 00002, // others have write permisson
+ S_IXOTH = 00001; // others have execute permission
+ <font color=#7F0055>final static class</font> DirEntry {
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * `filename' is a file name being returned. It is a relative name within
+ * the directory, without any path components;
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final</font> String filename;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * `longname' is an expanded format for the file name, similar to what
+ * is returned by "ls -l" on Unix systems.
+ * The format of the `longname' field is unspecified by this protocol.
+ * It MUST be suitable for use in the output of a directory listing
+ * command (in fact, the recommended operation for a directory listing
+ * command is to simply display this data). However, clients SHOULD NOT
+ * attempt to parse the longname field for file attributes; they SHOULD
+ * use the attrs field instead.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final</font> String longname;
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * `attrs' is the attributes of the file.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>public final</font> FileAttrs attrs;
+ <font color=#7F0055>public</font> DirEntry(String filename, String longname, FileAttrs attrs);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Opaque representation of open file handle.
+ * Note: open file handle can be used only with service instance that
+ * created the handle.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> IFileHandle {
+ IFileSystem getService();
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Status codes.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>static final int</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Indicates successful completion of the operation.
+ */</font>
+ STATUS_OK = 0,
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Indicates end-of-file condition; for read() it means that no
+ * more data is available in the file, and for readdir() it
+ * indicates that no more files are contained in the directory.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * This code is returned when a reference is made to a file which
+ * should exist but doesn't.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * is returned when the authenticated user does not have sufficient
+ * permissions to perform the operation.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * is a generic catch-all error message; it should be returned if an
+ * error occurs for which there is no more specific error code.
+ *
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * may be returned if a badly formatted packet or protocol
+ * incompatibility is detected.
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * is a pseudo-error which indicates that the client has no
+ * connection to the server (it can only be generated locally by the
+ * client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * is a pseudo-error which indicates that the connection to the
+ * server has been lost (it can only be generated locally by the
+ * client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * indicates that an attempt was made to perform an operation which
+ * is not supported for the server (it may be generated locally by
+ * the client if e.g. the version number exchange indicates that a
+ * required feature is not supported by the server, or it may be
+ * returned by the server if the server does not implement an
+ * operation).
+ */</font>
+ <font color=#7F0055>abstract static class</font> FileSystemException extends IOException {
+ <font color=#7F0055>protected</font> FileSystemException(String message);
+ <font color=#7F0055>protected</font> FileSystemException(Exception x)
+ <font color=#7F0055>public abstract int</font> getStatus();
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Open or create a file on a remote system.
+ *
+ * @param file_name specifies the file name. See 'File Names' for more information.
+ * @param flags is a bit mask of O_* flags.
+ * @param attrs specifies the initial attributes for the file.
+ * Default values will be used for those attributes that are not specified.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken open(String file_name, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> flags, FileAttrs attrs, DoneOpen done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneOpen {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneOpen(IToken token, FileSystemException error, IFileHandle handle);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Close a file on a remote system.
+ *
+ * @param handle is a handle previously returned in the response to
+ * open() or opendir().
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken close(IFileHandle handle, DoneClose done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneClose {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneClose(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Read bytes from an open file.
+ * In response to this request, the server will read as many bytes as it
+ * can from the file (up to `len'), and return them in a byte array.
+ * If an error occurs or EOF is encountered, the server may return
+ * fewer bytes then requested. Call back method doneRead() argument 'error'
+ * will be not null in case of error, and argument 'eof' will be
+ * true in case of EOF. For normal disk files, it is guaranteed
+ * that this will read the specified number of bytes, or up to end of file
+ * or error. For e.g. device files this may return fewer bytes than requested.
+ *
+ * @param handle is an open file handle returned by open().
+ * @param offset is the offset (in bytes) relative
+ * to the beginning of the file from where to start reading.
+ * @param len is the maximum number of bytes to read.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken read(IFileHandle handle, long offset, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> len, DoneRead done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneRead {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneRead(IToken token, FileSystemException error, byte[] data, boolean eof);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Write bytes into an open file.
+ * The write will extend the file if writing beyond the end of the file.
+ * It is legal to write way beyond the end of the file; the semantics
+ * are to write zeroes from the end of the file to the specified offset
+ * and then the data.
+ *
+ * @param handle is an open file handle returned by open().
+ * @param offset is the offset (in bytes) relative
+ * to the beginning of the file from where to start writing.
+ * @param data is byte array that contains data for writing.
+ * @param data_pos if offset in 'data' of first byte to write.
+ * @param data_size is the number of bytes to write.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken write(IFileHandle handle, long offset,
+ byte[] data, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> data_pos, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> data_size, DoneWrite done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneWrite {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneWrite(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Retrieve file attributes.
+ *
+ * @param path - specifies the file system object for which
+ * status is to be returned.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken stat(String path, DoneStat done);
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Retrieve file attributes.
+ * Unlike 'stat()', 'lstat()' does not follow symbolic links.
+ *
+ * @param path - specifies the file system object for which
+ * status is to be returned.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken lstat(String path, DoneStat done);
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Retrieve file attributes for an open file (identified by the file handle).
+ *
+ * @param handle is a file handle returned by 'open()'.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken fstat(IFileHandle handle, DoneStat done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneStat {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneStat(IToken token, FileSystemException error, FileAttrs attrs);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Set file attributes.
+ * This request is used for operations such as changing the ownership,
+ * permissions or access times, as well as for truncating a file.
+ * An error will be returned if the specified file system object does
+ * not exist or the user does not have sufficient rights to modify the
+ * specified attributes.
+ *
+ * @param path specifies the file system object (e.g. file or directory)
+ * whose attributes are to be modified.
+ * @param attrs specifies the modifications to be made to file attributes.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken setstat(String path, FileAttrs attrs, DoneSetStat done);
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Set file attributes for an open file (identified by the file handle).
+ * This request is used for operations such as changing the ownership,
+ * permissions or access times, as well as for truncating a file.
+ *
+ * @param handle is a file handle returned by 'open()'.
+ * @param attrs specifies the modifications to be made to file attributes.
+ * @param done is call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken fsetstat(IFileHandle handle, FileAttrs attrs, DoneSetStat done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneSetStat {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneSetStat(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The opendir() command opens a directory for reading.
+ * Once the directory has been successfully opened, files (and
+ * directories) contained in it can be listed using readdir() requests.
+ * When the client no longer wishes to read more names from the
+ * directory, it SHOULD call close() for the handle. The handle
+ * should be closed regardless of whether an error has occurred or not.
+ * @param path - name of the directory to be listed (without any trailing slash).
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken opendir(String path, DoneOpen done);
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * The files in a directory can be listed using the opendir() and
+ * readdir() requests. Each readdir() request returns one
+ * or more file names with full file attributes for each file. The
+ * client should call readdir() repeatedly until it has found the
+ * file it is looking for or until the server responds with a
+ * message indicating an error or end of file. The client should then
+ * close the handle using the close() request.
+ * Note: directory entries "." and ".." are NOT included into readdir()
+ * response.
+ * @param handle - file handle created by opendir()
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken readdir(IFileHandle handle, DoneReadDir done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneReadDir {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneReadDir(IToken token, FileSystemException error, DirEntry[] entries, boolean eof);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Create a directory on the server.
+ *
+ * @param path - specifies the directory to be created.
+ * @param attrs - new directory attributes.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken mkdir(String path, FileAttrs attrs, DoneMkDir done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneMkDir {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneMkDir(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Remove a directory.
+ * An error will be returned if no directory
+ * with the specified path exists, or if the specified directory is not
+ * empty, or if the path specified a file system object other than a
+ * directory.
+ *
+ * @param path - specifies the directory to be removed.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken rmdir(String path, DoneRemove done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneRemove {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneRemove(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Retrieve file system roots - top level file system objects.
+ * UNIX file system can report just one root with path "/". Other types of systems
+ * can have more the one root. For example, Windows server can return multiple roots:
+ * one per disc (e.g. "/C:/", "/D:/", etc.). Note: even Windows implementation of
+ * the service must use forward slash as directory separator, and must start
+ * absolute path with "/". Server should implement proper translation of
+ * protocol file names to OS native names and back.
+ *
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken roots(DoneRoots done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneRoots {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneRoots(IToken token, FileSystemException error, DirEntry[] entries);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Remove a file or symbolic link.
+ * This request cannot be used to remove directories.
+ *
+ * @param file_name is the name of the file to be removed.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken remove(String file_name, DoneRemove done);
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Canonicalize any given path name to an absolute path.
+ * This is useful for converting path names containing ".." components or
+ * relative pathnames without a leading slash into absolute paths.
+ *
+ * @param path specifies the path name to be canonicalized.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken realpath(String path, DoneRealPath done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneRealPath {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneRealPath(IToken token, FileSystemException error, String path);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Rename a file.
+ * It is an error if there already exists a file
+ * with the name specified by 'new_path'. The server may also fail rename
+ * requests in other situations, for example if `old_path' and `new_path'
+ * point to different file systems on the server.
+ *
+ * @param old_path is the name of an existing file or directory.
+ * @param new_path is the new name for the file or directory.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken rename(String old_path, String new_path, DoneRename done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneRename {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneRename(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Read the target of a symbolic link.
+ *
+ * @param path specifies the path name of the symbolic link to be read.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken readlink(String path, DoneReadLink done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneReadLink {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneReadLink(IToken token, FileSystemException error, String path);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Create a symbolic link on the server.
+ *
+ * @param link_path specifies the path name of the symbolic link to be created.
+ * @param target_path specifies the target of the symbolic link.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken symlink(String link_path, String target_path, DoneSymLink done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneSymLink {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneSymLink(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Copy a file on remote system.
+ *
+ * @param src_path specifies the path name of the file to be copied.
+ * @param dst_path specifies destination file name.
+ * @param copy_permissions - if true then copy source file permissions.
+ * @param copy_ownership - if true then copy source file UID and GID.
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken copy(String src_path, String dst_path,
+ boolean copy_permissions, boolean copy_ownership, DoneCopy done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneCopy {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneCopy(IToken token, FileSystemException error);
+ }
+ <font color=#3F5FBF>/**
+ * Retrieve information about user account, which is used by server
+ * to access file system on behalf of the client.
+ *
+ * @param done - result call back object.
+ * @return pending command handle.
+ */</font>
+ IToken user(DoneUser done);
+ <font color=#7F0055>interface</font> DoneUser {
+ <font color=#7F0055>void</font> doneUser(IToken token, FileSystemException error,
+ <font color=#7F0055>int</font> real_uid, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> effective_uid, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> real_gid, <font color=#7F0055>int</font> effective_gid,
+ String home);
+ }

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