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How to setup a Target Explorer development environment

1. Download and extract the Eclipse SDK environment
	- Download the Eclipse Classic 4.x SDK package from
	- Extract the downloaded archive

	Note: To build the Target Explorer plug-in's, you need to have a Java SE 6 JDK installed.
	      The use of Java 6 language features is permitted.
2. Add the EGit team provider and the C/C++ tooling
	- Launch Eclipse
	- Open the "Install" dialog via "Help > Install New Software ..."
	- Select the Eclipse 4.x release site (
	  If not in the list, add it.
	- Choose the EGit team provider
			* Collaboration > Eclipse EGit and
			* Collaboration > Eclipse JGit
	- Choose the C/C++ tooling (Programming Languages > C/C++ Development Tools)
	- Install the additional components and restart Eclipse

3. Import the code formatter settings
	- Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter > Import...
	- Import from
4. Import the team project set
	- Import the project set from

5. Git setup for correct userid as per

6. Git setup the repo as per

7. Set up the target platform
	- Import the target platform definitions
		- File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace
		- Import admin/target-defs
	- Open the target platform definition file matching your desired target environment
		- If unsure, open the target platform definition providing the most recent Eclipse
		- If you see error about some features not found, press the "Update" button
		- Click on "Set as target platform" in the toolbar to activate the target platform

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