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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-03-23re Bug 571792: Replaced deprecated Observable object. Still looking forHEADmasterJames Kaufman2-41/+99
2021-03-05Fixed Java warnings: added Cast to Object[] to confirm the non-varargsJames Kaufman3-6/+6
2021-03-05Removed unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("...")James Kaufman3-3/+0
2021-03-05Organized importsJames Kaufman1-1/+0
2021-03-05Updated deprecated methodsJames Kaufman7-7/+7
2021-03-04Corrected launch configurationJames Kaufman2-27/+194
2021-03-04Added explicit Schema to all pom.xmlJames Kaufman8-133/+160
2021-03-04reverting to previous batik and working targetJames Kaufman2-4/+61
2021-03-04reconciled batik versionsJames Kaufman1-4/+4
2021-03-04adding temporary /target folders from maven to .gitignoreJames Kaufman1-0/+117
2021-03-04updated build to package JRE-11 with STEM patch from Harsha KrishnareddyJames Kaufman5-436/+77
2021-03-02commented out the JRE feature for nowJames Kaufman1-0/+2
2021-03-02used more specific url for target JREJames Kaufman2-1/+2
2021-03-01removed misplaced and incorrect xml fileJames Kaufman1-120/+0
2021-03-01updated url in target platformJames Kaufman1-2/+2
2021-03-01updated icons for brandingJames Kaufman1-3/+3
2021-03-01Updating to inlude JRE in the buildJames Kaufman3-8/+9
2021-02-26updated product file pluginsJames Kaufman12-11/+413
2021-02-26updated plugins to be included in built workspaceJames Kaufman3-2/+395
2021-02-26removed settings param that should not be there.java11branchJames Kaufman1-1/+0
2021-02-26restoring lost file plugin.xmlJames Kaufman1-0/+112
2021-02-26new Eclipse release from yesterday changed pathJames Kaufman2-2/+2
2021-02-26removed buid for 32 bit version of wondows and linuxJames Kaufman1-2/+6
2021-02-26moving to org.objweb.asm v 9James Kaufman1-1/+1
2021-02-26moved xml env to correct placeJames Kaufman1-13/+4
2021-02-26added definition ofJames Kaufman1-0/+14
2021-02-26specify the build plugin as well as the repositoryJames Kaufman1-109/+115
2021-02-25testing osgi repositoryJames Kaufman1-0/+5
2021-02-25removed tycho-snapshots (no longer exists)James Kaufman1-8/+0
2021-02-25added tycho-snapshotsJames Kaufman1-0/+8
2021-02-25added another repository to get apache collections4James Kaufman1-2/+6
2021-02-25changing repository to Kaufman1-1/+1
2021-02-25changes to POM.xmlJames Kaufman8-10/+10
2021-02-25fixing groupIDsJames Kaufman2-2/+2
2021-02-25removed specific BIRT from target platformJames Kaufman7-15/+6
2021-02-25relaxed version restriction on birt.ui dependencyJames Kaufman1-1/+1
2021-02-25Added required bundle Birt.core.ui and to targetJames Kaufman2-11/+16
2021-02-25reordered dependenciesJames Kaufman1-1/+1
2021-02-25Refactored (moved) class to simplify dependenciesJames Kaufman28-111/+111
2021-02-25Fixed genmodel reference is case sensitiveJames Kaufman2-5/+5
2021-02-25organized imports. corrected feature.xmlJames Kaufman13-28/+5
2021-02-25added import re Replaced deprecated methodJames Kaufman1-0/+1
2021-02-25Replaced deprecated methodJames Kaufman17-41/+21
2021-02-25Fixed deprecated constructors for Float, Character, Boolean, etc.James Kaufman12-41/+41
2021-02-25Fixed deprecated constructors for Double and IntegerJames Kaufman77-334/+334
2021-02-25new iconJames Kaufman1-0/+0
2021-02-25Fixed compiler compliance. Removed custom project compliance settings.James Kaufman105-718/+6
2021-02-25added new iconsJames Kaufman9-1/+397
2021-02-25explicitely added BIRT min version numberJames Kaufman1-2/+2
2021-02-25fixed warning from repo.urlJames Kaufman1-1/+1

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