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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-05-02[459993] MessageTranslator updated for translationSteve Monnier1-5/+7
2016-04-08[cleanup] Generate Sirius MM with EMF Mars.2 (table part)Laurent Redor42-551/+541
2016-02-24[cleanup] Generate MM without changes to have a clean formattingFlorian Barbin16-26/+26
2016-01-28[486654] Disable Typed Variable availability for toolsLaurent Fasani1-1/+19
2016-01-28[486654] Generate code with MM changesLaurent Fasani1-6/+9
2015-11-23[482528] Add abstract 'Extension' class under 'Group' in VSMsPierre-Charles David10-68/+67
2015-11-09[481733] Fix CCE and make the code more robustPierre-Charles David19-36/+55
2015-11-02[480773] Manage better editor opening on Eclipse restartEsteban Dugueperoux1-0/+3
2015-09-24[472057] Use the new mechanism everywhere instead of NLSPierre-Charles David1-13/+48
2015-09-04[472057] Externalize translatable strings from oes.table.uiLaurent Redor3-72/+288
2015-08-19[472057] Add required infrastructure for i18nPierre-Charles David1-4/+0
2015-08-13[470822] Add NON-NLS markers missed by EMF regenPierre-Charles David22-25/+25
2015-08-13[470822] Re-generate core metamodels with NON-NLS markersPierre-Charles David39-265/+386
2015-08-04[464269] Change VSM and representation meta-modelsLaurent Fasani1-0/+30
2015-05-07[cleanup] Refers to Ecore.ecore in an unique and consistent waycbrun2-2/+2
2015-03-31[cleanup] Update metamodel generation formattingLaurent Fasani42-353/+402
2015-03-30[462867] Mandatory VSM elements are created by defaultBenjamin Grouhan4-8/+80
2015-02-23[457125] Update color genFeaturesMaxime Porhel1-34/+17
2015-02-20[457125] Change RGBValues from an EClass to an EDatatypecbrun2-42/+5
2014-09-15[443279] Display of getLabel() instead of getName()Jessy Mallet12-36/+60
2014-08-21[441709] Generate Sirius meta-model with EMF 2.10Florian Barbin30-210/+30
2014-08-21[441586] Set default value for Intersection label expression in CrossJessy Mallet1-1/+6
2014-01-14[423037] Split tool, validation and concern EPackages.Laurent Redor5-32/+3
2014-01-06Merge branch 'master' into bug/423037_SplitDiagramEPackageLaurent Redor1-2/+10
2013-12-26[424662] modify the CrossTableDescriptionItemProvider to create defaultAlex Lagarde1-2/+10
2013-12-24[423037] Fix compilation problem for other projectsLaurent Redor1-2/+0
2013-12-05[cleanup] Update all @since annotations to reference 0.9.0Pierre-Charles David1-1/+1
2013-11-22[422260] Remove Contribution duplicated classes.Maxime PORHEL1-2/+2
2013-10-02Remove useless copyright fields in generated code.Pierre-Charles David42-294/+0
2013-10-02Post-rebranding fixes.Pierre-Charles David43-516/+128
2013-09-05Initial version.Stephane Bonnet43-0/+9674

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