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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-11-26[version] Bump version to 4.0.0Laurent Redor2-3/+3
2015-10-30[version] Bump version to 3.1.2Laurent Redor2-3/+3
2015-10-19[version] Bump version to 3.1.1Pierre-Charles David2-3/+3
2015-10-13[cleanup] Update generated property views formattingPierre-Charles David1-54/+54
2015-10-12[build] Baseliner updateMaxime Porhel1-2/+2
2015-08-04[464269] Change VSM and representation meta-modelsLaurent Fasani2-72/+88
2015-07-27[463662] Label size minimal value set to 1Steve Monnier2-1/+35
2015-06-10[version] Bump version to 3.1.0Pierre-Charles David2-3/+3
2015-05-18[build] Baseliner update for 3.0.0 RC1Maxime Porhel1-1/+1
2015-05-18[424422] Update viewpoint metamodel to support underline and strikeMélanie Bats1-20/+35
2015-05-18[441946] Reorder the menus (categories) of the contextual menu inBenjamin Grouhan4-24/+32
2015-05-05[build] Baseliner update for 3.0.0 M7v3.0.0M7Maxime Porhel1-10/+10
2015-05-04[456079] Add oes.table.ui dependency to oes.editor.tableLaurent Redor1-3/+1
2015-04-28[463456] Repair regressions in InterpretedExpresion property sectionsBenjamin Grouhan16-16/+48
2015-04-09[463456] Add multiline support in property sections of interpretedBenjamin Grouhan16-816/+336
2015-02-23[457851] Update version bumps based on semantic versioningMaxime Porhel1-36/+36
2015-02-03[457851] Bump bundle versions to 3.0.0v3.0.0M5Pierre-Charles David2-3/+3
2015-02-03[457851] Version bumps based on semantic versioningcbrun2-42/+40
2015-02-03[457851] Set target-provisionned API-baseline on projectscbrun2-0/+8
2014-12-30[456318] Update JDT preferences to build workspace with Mars.Florian Barbin1-1/+1
2014-12-30[421359] Remove the unused "description" fontMaxime Porhel27-31/+0
2014-12-12Revert "[428752] Switch auto-completion to PROPOSAL_REPLACE mode (2/2 src-gen)"Florian Barbin16-16/+0
2014-12-12Revert "[428752] move autocompletion binding from src-gen to src"Florian Barbin16-32/+752
2014-12-04[428752] move autocompletion binding from src-gen to srcLaurent Fasani16-752/+32
2014-12-04[428752] Switch auto-completion to PROPOSAL_REPLACE mode (2/2 src-gen)Laurent Fasani16-0/+16
2014-06-12[version] Bump version to 2.0.0Pierre-Charles David2-44/+44
2014-06-04[436343] Add all refactor menus after the Edit groupMaxime PORHEL4-4/+4
2014-06-02[436343] Remove ... from labels of submenusMaxime PORHEL4-8/+8
2014-05-26[435604] Restore pre-split tools property sectionsMaxime PORHEL1-2/+2
2014-05-19[435169] Remove the "incubation" mentionsPierre-Charles David1-1/+1
2014-04-02[430527] Change providerName to Eclipse Modeling ProjectPierre-Charles David2-2/+2
2014-02-28[427803] Update VSM editor menu buildersMaxime PORHEL1-10/+0
2014-02-04[423052] Generate editor code for table, tree, sequence diagram withoutLaurent Redor76-76/+76
2014-01-29[cleanup] Allow internal references inside SiriusPierre-Charles David1-1/+5
2014-01-21[423562] Use a local CheckStyle configurationPierre-Charles David1-1/+4
2013-12-24[423562] Revert the Java formatter settings to the previous versionPierre-Charles David1-2/+2
2013-12-24[423562] Use explicit versioning for exported packagesPierre-Charles David1-36/+36
2013-12-24[423562] Apply the same JDT preferences to all plug-insPierre-Charles David10-8/+415
2013-12-24[423562] Add missing javacProjectSettings flag to build.propertiesPierre-Charles David1-0/+1
2013-12-23[423562] Tighten the PDE configuration of all plug-insPierre-Charles David3-7/+40
2013-12-23[423562] Ensure all plug-ins have CheckStyle enabled with the same configPierre-Charles David3-22/+29
2013-12-20[423051] Introduce sirius.ext.swt and move a few basic classes into itPierre-Charles David1-0/+1
2013-12-05[version] Bump version number to 1.0.0Pierre-Charles David2-3/+3
2013-11-29[422638] Remove obsolete references to EditionTableExtensionDescriptionPierre-Charles David1-24/+0
2013-11-27[cleanup] All "Bundle-Name"s must include the word "incubation"Hugo Marchadour1-2/+2
2013-11-21[421616] Correct the property section rebrandingMaxime PORHEL1-23/+47
2013-10-15Bump version number to 0.9.0.Pierre-Charles David2-3/+3
2013-10-07Make JavaSE-1.6 the minimum version supported.Pierre-Charles David3-6/+6
2013-10-03Remove some not-regenerated files.Pierre-Charles David25-1712/+0
2013-10-02Post-rebranding fixes.Pierre-Charles David111-1191/+464

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