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https://github.com/mockito/mockito.git Mockito - Core (1.10.19) * License: Apache License, 2.0, New BSD license, MIT license * Project: http://mockito.org/ * Source: https://github.com/mockito/mockito Mozilla Rhino (1.7) * License: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL), New BSD license objenesis (2.2) * License: Apache License, 2.0 * Project: http://objenesis.org/ * Source: https://github.com/easymock/objenesis/releases/tag/2.2 org.apache.derby (10.5.3) * License: Apache License, 2.0 * Project: http://db.apache.org/derby/releases/release- * Source: http://db.apache.org/derby/releases/release- org.quartz (2.2.2) * License: Apache License, 2.0 * Project: http://quartz-scheduler.org/ * Source: http://quartz-scheduler.org/community/source-code org.quartz (2.2.3) * License: Apache License, 2.0 org.quartz (2.3.0) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/ * Source: https://github.com/quartz-scheduler/quartz plexus-utils (3.0.20) * License: Apache 2.0, Apache 1.1, BSD, Public Domain, Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License V1.1.1 (Apache 1.1 style) resolver.jar (1.2) * License: Apache License, 2.0 Saaj-api (1.3.8) * License: Common Development and Distribution License * Project: https://saaj.java.net/ * Source: https://github.com/gf-metro/saaj Saaj-api (1.3.5) * License: Common Development and Distribution License * Project: https://saaj.java.net/ * Source: https://github.com/gf-metro/saaj saaj.jar (1.2) * License: Apache License, 2.0 selenium-java (2.20.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0, New BSD (One File) * Project: http://seleniumhq.org/ * Source: http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/java/client/ selenium-java (2.25.0) * License: Apache Software License 2.0, BSD (One File) * Project: http://seleniumhq.org/ * Source: http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/java/client/ serializer.jar (2.7.1) * License: Apache License, 2.0 SLF4J (1.7.12) * License: MIT License SLF4J (1.7.12) * License: MIT License SLF4J API (1.5.11) * License: MIT license, MIT license with no endorsement clause SLF4J EXT (1.5.11) * License: MIT license SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j (1.5.11) * License: Apache License, 2.0 SLF4J jul-to-slf4j (1.5.11) * License: MIT license with "no endorsement" clause SLF4J log4j-over-slf4j (1.5.11) * License: Apache License, 2.0 slf4j-api (1.7.25) * License: MIT * Project: https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j * Source: https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j/releases/tag/v_1.7.25 slf4j-jdk14 (1.7.25) * License: MIT * Project: https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j * Source: https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j/releases/tag/v_1.7.25 slf4j-log4j12 (1.7.25) * License: MIT * Project: https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j * Source: https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j/releases/tag/v_1.7.25 source-map.js (0.1.33) * License: New BSD license * Project: https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/ * Source: https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/tree/0.1.33 sourcemapped-stacktrace (1.1.11) * License: BSD-3-Clause wagon-http (2.10) * License: Apache License, 2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-providers/wagon-http/ * Source: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=maven-wagon.git;a=tree;f=wagon-providers/wagon-http;h=945cb2adf7f483e4568be104e3e4ccce9688443f;hb=218d4d088cc2df5c5e18a2c286601494d723d25e wagon-http-shared (2.10) * License: Apache License, 2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-providers/wagon-http/ * Source: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=maven-wagon.git;a=tree;f=wagon-providers/wagon-http-shared;h=ee00155628ffa0ac6c82e1af43c1d67d37e4ae63;hb=218d4d088cc2df5c5e18a2c286601494d723d25e wagon-provider-api (2.10) * License: Apache License, 2.0 wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar (for Apache Axis (1.4) * License: Common Public License 1.0 wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar (for Apache Axis (1.4) * License: Common Public License 1.0 wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar (1.6.2) * License: Common Public License 1.0 Xalan (2.7.2) * License: Apache License, 2.0 Xalan Java Serializer (2.7.2) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://xalan.apache.org/xalan-j/ * Source: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xalan/java/ xalan.jar (2.7.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0 Xerces (2.9.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0 xerces (2.11.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0, W3C XML Graphics Commons (1.4.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0 XML Graphics Commons (2.2) * License: Apache-2.0 xml-apis.jar (1.3.04) * License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C xml-apis.jar (1.3.04) * License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C yuicompressor (2.4.8) * License: New BSD license yuicompressor (2.4.9) * License: BSD-3-Clause AND MPL-1.1 AND (GPL-2.0+ OR MPL-1.1) AND (GPL-2.0 OR MIT) * Project: https://github.com/BSI-Business-Systems-Integration-AG/yuicompressor * Source: https://github.com/BSI-Business-Systems-Integration-AG/yuicompressor/tree/v2.4.9-BSI-1 ## Cryptography Content may contain encryption software. 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