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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-09-26Remove legacy sonar builderMatthias Villiger1-5/+0
2016-07-19Update settings for new Eclipse NeonMatthias Villiger1-0/+5
2015-12-15add missing jsNatureStephan Leicht Vogt1-0/+11
2015-12-14update to MM 2.0 for automatic eclipse settingsStephan Leicht Vogt1-74/+1
2015-12-01remove old formatting styles Judith Gull1-12/+12
2015-11-03update files after org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html importStephan Leicht Vogt1-12/+12
2015-09-21swich parent to new maven-master pom maven_rt_plugin_config-masterStephan Leicht Vogt1-1/+0
2015-04-09project settings cleanup (sonar)Andreas Hoegger1-5/+0
2015-04-09project settings as linked resources for html modules.Andreas Hoegger1-0/+35
2015-04-09reorganize the project structure. all projects flat in git.Andreas Hoegger1-0/+67

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