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Diffstat (limited to 'rms/org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.pbs/data/pbs-torque-generic.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 794 deletions
diff --git a/rms/org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.pbs/data/pbs-torque-generic.xml b/rms/org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.pbs/data/pbs-torque-generic.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3885e2b..000000000
--- a/rms/org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.pbs/data/pbs-torque-generic.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ******************************************************************************* -->
-<!-- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of Illinois All rights reserved. This program -->
-<!-- * and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the -->
-<!-- * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is -->
-<!-- * available at -->
-<!-- * -->
-<!-- * Contributors: -->
-<!-- * Albert L. Rossi - design and implementation -->
-<!-- ****************************************************************************** -->
-<resource-manager-builder xmlns="http://org.eclipse.ptp/rm" xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation="resource_manager_type.xsd" name="pbs-torque-generic">
- <control-data>
- <property name="queues" visible="false"/>
- <!-- needed by RM internals for fetch; name is fixed by convention -->
- <property name="stdout_remote_path" visible="false"/>
- <!-- needed by RM internals for fetch; name is fixed by convention -->
- <property name="stderr_remote_path" visible="false"/>
- <property name="remote_path_tooltip" visible="false">
- <default><![CDATA[Not the same as the PBS attribute for stdout or stderr;
-used internally by the resource manager and should correspond
-to whatever path the scheduler will copy the output to at the
-end of execution; the job id can be included in this path
-using '@jobId'.]]></default>
- </property>
- <attribute name="mpiCommand" type="choice">
- <description>Which mpi command to use.</description>
- <choice>,mpiexec,mpirun</choice>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="mpiCores" min="1" type="integer">
- <description>the '-np' value</description>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Account_Name" type="string">
- <description>Account to which to charge this job.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: string</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Checkpoint" type="choice">
- <description>Determines when checkpointing (if supported) will be performed by PBS on behalf of the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: the strings "n" (no checkpointing),
-"s" (to be performed only when the server executing
-the job is shutdown), "c"s (to be performed at the
-default minimum time for thes servers executing the
-job), "c=mmmm" (to be performed at an intervals
-of minutes which is the integer number of minutes of CPUs
-time used bys the job; values must be greater than zero);
-defaults value: "u", which is unspecified.]]></tooltip>
- <choice>,u,n,s,c,c=????</choice>
- <default>u</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="depend" type="string">
- <description>The type of inter-job dependencies specified by the job owner.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: "type:jobid[,jobid...]"; default value: no dependencies.</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="destination" type="choice">
- <description>Designation of the queue to which to submit the job.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: queue[@server].</tooltip>
- <choice>normal,debug</choice>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="directive" type="string">
- <description>Defines the prefix that declares a directive to the qsub command within the script file.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[See the paragraph on script directives in the
-Extended Description section. If the option is presented with a
-directive_prefix argument that is the null string, qsub will
-not scan the script file for directives.]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Error_Path" type="string">
- <description>The final path name for the file containing the job's standard error stream.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: "[hostname:]pathname". If
-the option is not specified, the default file name for the
-standard error stream will be used. The default name has
-the following form: job_name.eSeq_num where job_name is
-the name of the job, see -N option, and Seq_num
-is the job number assigned when the job is submitted;
-default value: (job_name).e(job_number).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="export_all" type="boolean">
- <description><![CDATA[Declares that all environment variables in the qsub command's environment are to be exported to the batch job.]]></description>
- <default>true</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="group_list" type="string">
- <description><![CDATA[A list of composite-descriptor group="true"_names@hosts which determines the composite-descriptor group="true" under which the job is run on a given host.]]></description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: composite-descriptor
-group="true"_name[@host][,composite-descriptor group="true"_name[@host]...].
-When a job is to be placed into execution, the server will select a
-composite-descriptor group="true" name according to the following ordered set
-of rules: 1) Select the composite-descriptor group="true" name from
-the list for which the associated host name matches the name of the
-execution host; 2) Select the composite-descriptor group="true" name
-which has no associated host name, the wildcard name; 3) Use
-the login composite-descriptor group="true" for the username under
-which the job will be run.]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Hold_Types" type="choice">
- <description>The set of holds currently applied to the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[If the set is not null, the job will not be scheduled
-for execution and is said to be in the hold state. Note, the hold
-state takes precedence over the wait state. Format: string made up
-of the letters 'u', 's', 'o'; default value: no hold.]]></tooltip>
- <choice>,u,s,o</choice>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Job_Name" type="string">
- <description>The name assigned to the job by the qsub or qalter command.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: string up to 15 characters,
-first character must be alphabetic; default value:
-the base name of the job script or STDIN.]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Join_Path" type="boolean">
- <description>Merge stdout and stderr into stdout.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: boolean, values accepted are "True", "TRUE",
-"true", "Y", "y", "1", "False", "FALSE", "false", "N", "n", "0";
-default value: false.]]></tooltip>
- <default>false</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Keep_Files" type="choice">
- <description>Retain these streams on the execution host upon job termination.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: "o", "e", "oe" or "eo"; default value:
-no keep, return files to submission host.]]></tooltip>
- <choice>,o,e,oe,eo</choice>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Mail_Points" type="choice">
- <description>Identifies at which state changes the server will send mail about the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: string made up of the letters
-'a' for abort, 'b' for beginning, and default value:
- a', send on job abort.]]></tooltip>
- <choice>,a,b</choice>
- <default>a</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Mail_Users" type="string">
- <description>The set of users to whom mail may be sent when the job makes certain state changes.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: "user@host[,user@host]"; default value: job owner only.</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Output_Path" type="string">
- <description>The final path name for the file containing the job's standard output stream.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: "[hostname:]pathname". If the option
-is not specified, the default file name for the standard error stream
-will be used. The default name has the following form: job_name.oSeq_num
-where job_name is the name of the job, see -N option, and Seq_num
-is the job number assigned when the job is submitted;
-default value: (job_name).o(job_number).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Priority" type="string">
- <description>The job scheduling priority assigned by the user.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: "[+|-]nnnnn"; default value: undefined.</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Rerunnable" type="choice">
- <description>The rerunnable flag assigned by the user.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: "y" or "n", see Join_Path; default value: y, job is rerunable.</tooltip>
- <choice>,n,y</choice>
- <default>y</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.arch" type="string">
- <description>Specifies the administrator defined system architecture requried.</description>
- <tooltip>This defaults to whatever the PBS_MACH string is set to in "". Units: string.</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.cput" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of CPU time used by all processes in the job.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: [[hours:]minutes:]seconds[.milliseconds].</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.file" type="string">
- <description>The largest size of any single file that may be created by the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: integer[suffix]; the suffix is a multiplier
-in bytes or words (word size of the host): b (bytes),
-w (words), kb/kw (kilo), mb/mw (mega), gb/bw (giga).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="" type="string">
- <description>Name of host on which job should be run.</description>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.mem" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of memory used by all concurrent processes in the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: integer[suffix]; the suffix is a multiplier
-in bytes or words (word size of the host): b (bytes),
-w (words), kb/kw (kilo), mb/mw (mega), gb/bw (giga).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.nice" type="integer" min="0" max="10">
- <description>The nice value under which the job is to be run.</description>
- <tooltip>0 to 10.</tooltip>
- <default>0</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.nodes" type="string">
- <description>Number and/or type of nodes to be reserved for exclusive use by the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[The value is one or more node_specs joined with
-the '+' character, "node_spec[+node_spec...]. Each node_spec is
-a number of nodes required of the type declared in the node_spec
-and a name or one or more properity or properities desired for
-the nodes. The number, the name, and each properity in the
-node_spec are separated by a colon ':'. If no number is specified,
-one (1) is assumed. Units: string. The name of a node is its
-hostname. The properties of nodes are: ppn=# requested; defaults
-to 1; or an arbitrary string defined by system administrator.
-Example: To ask for 2 processors on each of two blue nodes and
-three processors on one red node: -l nodes=2:blue:ppn=2+red:ppn=3.]]></tooltip>
- <default>1</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.ompthreads" type="integer" min="1">
- <description>Number of threads per processor for Open MP jobs.</description>
- <default>1</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.pcput" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of CPU time used by any single process in the job.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: [[hours:]minutes:]seconds[.milliseconds].</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.pmem" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of physical memory (workingset) used by any single process of the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: integer[suffix]; the suffix is a multiplier
-in bytes or words (word size of the host): b (bytes), w (words), kb/kw
-(kilo), mb/mw (mega), gb/bw (giga).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.pvmem" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of virtual memory used by any single process in the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: integer[suffix]; the suffix is a multiplier
-in bytes or words (word size of the host): b (bytes), w (words), kb/kw
-(kilo), mb/mw (mega), gb/bw (giga).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.vmem" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of virtual memory used by all concurrent processes in the job.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: integer[suffix]; the suffix is a multiplier
-in bytes or words (word size of the host): b (bytes), w (words), kb/kw
-(kilo), mb/mw (mega), gb/bw (giga).]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Resource_List.walltime" type="string">
- <description>Maximum amount of real time during which the job can be in the running state.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: [[hours:]minutes:]seconds[.milliseconds].</tooltip>
- <default>00:30:00</default>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Shell_Path_List" type="string">
- <description>A set of absolute paths of the program to process the job's script file.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[Format: path[@host][,path[@host]...].
-If this is null, then the user's login shell on the host
-of execution will be used. Default value: null, login shell.]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="stagein" type="string">
- <description>The list of files to be staged in prior to job execution.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: local_path@remote_host:remote_path.</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="stageout" type="string">
- <description>The list of files to be staged out after job execution.</description>
- <tooltip>Format: local_path@remote_host:remote_path.</tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="User_List" type="string">
- <description>The list of user@hosts which determines the user name under which the job is run on a given host.</description>
- <tooltip><![CDATA[When a job is to be placed into execution,
-the server will select a user name from the list according
-to the following ordered set of rules: 1) Select the user
-name from the list for which the associated host name matches
-the name of the execution host; 2) Select the user name which
-has no associated host name, the wild card name; 3) Use the
-Job_Owner as the user name. Default value: job owner name.]]></tooltip>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Variable_List" type="string">
- <description>This is the list of environment variables passed with the Queue Job batch request.</description>
- </attribute>
- <script insertEnvironmentAfter="35">
- <line>
- <arg>#!/bin/bash</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -A">#PBS -A ${ptp_rm:Account_Name#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -c">#PBS -c ${ptp_rm:Checkpoint#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -W depend=">#PBS -W depend=${ptp_rm:depend#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -q">#PBS -q ${ptp_rm:destination#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -C">#PBS -C ${ptp_rm:line#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -e">#PBS -e ${ptp_rm:Error_Path#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -V">#PBS -V ${ptp_rm:export_all#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -W group_list=">#PBS -W group_list=${ptp_rm:group_list#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -h">#PBS -h ${ptp_rm:Hold_Types#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -N">#PBS -N ${ptp_rm:Job_Name#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -j">#PBS -j ${ptp_rm:Join_Path#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -k">#PBS -k ${ptp_rm:Keep_Files#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -m">#PBS -m ${ptp_rm:Mail_Points#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -M">#PBS -M ${ptp_rm:Mail_Users#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -o">#PBS -o ${ptp_rm:Output_Path#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -p">#PBS -p ${ptp_rm:Priority#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -r">#PBS -r ${ptp_rm:Rerunnable#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l arch=">#PBS -l arch=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.arch#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l cput=">#PBS -l cput=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.cput#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l file=">#PBS -l file=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.file#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l host=">#PBS -l host=${}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l mem=">#PBS -l mem=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.mem#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l nice=">#PBS -l nice=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.nice#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l nodes=">#PBS -l nodes=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.nodes#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l ompthreads=">#PBS -l ompthreads=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.ompthreads#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l pcput=">#PBS -l pcput=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.pcput#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l pmem=">#PBS -l pmem=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.pmem#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l pvmem=">#PBS -l pvmem=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.pvmem#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l vmem=">#PBS -l vmem=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.vmem#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -l walltime=">#PBS -l walltime=${ptp_rm:Resource_List.walltime#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -S">#PBS -S ${ptp_rm:Shell_Path_List#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -W stagein=">#PBS -W stagein=${ptp_rm:stagein#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -W stageout=">#PBS -W stageout=${ptp_rm:stageout#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -u">#PBS -u ${ptp_rm:User_List#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="#PBS -v">#PBS -v ${ptp_rm:Variable_List#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg>MPI_ARGS="-np ${ptp_rm:mpiCores#value}"</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">if [ "-np" == "${MPI_ARGS}" ] ; then</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false"> MPI_ARGS=</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">fi</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg>COMMAND=${ptp_rm:mpiCommand#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">if [ -n "${COMMAND}" ] ; then</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false"> COMMAND="${COMMAND} ${MPI_ARGS}</arg>
- <arg>${ptp_rm:executablePath#value} ${ptp_rm:progArgs#value}"</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">else</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg> COMMAND="${ptp_rm:executablePath#value} ${ptp_rm:progArgs#value}"</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">fi</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="cd">cd ${ptp_rm:directory#value}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">${COMMAND}</arg>
- </line>
- <line>
- <arg resolve="false">touch DONE</arg>
- </line>
- </script>
- <start-up-command name="get-queues">
- <arg>qstat</arg>
- <arg>-Q</arg>
- <arg>-f</arg>
- <stdout-parser delim="\n">
- <target ref="queues">
- <match>
- <expression>Queue: ([\w\d]+)</expression>
- <add field="value">
- <entry valueGroup="1"/>
- </add>
- </match>
- </target>
- </stdout-parser>
- </start-up-command>
- <submit-batch name="submit-batch" waitForId="true">
- <arg>qsub</arg>
- <arg>${ptp_rm:managed_file_for_script#value}</arg>
- <stdout-parser delim="\n" all="true" save="1">
- <target ref="@jobId">
- <match>
- <expression>([\d]+)[.].*</expression>
- <set field="name">
- <entry valueGroup="1"/>
- </set>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="SUBMITTED"/>
- </set>
- </match>
- </target>
- </stdout-parser>
- </submit-batch>
- <get-job-status name="get-job-status" ignoreExitStatus="true">
- <arg>qstat</arg>
- <arg>${ptp_rm:@jobId#name}</arg>
- <stdout-parser delim="\n">
- <target ref="@jobId">
- <match>
- <expression>.+[\s]+.+[\s]+.+[\s]+.+[\s]+([A-Z])[\s]+.+</expression>
- <set field="value">
- <entry valueGroup="1"/>
- </set>
- </match>
- <test op="EQ">
- <value>#value</value>
- <value>Q</value>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="QUEUED_ACTIVE"/>
- </set>
- </test>
- <test op="EQ">
- <value>#value</value>
- <value>R</value>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="RUNNING"/>
- </set>
- </test>
- <test op="EQ">
- <value>#value</value>
- <value>S</value>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="SUSPENDED"/>
- </set>
- </test>
- <test op="EQ">
- <value>#value</value>
- <value>C</value>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="COMPLETED"/>
- </set>
- </test>
- <test op="EQ">
- <value>#value</value>
- <value>E</value>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="COMPLETED"/>
- </set>
- </test>
- <test op="EQ">
- <value>#value</value>
- <value>H</value>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="SYSTEM_ON_HOLD"/>
- </set>
- </test>
- </target>
- </stdout-parser>
- <stderr-parser delim="\n">
- <target ref="@jobId">
- <match>
- <expression>.+</expression>
- <set field="value">
- <entry value="COMPLETED"/>
- </set>
- </match>
- </target>
- </stderr-parser>
- </get-job-status>
- <terminate-job name="cancel" ignoreExitStatus="true">
- <arg>qdel</arg>
- <arg>${ptp_rm:@jobId#name}</arg>
- </terminate-job>
- <launch-tab>
- <dynamic>
- <title>Basic PBS Settings</title>
- <!-- STDOUT/STDERR remote path group -->
- <composite group="true">
- <layout>
- <grid-layout numColumns="4" makeColumnsEqualWidth="false"/>
- </layout>
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" grabExcessHorizontal="false" horizontalSpan="4" widthHint="300"/>
- </layout-data>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <tooltip>${ptp_rm:remote_path_tooltip#default}</tooltip>
- <fixed-text>Remote Output Path:</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="text" style="SWT.BORDER" saveValueTo="stdout_remote_path">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="true" widthHint="100"/>
- </layout-data>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
- <fixed-text>Enable read upon job termination</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <tooltip>${ptp_rm:remote_path_tooltip#default}</tooltip>
- <fixed-text>Remote Error Path:</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="text" style="SWT.BORDER" saveValueTo="stderr_remote_path">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="true" widthHint="100"/>
- </layout-data>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
- <fixed-text>Enable read upon job termination</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- </composite>
- <!-- ATTRIBUTES group -->
- <composite group="true">
- <layout>
- <grid-layout numColumns="4" makeColumnsEqualWidth="false" horizontalSpacing="10" verticalSpacing="15"/>
- </layout>
- <!-- HEADER -->
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- <!-- row 1 -->
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- <fixed-text>${ptp_rm:Job_Name#description}</fixed-text>
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- <!-- row 2 -->
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
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- <fixed-text>Queue: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="combo" style="SWT.BORDER" readOnly="true" saveValueTo="destination">
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- <items-from>queues</items-from>
- </widget>
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- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
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- <fixed-text>${ptp_rm:destination#description}</fixed-text>
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- <!-- row 3 -->
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- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
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- <fixed-text>Number of nodes: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
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- <fixed-text>Total Memory Needed: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="text" style="SWT.BORDER" saveValueTo="Resource_List.mem">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="false" widthHint="150"/>
- </layout-data>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
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- <fixed-text>${ptp_rm:Resource_List.mem#description}</fixed-text>
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- <!-- row 5 -->
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- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
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- <fixed-text>Wallclock Time: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="text" style="SWT.BORDER" saveValueTo="Resource_List.walltime">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="false" widthHint="150"/>
- </layout-data>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
- <layout-data>
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- </layout-data>
- <fixed-text>${ptp_rm:Resource_List.walltime#description}</fixed-text>
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- <!-- row 6 -->
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
- </layout-data>
- <fixed-text>MPI Command: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
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- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
- </layout-data>
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- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
- </layout-data>
- <fixed-text>${ptp_rm:mpiCommand#description}</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <!-- row 7 -->
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" grabExcessHorizontal="false"/>
- </layout-data>
- <fixed-text>MPI Number of Cores: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="spinner" readOnly="true" saveValueTo="mpiCores">
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- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
- <layout-data>
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- <fixed-text>${ptp_rm:mpiCores#description}</fixed-text>
- </widget>
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- </dynamic>
- <dynamic>
- <title>Advanced PBS Settings</title>
- <composite>
- <layout>
- <grid-layout numColumns="1"/>
- </layout>
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data widthHint="600" heightHint="900" horizontalSpan="1"/>
- </layout-data>
- <!-- STDOUT/STDERR remote path group -->
- <composite group="true">
- <layout>
- <grid-layout numColumns="4" makeColumnsEqualWidth="false"/>
- </layout>
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" grabExcessHorizontal="false" horizontalSpan="4" widthHint="400"/>
- </layout-data>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <tooltip>${ptp_rm:remote_path_tooltip#default}</tooltip>
- <fixed-text>Remote Output Path:</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="text" style="SWT.BORDER" saveValueTo="stdout_remote_path">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="true" widthHint="175"/>
- </layout-data>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
- <fixed-text>Enable read upon job termination</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <tooltip>${ptp_rm:remote_path_tooltip#default}</tooltip>
- <fixed-text>Remote Error Path:</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="text" style="SWT.BORDER" saveValueTo="stderr_remote_path">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2" grabExcessHorizontal="true" widthHint="175"/>
- </layout-data>
- </widget>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT" foreground="SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE">
- <fixed-text>Enable read upon job termination</fixed-text>
- </widget>
- </composite>
- <!-- QUEUES remote path group -->
- <composite group="true">
- <layout>
- <grid-layout numColumns="3" makeColumnsEqualWidth="false"/>
- </layout>
- <widget type="label" style="SWT.LEFT">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING"/>
- </layout-data>
- <tooltip>${ptp_rm:destination#tooltip}</tooltip>
- <fixed-text>Queue: </fixed-text>
- </widget>
- <widget type="combo" style="SWT.BORDER" readOnly="true" saveValueTo="destination">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data widthHint="150" horizontalAlign="SWT.FILL" horizontalSpan="2"/>
- </layout-data>
- <items-from>queues</items-from>
- </widget>
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- <composite group="true">
- <layout>
- <grid-layout numColumns="1"/>
- </layout>
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- </layout-data>
- <dynamic-text>
- <arg>${ptp_rm:allAttributes#value}</arg>
- <arg isUndefinedIfMatches=" destination=''"> destination='${ptp_rm:destination#value}'</arg>
- </dynamic-text>
- </widget>
- <viewer name="allAttributes" style="SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI" sort="true" type="tree">
- <layout-data>
- <grid-data widthHint="600" heightHint="400" horizontalSpan="1"/>
- </layout-data>
- <column-data name="Name" width="175">
- <tooltip>Double-click on selected rows toggles their checked value.</tooltip>
- </column-data>
- <column-data name="Value" width="400">
- <tooltip>Click to activate value widget.</tooltip>
- </column-data>
- <items allPredefined="true">
- <exclude>destination</exclude>
- </items>
- <value pattern="@name='@value'"/>
- </viewer>
- </composite>
- </composite>
- </dynamic>
- <import>Import PBS Script</import>
- </launch-tab>
- </control-data>
- <monitor-data schedulerType="PBS"/>
-</resource-manager-builder> \ No newline at end of file

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