<p>This extension point is used to extend an existing intro configuration by providing more content, additional StandbyContentParts or additional IntroUrl actions. </p> <p>Since 3.2, this extension point is also used to contribute a presentation theme that can be used by welcome implementations to separate presentation and content. a fully qualified identifier of the target extension point an optional identifier of the extension instance an optional name of the extension instance Defines an extension to an intro configuration. Any page or group in an intro part configuration can be extended, if it has declared extensability by defining anchors. the id of an intro contribution that will be extended an intro content file. The content file is an XML file that contains the specifics of the intro (<a href="introContentFileSpec.html">intro content file format specification)</a>. The content file is parsed at run time by the intro framework. Based on the settings in this file, a certain number of pages, groups, and links are shown to the user when the intro is opened. standbyContentPart registration. Once registered, standby parts can be launched through an introURL action of the following format: <pre> http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showStandby?partId=&lt;id of standbyContentPart&gt; </pre> a unique id that identifies this standbyContentPart. the name of the plugin that holds the class defined in the "class" attribute. the fully qualified class name of the class that implements <code>org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.IStandbyContentPart</code> to handle displaying alternative standby content, such as a cheat sheet. custom Intro URL action registration. This can be used to create new Intro URL actions or a shortCut to predefined actions. a unique name that identifies this action. the macro which replaces the action name in the Intro URL. a unique identifier of the intro theme a translatable name of the intro theme that will be rendered in the UI a plug-in-relative path to the folder where the style sheets and associated graphics reside. an optional flag that indicates if this theme is the default. Default theme will be used if no theme is explicitly selected. an optional image of 4x3 ratio that will be used to preview this theme in the UI. Recommended size is 160x120. Scalable themes use only relative fonts. When a scalable theme is used toolbar items will be created to enlarge or reduce the font size by setting an absolute size for a containing element. an optional theme property that can be used by intro configurers to further customize intro presentation. unique name of the property value of the property 3.0 Here is an example implementation of this extension point: <p> <pre> <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.intro.configExtension"> <configExtension configId="com.org.xyz.introConfig" content="extensionContent.xml"/> <standbyContentPart id="com.org.xyz.myStandbyPart" class="com.org.xyz.internal.MyStandbyContent" pluginId="com.org.xyz"/> <action name="shortcutAction" replaces="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showStandby?partId=com.org.xyz.myStandbyPart"/> <action name="customAction" replaces="runAction?pluginId=com.org.xyz&amp;class=com.org.xyz.CustomAction&amp;param1=value1"/> <theme id="com.example.intro.flowers" name="A Nice Flowers Welcome" path="$nl$/themes/flowers" previewImage="$nl$/themes/flowers/preview.png"> </theme> </extension> </pre> </p> For further details see the spec for the org.eclipse.ui.intro.config API package. There are three supplied implementations: <ul> <li>org.eclipse.jdt, makes use of configExtension</li> <li>org.eclipse.pde, makes use of configExtension</li> <li>org.eclipse.platform, makes use of standbyContentPart</li> </ul> Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.<br> All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html">http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html</a>