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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-09-23Added tests for extra view, button and frame.Chris Goldthorpe1-1/+3
2009-05-26Update copyrightsChris Goldthorpe1-6/+6
2008-10-28Add browser folder to build.xmlv20081028Chris Goldthorpe1-0/+1
2008-07-11Added nl tests for searchChris Goldthorpe1-1/+2
2008-05-02Ensure the self testing cheat sheets get into the exported plugin.Chris Goldthorpe1-1/+2
2007-10-15Bug 205864 – Populate the new forms test plug-inv20071015Chris Goldthorpe1-2/+1
2007-04-19Added performance test for formsv20070423Chris Goldthorpe1-1/+2
2006-05-08update about.html with new simple version from AdrianCurtis D'Entremont1-1/+2
2006-03-28forgot to add to build.propertiesCurtis D'Entremont1-1/+2
2006-03-02[Bug 130191] New: File copyright references CPL instead of EPLv20060302bCurtis D'Entremont1-2/+2
2006-02-09Bug 127103[Help] Add filtering to TOCDejan Gloszic1-1/+2
2006-02-09*** empty log message ***Dejan Gloszic1-2/+0
2006-01-05*** empty log message ***Dejan Gloszic1-3/+12
2004-06-24Fix copyrightslparsons1-0/+10
2004-06-07Initial release of cheat sheet examples and testslparsons1-0/+4

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