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Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks/schema/quicklinks.exsd')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks/schema/quicklinks.exsd b/org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks/schema/quicklinks.exsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf14b5327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks/schema/quicklinks.exsd
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!-- Schema file written by PDE -->
+<schema targetNamespace="org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks" xmlns="">
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.schema plugin="org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks" id="org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks" name="Quicklinks Configuration"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ <documentation>
+ This extension point is used to configure the Quicklinks Welcome/Intro viewer component. Quicklinks are useful actions to be shown to a user in the Intro/Welcome. The Quicklinks use the Eclipse Core Commands framework (see the &lt;tt&gt;org.eclipse.ui.commands&lt;/tt&gt; extension point), but supports overriding the icon and text to be used for an item.
+The Quicklinks is experimental component and is not yet considered API.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <element name="extension">
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.element />
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ <complexType>
+ <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element ref="quicklink"/>
+ <element ref="override"/>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="point" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute translatable="true"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="quicklink">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ Defines a Quicklink component
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <complexType>
+ <attribute name="command" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ The command identifier to be invoked. The command can also be a serialized command to encode command parameters (see ParameterizedCommand#serialize() for details).
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="identifier" basedOn="org.eclipse.ui.commands/command/@id"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="label" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ The label to be displayed. If unspecified, the command name is used instead.
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute translatable="true"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="description" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ A description for the quicklink. If unspecified, use the command&apos;s description.
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute translatable="true"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="icon" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ The icon to be used for the quicklink. If unspecified, the command&apos;s associated image is used instead.
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="resource"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="importance">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ Define the level of importance of this item. If unspecified, defaults to &quot;low&quot;.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <simpleType>
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="high">
+ </enumeration>
+ <enumeration value="medium">
+ </enumeration>
+ <enumeration value="low">
+ </enumeration>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="standby" type="boolean">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ If true (the default), the Welcome/Intro part should be put into standby mode after executing the command.
+If false, the Welcome/Intro will remain open.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="override">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ Provide a mechanism for a theme to override the icons used to represent a command in a quicklink.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <complexType>
+ <attribute name="command" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ The command identifier as referenced in a &amp;lt;quicklink&amp;gt; element. The command can also be a serialized command to encode command parameters (see ParameterizedCommand#serialize() for details). The command may include simple &apos;*&apos; wildcards to match any substring. For example, &lt;code&gt;org.eclipse.ui.newWizard*&lt;/code&gt; will match any &quot;New&quot; wizard definitions.
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="identifier" basedOn="org.eclipse.ui.commands/command/@id"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="theme" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ The theme identifier. May be a comma-separated set of values.
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="identifier" basedOn="org.eclipse.ui.intro.configExtension/theme/@id"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="icon" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ The icon to be used for representing this command.
+ </documentation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="resource"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.section type="since"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ <documentation>
+ Quicklinks first appeared in the Eclipse Platform 4.6, part of the Neon release train.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.section type="examples"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ <documentation>
+ Here is an example of configuring a Quicklink:
+ &lt;extension
+ point=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Reuses command definition label and icons --&gt;
+ &lt;quicklink
+ command=&quot;org.eclipse.epp.mpc.ui.command.showMarketplaceWizard&quot;
+ icon=&quot;icons/mpcdrag.png&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;/quicklink&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Invoke a particular new wizard; place the Welcome/Intro in Standby mode on success --&gt;
+ &lt;quicklink
+ command=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.newWizard(newWizardId=org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.JavaProjectWizard)&quot;
+ description=&quot;Create a new Java Eclipse project&quot;
+ label=&quot;Create a new Java project&quot;
+ standby=&quot;true&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;/quicklink&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Allow overriding theme and icons for all newWizard-related commands --&gt;
+ &lt;override
+ command=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.newWizard*&quot;
+ icon=&quot;icons/solstice/new-project.png&quot;
+ theme=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.intro.universal.solstice&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;/override&gt;
+ &lt;/extension&gt;
+Quicklinks are shown using the Quicklinks Viewer Component in a &lt;tt&gt;introContent.xml&lt;/tt&gt; definition.
+ &lt;extensionContent id=&quot;quicklinks&quot; name=&quot;Quick Actions&quot; path=&quot;root/extra-group2/anchor&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;contentProvider
+ pluginId=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks&quot;
+ class=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks.QuicklinksViewer&quot;
+ id=&quot;quick-links&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;/contentProvider&gt;
+ &lt;/extensionContent&gt;
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.section type="apiinfo"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ <documentation>
+ Quicklinks are still experimental and not yet considered API.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.section type="implementation"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ <documentation>
+ Quicklinks are still experimental and not yet considered API.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>
+ <meta.section type="copyright"/>
+ </appinfo>
+ <documentation>
+ Copyright (c) 2016 Manumitting Technologies Inc and others.
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ Manumitting Technologies Inc - initial API and implementation
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>

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