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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2006-04-03Fixed rounding bugDani Megert1-7/+7
2006-03-28Updated copyright.Dani Megert7-6/+16
2006-03-09remove test for bug 130900 from DefaultPartitionerTestteicher1-0/+7
2006-03-08130900 FastPartitioner deletes partitions of length oneteicher1-0/+20
2006-01-24First cut of fix for bug 89599: [api][typing] Text Editor Undo stack (context...Dani Megert4-15/+101
2006-01-23Compact assignmentDani Megert3-3/+3
2005-11-09Updated versions according to Megert1-1/+1
2005-09-20Fixed bug 109104: Editor save does not write to disk (intermittent)Dani Megert1-0/+13
2005-07-11remove javadoc processing for test projectsteicher2-67/+67
2005-06-22101014 [typing] Argument not valid on paste upon selection at the end of a ve...teicher3-257/+291
2005-06-17Updated copyright date to 2005v20050617-1200Dani Megert12-12/+12
2005-06-09Released Susan's patch from bug 98245: [implementation] Text undos should pro...v20050609-1600Dani Megert1-22/+65
2005-05-22Adapted to new SWT packagingDani Megert1-1/+1
2005-04-25Released modified patch from Susan: improved undo manager. This includes a fi...Dani Megert1-0/+113
2005-04-22Added loops.Dani Megert1-2/+49
2005-04-22Added additional test provided by Susan.Dani Megert1-6/+39
2005-03-21Releases Susan's patch for bug 88172: StackOverflow when undoing "MoveLine"Dani Megert1-0/+30
2005-02-25updated about.htmlSonia Dimitrov1-15/+7
2005-02-25Converted from CPL to EPLDani Megert14-56/+56
2005-01-31FastPartitioner: new optimized Partitioner replacing DefaultPartitioner. see ...teicher2-6/+6
2005-01-31updated launch config to use SWT 3.1.0teicher1-1/+1
2004-11-17more commentsteicher1-22/+28
2004-11-17added AbstractReconcilerTestteicher4-0/+401
2004-11-01Removed empty plug-in class attributeDani Megert1-2/+1
2004-09-07Settting org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.specialParameterHidingField to...v20040907Dani Megert1-1/+1
2004-09-03Set "Incompatible .class files version in required binaries" to ignore (see b...Dani Megert1-1/+1
2004-09-01Set undocumentedEmptyBlock to ignore (see bug 72767)Dani Megert1-1/+1
2004-08-30empty performance target addedSonia Dimitrov1-0/+4
2004-08-27JDT compiler settingsDani Megert1-0/+64
2004-08-10made launch platform independentv200408100800teicher1-2/+9
2004-07-01Increased version to 3.1.0Dani Megert1-1/+1
2004-06-23Copyright fix - automated changes with releng toolv20040623_1600_post_copyrightDani Megert6-6/+6
2004-04-23*** empty log message ***Kai Maetzel3-0/+98
2004-04-22Javadoc and corrected suite nameDani Megert1-2/+4
2004-04-20commiting fix by Christof for wrong zero-length partitioningteicher2-13/+63
2004-04-17Added test.xmlDani Megert1-0/+51
2004-04-16Corrected build.propertiesDani Megert1-1/+5
2004-04-16Updated plugin.xml and added test suitesDani Megert5-19/+47
2004-04-15Removed main(..) methodDani Megert3-11/+7
2004-04-14support for open/zero-length partitions / teststeicher2-0/+436
2004-04-14Initial Release - work in progressInitial_ReleaseDani Megert15-0/+1771

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