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Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jface.text/src/org/eclipse/jface/text/source/inlined/')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jface.text/src/org/eclipse/jface/text/source/inlined/ b/org.eclipse.jface.text/src/org/eclipse/jface/text/source/inlined/
index 5d3b41c5332..c2313977a92 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jface.text/src/org/eclipse/jface/text/source/inlined/
+++ b/org.eclipse.jface.text/src/org/eclipse/jface/text/source/inlined/
@@ -76,18 +76,11 @@ class InlinedAnnotationDrawingStrategy implements IDrawingStrategy {
private static void draw(LineHeaderAnnotation annotation, GC gc, StyledText textWidget, int offset, int length,
Color color) {
- StyleRange style= null;
- try {
- style= textWidget.getStyleRangeAtOffset(offset);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return;
- }
+ int line= textWidget.getLineAtOffset(offset);
if (isDeleted(annotation)) {
// When annotation is deleted, update metrics to null to remove extra spaces of the line header annotation.
- if (style != null && style.metrics != null) {
- style.metrics= null;
- textWidget.setStyleRange(style);
- }
+ if (textWidget.getLineVerticalIndent(line) > 0)
+ textWidget.setLineVerticalIndent(line, 0);
if (gc != null) {
@@ -103,53 +96,20 @@ class InlinedAnnotationDrawingStrategy implements IDrawingStrategy {
annotation.draw(gc, textWidget, offset, length, color, x, y);
int height= annotation.getHeight();
if (height != 0) {
- // The inline annotation replaces one character by taking a place width
- // GlyphMetrics
- // Here we need to redraw this first character because GlyphMetrics clip this
- // character.
- // FIXME: remove this code when we need not redraw the character (see
- String s= textWidget.getText(offset, offset);
- Point charBounds= gc.stringExtent(s);
- int charWidth= charBounds.x;
- int charHeight= charBounds.y;
- annotation.setRedrawnCharacterWidth(charWidth);
- annotation.setRedrawnCharacterHeight(charHeight);
- StyleRange newStyle= updateStyle(annotation, style);
- if (newStyle != null) {
- textWidget.setStyleRange(newStyle);
- return;
- }
- // FIXME: remove this code when we need not redraw the character (see
- int charX= x + bounds.width - charWidth;
- int charY= y + bounds.height - textWidget.getLineHeight();
- if (style != null) {
- if (style.background != null) {
- gc.setBackground(style.background);
- gc.fillRectangle(charX, charY, charWidth + 1, bounds.height);
+ if (height != textWidget.getLineVerticalIndent(line)) {
+ if (annotation.oldLine != -1 && annotation.oldLine < textWidget.getLineCount()) {
+ textWidget.setLineVerticalIndent(annotation.oldLine, 0);
- if (style.foreground != null) {
- gc.setForeground(style.foreground);
- } else {
- gc.setForeground(textWidget.getForeground());
- }
- gc.setFont(annotation.getFont(style.fontStyle));
+ textWidget.setLineVerticalIndent(line, height);
- gc.drawString(s, charX, charY, true);
- } else if (style != null && style.metrics != null && style.metrics.ascent != 0) {
- // line header annotation had an height, reset it
- style.metrics= null;
- textWidget.setStyleRange(style);
+ annotation.oldLine= line;
+ return;
+ } else if (textWidget.getLineVerticalIndent(line) > 0) {
+ textWidget.setLineVerticalIndent(line, 0);
} else {
- if (style != null && style.metrics != null) {
- // Here GlyphMetrics ascent is done, the redraw of the full line width is done to avoid annotation clipping
+ if (textWidget.getLineVerticalIndent(line) > 0) {
+ // Here vertical indent is done, the redraw of the full line width is done to avoid annotation clipping
Rectangle bounds= textWidget.getTextBounds(offset, offset);
Rectangle client= textWidget.getClientArea();
textWidget.redraw(0, bounds.y, client.width, bounds.height, false);
@@ -160,52 +120,6 @@ class InlinedAnnotationDrawingStrategy implements IDrawingStrategy {
- * Returns the style to apply with GlyphMetrics ascent only if needed.
- *
- * @param annotation the line header annotation
- * @param style the current style and null otherwise.
- * @return the style to apply with GlyphMetrics ascent only if needed.
- */
- static StyleRange updateStyle(LineHeaderAnnotation annotation, StyleRange style) {
- int width= annotation.getRedrawnCharacterWidth();
- if (width == 0) {
- // Update GlyphMetrics only when mining was already drawn
- return null;
- }
- int height= annotation.getHeight();
- if (height == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- int fullHeight= height + annotation.getRedrawnCharacterHeight();
- if (style == null) {
- style= new StyleRange();
- Position position= annotation.getPosition();
- style.start= position.getOffset();
- style.length= 1;
- }
- GlyphMetrics metrics= style.metrics;
- if (!annotation.isMarkedDeleted()) {
- if (metrics == null) {
- metrics= new GlyphMetrics(fullHeight, 0, width);
- } else {
- if (metrics.ascent == fullHeight) {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * We must create a new GlyphMetrics instance because comparison with similarTo used
- * later in StyledText#setStyleRange will compare the same (modified) and won't
- * realize an update happened.
- */
- metrics= new GlyphMetrics(fullHeight, 0, width);
- }
- } else {
- metrics= null;
- }
- style.metrics= metrics;
- return style;
- }
- /**
* Draw the line content annotation inside line in the empty area computed by
* {@link GlyphMetrics}.

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