
Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/18 13:54:38 $

Purpose: Test the two types of refresh behavior available in the history view

Automatic Refresh

When a local file is modified and saved, a refresh event is sent out and the history view should show the newest revision. This will work for both local history and CVS history files. (CVS files need to have the history view in the appropriate viewing mode: either "Remote and Local Revisions" or "Local Revisions".)

  1. With a file history in the History View, and the viewer in an appropriate mode if a CVS file, open an editor on the workspace copy of the file in the history view.
  2. Edit the file and save.
  3. Verify that a new local revision gets added to the history view which reflects your change.

Manual Refresh

There is also a Refresh button on the toolbar. This is mainly useful for CVS file histories if you want to check if any revisions have been committed. Note that its not really of any use for local revisions as they are updated automatically.

  1. With a CVS file history in the History View, make a change to the file and save. (You should see the local version updated in the history view.)
  2. Commit the file.
  3. Hit the Refresh toolbar button and verify that the new revision gets displayed in the history view,