Committing Changes

Since: 3.1 M4
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/18 13:54:37 $

Committing changes to existing files

  1. Edit some existing files in a CVS project
  2. Choose Team>Commit on the project from the Navigator
  3. The commit dialog should show a preview of the files that are to be committed and allow a commit comment to be entered.

Some things to try:

Committing new files

  1. Add a few new files to a project including some with unknown extensions and some with no extensions.
  2. Choose Team>Commit on the project from the Navigator
  3. The first page of the commit wizard will allow you to configure the file types for any new files whose content type cannot be determined.
  4. Click Next and verify that the content type was determined properly.
  5. Choose to ignore one of the files and verify that the file is removed and the .cvsignore appears.

Committing files contained in a Change Set

  1. From the Synchronize view, select all the changes from the same Change Set.
  2. Choose Commit and verify that the comment in the commit dialog is the one from the change Set.