Remote resources

Since: 3.0 M5
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/18 13:54:37 $

Compare With... in Repositories view

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select a project in HEAD and choose Compare With... from context menu
  2. Select a branch tag
  3. Ensure result of comparison is correct
  4. Repeat and in step 2) use a version tag

Repeat the above steps for a project in a branch and a project version.

Repeat the above steps for a selected folder and a selected file.

Compare on two selections in Repositories view

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. CTRL-select a project in a branch
  3. Choose Compare from context menu
  4. Ensure result of comparison is correct

Repeat the above for various combinations (branch + version, version + branch, branch + branch, version + version).

Repeat the above steps for a selected folder and a selected file.

Compare on two selections in Resource History view.

Perform the following steps: