Check Out - prompts

Since: 3.0 M5
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/06/01 19:14:48 $

Scenario 1

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout
  3. Ensure project was checked out properly
  4. Select the same project and choose Checkout As
  5. Use the same name and specify a custom location
  6. Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite
  7. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Scenario 2

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout
  3. Ensure project was checked out properly
  4. Delete the project but leave the contents on disk
  5. Perform a Checkout of the same project again
  6. Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite
  7. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Scenario 3

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout As
  3. Use the same name and specify a custom location
  4. Ensure project was checked out properly
  5. Delete the project but leave the contents on disk
  6. Perform a Checkout As of the same project to the same location as in step 3
  7. Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite
  8. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Scenario 4

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout As
  3. Use the same name and specify a custom location
  4. Ensure project was checked out properly
  5. Delete the project but leave the contents on disk
  6. Perform a Checkout on the project
  7. Ensure project was checked out properly
  8. Perform a Checkout As of the same project to the same location as in step 3
  9. Ensure that the user is prompted twice: once to overwrite project and once to overwrite custom location
  10. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior