@echo off rem Team UI benchmark script rem Expects the following plugins to be installed: rem org.eclipse.core.tests.harness rem org.eclipse.team.core rem org.eclipse.team.cvs.core rem org.eclipse.team.cvs.ui rem org.eclipse.team.tests.cvs rem org.eclipse.team.tests.cvs.core rem org.eclipse.team.ui rem org.junit set ROOT=D:\PerformanceTesting set ECLIPSE=%ROOT%\eclipse set REPOSITORY_PROPERTIES=%ROOT%\repository.properties rem set TEST=cvsui.benchmark.all rem set REPEAT=25 rem set IGNOREFIRST=-ignorefirst set TEST=cvsui.benchmark.command set REPEAT=25 set IGNOREFIRST=-ignorefirst set LOG=%ROOT%\%TEST%.xml set WORKSPACE=%ECLIPSE%\workspace set JRE=%ROOT%\jre set JAVA=%JRE%\bin\java.exe set HARNESS=org.eclipse.team.tests.cvs.core.harness set VMARGS=-Declipse.cvs.properties=%REPOSITORY_PROPERTIES% set PROGARGS=-dev bin -noupdate -application %HARNESS% -test %TEST% -log %LOG% -purge -repeat %REPEAT% %IGNOREFIRST% pushd %ECLIPSE% echo Purging the workspace: %WORKSPACE% del /S /F /Q %WORKSPACE% >NUL: @echo on @echo Running Team UI benchmark test %JAVA% -cp startup.jar %VMARGS% org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main %PROGARGS% @echo off popd