/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.mappings; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job; import org.eclipse.team.core.TeamException; import org.eclipse.team.core.diff.*; import org.eclipse.team.core.diff.provider.DiffTree; import org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers.Subscriber; import org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfo; import org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet; import org.eclipse.team.core.variants.IResourceVariant; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.core.*; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.core.mapping.CVSCheckedInChangeSet; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.core.resources.RemoteResource; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.core.syncinfo.ResourceSyncInfo; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.CVSUIPlugin; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.Policy; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.operations.RemoteLogOperation.LogEntryCache; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.subscriber.CVSChangeSetCollector; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.subscriber.LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler; import org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.subscriber.LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler.ILogsFetchedListener; import org.eclipse.team.internal.core.mapping.SyncInfoToDiffConverter; import org.eclipse.team.internal.core.subscribers.*; import org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizePageConfiguration; import org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SynchronizePageActionGroup; public class CheckedInChangeSetCollector extends BatchingChangeSetManager implements ILogsFetchedListener { /* * Constant used to store the log entry handler in the configuration so it can * be kept around over layout changes */ private static final String LOG_ENTRY_HANDLER = CVSUIPlugin.ID + ".LogEntryHandler"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /* ***************************************************************************** * Special sync info that has its kind already calculated. */ private class CVSUpdatableSyncInfo extends CVSSyncInfo { public int kind; public CVSUpdatableSyncInfo(int kind, IResource local, IResourceVariant base, IResourceVariant remote, Subscriber s) { super(local, base, remote, s); this.kind = kind; } @Override protected int calculateKind() throws TeamException { return kind; } } IDiffChangeListener diffTreeListener = new IDiffChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChanged(IDiffTree tree, int property, IPath[] paths) { // Ignore } @Override public void diffsChanged(IDiffChangeEvent event, IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (event.getTree().isEmpty()) { ChangeSet changeSet = getChangeSet(event.getTree()); if (changeSet != null) { remove(changeSet); } } else { ChangeSet changeSet = getChangeSet(event.getTree()); if (changeSet != null) { fireResourcesChangedEvent(changeSet, getAffectedPaths(event)); } } } private IPath[] getAffectedPaths(IDiffChangeEvent event) { Set result = new HashSet(); IPath[] removed = event.getRemovals(); for (int i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) { IPath path = removed[i]; result.add(path); } IDiff[] diffs = event.getAdditions(); for (int j = 0; j < diffs.length; j++) { IDiff diff = diffs[j]; result.add(diff.getPath()); } diffs = event.getChanges(); for (int j = 0; j < diffs.length; j++) { IDiff diff = diffs[j]; result.add(diff.getPath()); } return (IPath[]) result.toArray(new IPath[result.size()]); } }; private final ISynchronizePageConfiguration configuration; private boolean disposed; private LogEntryCache logEntryCache; private final Subscriber subscriber; private HashSet updatedSets; public CheckedInChangeSetCollector(ISynchronizePageConfiguration configuration, Subscriber subscriber) { this.configuration = configuration; this.subscriber = subscriber; } /** * Return the configuration for the page that is displaying the model created * using this collector. * @return the configuration for the page that is displaying the model created * using this collector */ public final ISynchronizePageConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } @Override protected void handleSetAdded(ChangeSet set) { ((DiffChangeSet)set).getDiffTree().addDiffChangeListener(diffTreeListener); super.handleSetAdded(set); if (updatedSets != null) { updatedSets.add(set); ((DiffTree)((DiffChangeSet)set).getDiffTree()).beginInput(); } } @Override protected void handleSetRemoved(ChangeSet set) { ((DiffChangeSet)set).getDiffTree().removeDiffChangeListener(diffTreeListener); super.handleSetRemoved(set); } protected ChangeSet getChangeSet(IDiffTree tree) { ChangeSet[] sets = getSets(); for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) { ChangeSet changeSet = sets[i]; if (((DiffChangeSet)changeSet).getDiffTree() == tree) { return changeSet; } } return null; } public void handleChange(IDiffChangeEvent event) { List removals = new ArrayList(); List additions = new ArrayList(); removals.addAll(Arrays.asList(event.getRemovals())); additions.addAll(Arrays.asList(event.getAdditions())); IDiff[] changed = event.getChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < changed.length; i++) { IDiff diff = changed[i]; additions.add(diff); removals.add(diff.getPath()); } if (!removals.isEmpty()) { remove((IPath[]) removals.toArray(new IPath[removals.size()])); } if (!additions.isEmpty()) { add((IDiff[]) additions.toArray(new IDiff[additions.size()])); } } protected void remove(IPath[] paths) { ChangeSet[] sets = getSets(); for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) { DiffChangeSet set = (DiffChangeSet)sets[i]; set.remove(paths); } } public synchronized LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler getLogEntryHandler() { LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = (LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler)getConfiguration().getProperty(LOG_ENTRY_HANDLER); if (handler == null) { handler = initializeLogEntryHandler(getConfiguration()); } handler.setListener(this); return handler; } /* * Initialize the log entry handler and place it in the configuration */ private LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler initializeLogEntryHandler(final ISynchronizePageConfiguration configuration) { final LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler logEntryHandler = new LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler(configuration); configuration.setProperty(LOG_ENTRY_HANDLER, logEntryHandler); // Use an action group to get notified when the configuration is disposed configuration.addActionContribution(new SynchronizePageActionGroup() { @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = (LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler)configuration.getProperty(LOG_ENTRY_HANDLER); if (handler != null) { handler.shutdown(); configuration.setProperty(LOG_ENTRY_HANDLER, null); } } }); return logEntryHandler; } protected void add(IDiff[] diffs) { LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = getLogEntryHandler(); if (handler != null) try { handler.fetch(getSyncInfos(diffs)); } catch (CVSException e) { CVSUIPlugin.log(e); } } private SyncInfo[] getSyncInfos(IDiff[] diffs) { SyncInfoSet set = new SyncInfoSet(); for (int i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) { IDiff diff = diffs[i]; set.add(getConverter().asSyncInfo(diff, getSubscriber().getResourceComparator())); } return set.getSyncInfos(); } public Subscriber getSubscriber() { return subscriber; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.views.HierarchicalModelProvider#dispose() */ @Override public void dispose() { // No longer listen for log entry changes // (The handler is disposed with the page) disposed = true; LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = getLogEntryHandler(); if (handler != null) handler.setListener(null); getConfiguration().setProperty(CVSChangeSetCollector.CVS_CHECKED_IN_COLLECTOR, null); logEntryCache = null; super.dispose(); } /** * Fetch the log histories for the remote changes and use this information * to add each resource to an appropriate commit set. */ private void handleRemoteChanges(final SyncInfo[] infos, final LogEntryCache logEntries, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { beginSetUpdate(); addLogEntries(infos, logEntries, monitor); } finally { endSetUpdate(monitor); } } private void beginSetUpdate() { updatedSets = new HashSet(); } private void endSetUpdate(IProgressMonitor monitor) { for (Iterator iter = updatedSets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { DiffChangeSet set = (DiffChangeSet) iter.next(); try { ((DiffTree)set.getDiffTree()).endInput(monitor); } catch (RuntimeException e) { CVSUIPlugin.log(IStatus.ERROR, "Internal error", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } updatedSets = null; } /* * Add the following sync info elements to the viewer. It is assumed that these elements have associated * log entries cached in the log operation. */ private void addLogEntries(SyncInfo[] commentInfos, LogEntryCache logs, IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { monitor.beginTask(null, commentInfos.length * 10); if (logs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < commentInfos.length; i++) { addSyncInfoToCommentNode(commentInfos[i], logs); monitor.worked(10); } } } finally { monitor.done(); } } /* * Create a node for the given sync info object. The logs should contain the log for this info. * * @param info the info for which to create a node in the model * @param log the cvs log for this node */ private void addSyncInfoToCommentNode(SyncInfo info, LogEntryCache logs) { LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = getLogEntryHandler(); if (handler != null) { ICVSRemoteResource remoteResource = handler.getRemoteResource(info); if(handler.getSubscriber() instanceof CVSCompareSubscriber && remoteResource != null) { addMultipleRevisions(info, logs, remoteResource); } else { addSingleRevision(info, logs, remoteResource); } } } /* * Add a single log entry to the model. * * @param info * @param logs * @param remoteResource */ private void addSingleRevision(SyncInfo info, LogEntryCache logs, ICVSRemoteResource remoteResource) { ILogEntry logEntry = logs.getLogEntry(remoteResource); if (remoteResource != null && !remoteResource.isFolder()) { // For incoming deletions grab the comment for the latest on the same branch // which is now in the attic. try { String remoteRevision = ((ICVSRemoteFile) remoteResource).getRevision(); if (isDeletedRemotely(info)) { ILogEntry[] logEntries = logs.getLogEntries(remoteResource); for (int i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) { ILogEntry entry = logEntries[i]; String revision = entry.getRevision(); if (entry.isDeletion() && ResourceSyncInfo.isLaterRevision(revision, remoteRevision)) { logEntry = entry; } } } } catch (TeamException e) { // continue and skip deletion checks } } addRemoteChange(info, remoteResource, logEntry); } /* * Add multiple log entries to the model. * * @param info * @param logs * @param remoteResource */ private void addMultipleRevisions(SyncInfo info, LogEntryCache logs, ICVSRemoteResource remoteResource) { ILogEntry[] logEntries = logs.getLogEntries(remoteResource); if(logEntries == null || logEntries.length == 0) { // If for some reason we don't have a log entry, try the latest // remote. addRemoteChange(info, null, null); } else { for (int i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) { ILogEntry entry = logEntries[i]; addRemoteChange(info, remoteResource, entry); } } } private boolean isDeletedRemotely(SyncInfo info) { int kind = info.getKind(); if(kind == (SyncInfo.INCOMING | SyncInfo.DELETION)) return true; if(SyncInfo.getDirection(kind) == SyncInfo.CONFLICTING && info.getRemote() == null) return true; return false; } /* * Add the remote change to an incoming commit set */ private void addRemoteChange(SyncInfo info, ICVSRemoteResource remoteResource, ILogEntry logEntry) { if (disposed) return; LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = getLogEntryHandler(); if(handler != null && remoteResource != null && logEntry != null && handler.isRemoteChange(info)) { if(requiresCustomSyncInfo(info, remoteResource, logEntry)) { info = new CVSUpdatableSyncInfo(info.getKind(), info.getLocal(), info.getBase(), (RemoteResource)logEntry.getRemoteFile(), getSubscriber()); try { info.init(); } catch (TeamException e) { // this shouldn't happen, we've provided our own calculate kind } } IDiff diff = getConverter().getDeltaFor(info); // Only add the info if the base and remote differ IResourceVariant base = info.getBase(); IResourceVariant remote = info.getRemote(); if ((base == null && remote != null) || (remote == null && base != null) || (remote != null && base != null && !base.equals(remote))) { synchronized(this) { CVSCheckedInChangeSet set = getChangeSetFor(logEntry); if (set == null) { set = createChangeSetFor(logEntry); add(set); } set.add(diff); } } } else { // The info was not retrieved for the remote change for some reason. // Add the node to the root //addToDefaultSet(DEFAULT_INCOMING_SET_NAME, info); } } private SyncInfoToDiffConverter getConverter() { SyncInfoToDiffConverter converter = Adapters.adapt(subscriber, SyncInfoToDiffConverter.class); if (converter == null) converter = SyncInfoToDiffConverter.getDefault(); return converter; } private CVSCheckedInChangeSet createChangeSetFor(ILogEntry logEntry) { return new CVSCheckedInChangeSet(logEntry); } private CVSCheckedInChangeSet getChangeSetFor(ILogEntry logEntry) { ChangeSet[] sets = getSets(); for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) { ChangeSet set = sets[i]; if (set instanceof CVSCheckedInChangeSet && set.getComment().equals(logEntry.getComment()) && ((CVSCheckedInChangeSet)set).getAuthor().equals(logEntry.getAuthor())) { return (CVSCheckedInChangeSet)set; } } return null; } private boolean requiresCustomSyncInfo(SyncInfo info, ICVSRemoteResource remoteResource, ILogEntry logEntry) { // Only interested in non-deletions if (logEntry.isDeletion()) return false; // Only require a custom sync info if the remote of the sync info // differs from the remote in the log entry IResourceVariant remote = info.getRemote(); if (remote == null) return true; return !remote.equals(remoteResource); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SyncInfoSetChangeSetCollector#waitUntilDone(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public void waitUntilDone(IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.worked(1); // wait for the event handler to process changes. LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler handler = getLogEntryHandler(); if (handler != null) { while(handler.getEventHandlerJob().getState() != Job.NONE) { monitor.worked(1); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Policy.checkCanceled(monitor); } } monitor.worked(1); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.subscriber.LogEntryCacheUpdateHandler.ILogsFetchedListener#logEntriesFetched(org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ @Override public void logEntriesFetched(SyncInfoSet set, LogEntryCache logEntryCache, IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (disposed) return; // Hold on to the cache so we can use it while commit sets are visible this.logEntryCache = logEntryCache; try { beginInput(); handleRemoteChanges(set.getSyncInfos(), logEntryCache, monitor); } finally { endInput(monitor); } } public ICVSRemoteFile getImmediatePredecessor(ICVSRemoteFile file) throws TeamException { if (logEntryCache != null) return logEntryCache.getImmediatePredecessor(file); return null; } }