/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.core.resources.*; import org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.RemoteResourceMappingContext; import org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.ResourceTraversal; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import org.eclipse.team.core.TeamException; import org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfo; import org.eclipse.team.core.variants.IResourceVariant; import org.eclipse.team.internal.core.*; /** * A resource mapping context that provides the client access to the remote state * of local resources using a subscriber. It uses a SyncInfoFilter * to determine whether the local contents differ from the remote contents. * This allows the context to be used for different operations (check-in, * update and replace). * @since 3.2 */ public class SubscriberResourceMappingContext extends RemoteResourceMappingContext { private final Subscriber subscriber; // Lists used to keep track of resources that have been refreshed private Set shallowRefresh = new HashSet(); private Set deepRefresh = new HashSet(); private boolean autoRefresh; /** * Return a resource mapping context suitable for comparison operations. * Comparisons require that any out-of-sync resources have contents * that differ. * @param subscriber the subscriber * @return a resource mapping context suitable for compare operations */ public static RemoteResourceMappingContext createContext(Subscriber subscriber) { return new SubscriberResourceMappingContext(subscriber, true); } /** * Create a resource mapping context for the given subscriber * @param subscriber the subscriber * from the local contents * @param autoRefresh whether the context should auto-refresh when queried */ public SubscriberResourceMappingContext(Subscriber subscriber, boolean autoRefresh) { this.subscriber = subscriber; this.autoRefresh = autoRefresh; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.mapping.RemoteResourceMappingContext#hasRemoteChange(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public final boolean hasRemoteChange(IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { monitor.beginTask(null, 100); ensureRefreshed(resource, IResource.DEPTH_ONE, NONE, monitor); SyncInfo syncInfo = subscriber.getSyncInfo(resource); validateRemote(resource, syncInfo); if (syncInfo == null) return false; int direction = SyncInfo.getDirection(syncInfo.getKind()); return direction == SyncInfo.OUTGOING || direction == SyncInfo.CONFLICTING; } finally { monitor.done(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.mapping.RemoteResourceMappingContext#hasLocalChange(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public boolean hasLocalChange(IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { SyncInfo syncInfo = subscriber.getSyncInfo(resource); if (syncInfo == null) return false; int direction = SyncInfo.getDirection(syncInfo.getKind()); return direction == SyncInfo.OUTGOING || direction == SyncInfo.CONFLICTING; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.ResourceMappingContext#fetchContents(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public final IStorage fetchRemoteContents(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { monitor.beginTask(null, 100); ensureRefreshed(file, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, FILE_CONTENTS_REQUIRED, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 10)); SyncInfo syncInfo = subscriber.getSyncInfo(file); IResourceVariant remote = validateRemote(file, syncInfo); if (remote == null) { return null; } return remote.getStorage(Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 90)); } finally { monitor.done(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.mapping.RemoteResourceMappingContext#fetchBaseContents(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public final IStorage fetchBaseContents(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { monitor.beginTask(null, 100); ensureRefreshed(file, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, FILE_CONTENTS_REQUIRED, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 10)); SyncInfo syncInfo = subscriber.getSyncInfo(file); IResourceVariant base = validateBase(file, syncInfo); if (base == null) { return null; } return base.getStorage(Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 90)); } finally { monitor.done(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.ResourceMappingContext#fetchMembers(org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public final IResource[] fetchMembers(IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { monitor.beginTask(null, 100); ensureRefreshed(container, IResource.DEPTH_ONE, NONE, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 100)); SyncInfo syncInfo = subscriber.getSyncInfo(container); if (validateRemote(container, syncInfo) == null) { // There is no remote so return an empty array return new IResource[0]; } return subscriber.members(container); } finally { monitor.done(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.ResourceMappingContext#refresh(org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.ResourceTraversal[], int, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public final void refresh(ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { subscriber.refresh(traversals, monitor); for (int i = 0; i < traversals.length; i++) { ResourceTraversal traversal = traversals[i]; refreshed(traversal.getResources(), traversal.getDepth()); } } /** * Refresh the subscriber and cache the fact that the resources were refreshed by * calling the refreshed method. The default implementation only refreshes * the state and does not fetch contents in the FILE_CONTENTS_REQUIRED * flag is passed. It is up to subclass to handle this. * @param resources the resources to be refreshed * @param depth the depth of the refresh * @param flags the flags that indicate extra state that should be fetched * @param monitor a progress monitor * @throws TeamException */ protected void refresh(IResource[] resources, int depth, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException { subscriber.refresh(resources, depth, monitor); refreshed(resources, depth); } /** * Record the fact that the resources have been refreshed to the given depth. * This is done so that accesses to refreshed resources will not need to perform * another refresh. * @param resources the resources that were refreshed * @param depth the depth to which the resources were refreshed */ protected final void refreshed(IResource[] resources, int depth) { for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { IResource resource = resources[i]; // Include files and depth-one folders as shallow if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE || resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) { shallowRefresh.add(resource); } else if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE) { deepRefresh.add(resource); } } } /* * Ensure that the given resource has been refreshed to the specified depth * since the context has been created. */ private void ensureRefreshed(IResource resource, int depth, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException { if (autoRefresh) { if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE) { // If the resource or a parent was refreshed deeply, no need to do it again if (wasRefreshedDeeply(resource)) return; // if the resource is a file, a shallow refresh is enough if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE && wasRefreshedShallow(resource)) return; } else { if (wasRefreshedShallow(resource)) return; } refresh(new IResource[] { resource }, depth, flags, monitor); } } /* * Look for a shallow refresh of the resource. If not there, * look fir a deep refresh of a parent or a shallow refresh of the * direct parent if the resource is a file. */ private boolean wasRefreshedShallow(IResource resource) { if (shallowRefresh.contains(resource)) return true; if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE && shallowRefresh.contains(resource.getParent())) return true; if (wasRefreshedDeeply(resource)) return true; return false; } /* * Look for a deep refresh of the resource or any of it's parents */ private boolean wasRefreshedDeeply(IResource resource) { if (resource.getType() == IResource.ROOT) return false; if (deepRefresh.contains(resource)) return true; return wasRefreshedDeeply(resource.getParent()); } /* * Validate that the remote resource is of the proper type and return the * remote resource if it is OK. A return of null indicates that there is no remote. */ private IResourceVariant validateRemote(IResource resource, SyncInfo syncInfo) throws CoreException { if (syncInfo == null) return null; IResourceVariant remote = syncInfo.getRemote(); if (remote == null) return null; return validateRemote(resource, remote); } private IResourceVariant validateRemote(IResource resource, IResourceVariant remote) throws CoreException { boolean containerExpected = resource.getType() != IResource.FILE; if (remote.isContainer() && !containerExpected) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TeamPlugin.ID, IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_WRONG_TYPE, Messages.SubscriberResourceMappingContext_0 + resource.getFullPath().toString(), null)); } else if (!remote.isContainer() && containerExpected) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TeamPlugin.ID, IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_WRONG_TYPE, Messages.SubscriberResourceMappingContext_1 + resource.getFullPath().toString(), null)); } return remote; } /* * Validate that the base resource is of the proper type and return the * base resource if it is OK. A return of null indicates that there is no base. */ private IResourceVariant validateBase(IResource resource, SyncInfo syncInfo) throws CoreException { if (syncInfo == null) return null; IResourceVariant base = syncInfo.getBase(); if (base == null) return null; return validateRemote(resource, base); } /** * Set whether the context should refresh the state of resources * when their state is requested. The context keeps track of what * resources were refreshed and only auto-refreshes a resource * once. * @param autoRefresh whether the context should refresh the state of resources * when their state is requested */ public void setAutoRefresh(boolean autoRefresh) { this.autoRefresh = autoRefresh; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.RemoteResourceMappingContext#isThreeWay() */ public boolean isThreeWay() { return subscriber.getResourceComparator().isThreeWay(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.RemoteResourceMappingContext#contentDiffers(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public boolean contentDiffers(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { return hasRemoteChange(file, monitor) || hasLocalChange(file, monitor); } public IProject[] getProjects() { Set projects = new HashSet(); IResource[] roots = subscriber.roots(); for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { IResource resource = roots[i]; projects.add(resource.getProject()); } return (IProject[]) projects.toArray(new IProject[projects.size()]); } }