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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-04-02bug 225127: Adopt API Tooling by CVSTomasz Zarna1-0/+6
2005-11-01Fixed a bunch of warnings using quickfixMichael Valenta1-7/+0
2004-08-20Bug 61255 reduce deprecation warnings for core.runtime.compatibilityMichael Valenta1-1/+0
2004-06-16Bug 56683 [Doc] core CVS extension point namesMichael Valenta1-0/+11
2003-12-15*** empty log message ***Michael Valenta1-0/+4
2003-12-11Use dynamic classpaths when updating these!Jean Michel-Lemieux1-4/+0
2003-12-11OSGI changed my .projectRoot_branch_20031218_pessimisticProviderMichael Valenta1-0/+2
2003-12-02- Removed direct UI dependacy from the ssh2 connection method. ToJean Michel-Lemieux1-0/+1
2003-11-24Updated classpath and project dependendies.Jean Michel-Lemieux1-0/+22

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