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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2002-04-2512584: NPE in CVS preference pageMichael Valenta1-3/+4
2002-04-11NLS updatesMichael Valenta1-1/+1
2002-04-1113185: NPE while discarding a locationMichael Valenta1-1/+5
2002-04-10moved classes to this internal package: Michel-Lemieux1-7/+7
2002-04-08First pass of new tag configuration dialog and workflowsJean Michel-Lemieux1-4/+8
- less loss of context in dialogs that require user to pikc a tag - can configure that any file be examined when refreshing tags - multiple-select enabled for compare and replace with
2002-03-13- Conflicting changes now properly categorized as conflicting Jean Michel-Lemieux1-1/+1
additions/deletions/change. - ignore base tree becomes three way in the sync classes. - EclipseFile handles cvs server reponses of create/update/changed correctly.
2002-03-06IResource support in CVS.Jean Michel-Lemieux1-0/+139
- new cvs synchronizer based on the Eclipse sync info support - performance improvements for batching of cvs operations

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