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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-09-30fixing .gitignore for bins in nested plugins in o.e.compareTomasz Zarna1-0/+1
2011-09-30bug 358392: Compare editor does not show author if opened fromI20110926-0800Tomasz Zarna2-7/+9
2011-09-14Remove redundant superinterface -- IAdaptableTomasz Zarna1-3/+7
2011-09-01bug 356300: The constructor InstanceScope() is deprecated, call InstanceScope...I20110912-1300Tomasz Zarna12-28/+30
2011-08-31Fixed bug 356302: StringTokenizer is not in icu.baseDani Megert1-4/+3
2011-08-31Fixed typo.Tomasz Zarna1-1/+1
2011-08-23Updated version numbersI20110823-0800Tomasz Zarna1-1/+1
2011-08-11Bug 351094 - SSH2 Key Management Comment Field stuck on RSA-1024yamanaka1-3/+42
2011-08-10bug 348787: NPE in CompareEditorInput.setDirty in Eclipse 3.7 [ID-MAMS9]Tomasz Zarna1-50/+17
2011-07-18Sync'ing bundle version with Zarna1-1/+1
2011-07-18Fixed bundle version.Dani Megert1-1/+1
2011-07-14bug 293926: CompareUIPlugin.findContentViewerDescriptor returns null even if ...Tomasz Zarna3-3/+117
2011-05-25The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:R3_7I20110525-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+7
2011-05-25bug 347124: [Wizards] Import Team Project Set page is missing mnemonics for r...Tomasz Zarna1-3/+3
2011-05-25bug 328676: [Tests] CVSMergeSubscriberTest#test46007 fails randomlyTomasz Zarna1-4/+11
2011-05-20Improved readabiltiy of description.v20110520-0800Dani Megert1-1/+1
2011-05-18Fixed typo.Dani Megert1-2/+2
2011-05-13The map file has been updated.I20110514-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+5
2011-05-13Fixed broken line delimiter.Tomasz Zarna1-1/+2
2011-05-11The map file has been updated.I20110511-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+5
2011-05-11Fixed broken line delimiters.v20110511-0702Dani Megert4-4/+8
2011-05-10The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:I20110510-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+6
2011-05-10bug 343241: DBCS3.7 Fail to compare MS Word's docx format document filesTomasz Zarna1-1/+1
2011-05-05Fixed broken line delimiter.Dani Megert5-5/+10
2011-05-05Fixed broken line delimiter.Dani Megert2-2/+4
2011-05-05Updated CopyrightsTomasz Zarna47-37/+437
2011-05-05CVS requires 3.7.v20110505-0800Dani Megert1-1/+1
2011-05-04The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:I20110504-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+6
2011-05-04Updated copyright date.v20110504-0800Dani Megert3-4/+4
2011-05-03update copyrightsv20110503Kim Moir3-3/+3
2011-05-02bug 337550: [History View] Add simple branch filter to CVS History viewTomasz Zarna5-8/+37
2011-04-21Committed Gosia's patch to fix parts of bug 319661: Patch wizard excludes cha...I20110423-0725Dani Megert5-13/+15
2011-04-19Exit loop when done.Dani Megert1-0/+1
2011-04-19The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:I20110421-0800I20110419-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+10
2011-04-19bug 342541: [History View] New Branches column: column widths need some work ...Tomasz Zarna2-3/+38
2011-04-19bug 341348 - version of needs to be incrementedSzymon Brandys1-1/+1
2011-04-19bug 209834: *.a under "Team->Ignored Resources" unchecks itself after each se...Tomasz Zarna1-1/+1
2011-04-19bug 294650: create patch dialog does not always select all files - Gosia's fi...Tomasz Zarna4-10/+190
2011-04-18bug 342541: [History View] New Branches column: column widths need some work ...Tomasz Zarna4-7/+260
2011-04-18Don't show help controls.Dani Megert1-3/+3
2011-04-15bug 342541: [History View] New Branches column: column widths need some workTomasz Zarna1-5/+1
2011-04-15bug 340666: Cannot save changes in compare editor for 2 projects - Gosia's patchTomasz Zarna3-8/+112
2011-04-14Don't treat optional errors as fatal errors.Dani Megert1-2/+2
2011-04-14Added missing @since tag.Dani Megert1-2/+2
2011-04-12Fixed typo.Dani Megert1-2/+2
2011-04-12The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:I20110412-0800Tomasz Zarna1-0/+8
2011-04-12Fixed bug 342513: NLS missing message: HistoryFilterDialog_branchnameDani Megert1-1/+0
2011-04-11bug 76386: [History View] CVS Resource History shows revisions from all branc...Tomasz Zarna1-13/+15
2011-04-11bug 76386: [History View] CVS Resource History shows revisions from all branc...Tomasz Zarna1-7/+201
2011-04-11bug 76386: [History View] CVS Resource History shows revisions from all branc...Tomasz Zarna16-80/+274

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