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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25d4f3681..000000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
-public class WorkflowTests extends BenchmarkTest {
- private int FILE_SIZE_MEAN = 16384;
- private int FILE_SIZE_VARIANCE = 12288;
- private int PROB_BINARY = 5;
- private static final String SHARE_PROJECT = "Share";
- private static final String CHECKOUT_PROJECT = "Checkout";
- private static final String COMMIT1 = "Commit1";
- private static final String COMMIT2 = "Commit2";
- private static final String COMMIT3 = "Commit3";
- private static final String COMMIT4 = "Commit4";
- private static final String UPDATE1 = "Update1";
- private static final String UPDATE2 = "Update2";
- private static final String UPDATE3 = "Update3";
- private static final String UPDATE4 = "Update4";
- private static final String REPLACE1 = "Replace1";
- private static final String REPLACE2 = "Replace2";
- private static final String REPLACE3 = "Replace3";
- private static final String TAG1 = "Tag1";
- private static final String[] PERFORMANCE_GROUPS = new String[] {
- };
- public WorkflowTests() {
- super();
- }
- public WorkflowTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public static Test suite() {
- return suite(WorkflowTests.class);
- }
- public void testBigWorkflow() throws Exception {
- runWorkflowTests("testBig", BenchmarkTestSetup.BIG_ZIP_FILE, "CVS Big Workflow", BenchmarkTestSetup.LOOP_COUNT, false);
- }
- public void testBigWorkflowForSummary() throws Exception {
- runWorkflowTests("testBigGlobal", BenchmarkTestSetup.BIG_ZIP_FILE, "CVS Workflow", BenchmarkTestSetup.LOOP_COUNT, true);
- }
- /**
- * Runs a series of incoming and outgoing workflow-related tests.
- */
- protected void runWorkflowTests(String name, File initialContents, String globalName, int loopCount, boolean global) throws Exception {
- setupGroups(PERFORMANCE_GROUPS, globalName, global);
- for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
- final SequenceGenerator gen = new SequenceGenerator();
- IProject outProject = createAndImportProject(name, initialContents);
- // test project sharing
- startGroup(SHARE_PROJECT);
- shareProject(outProject);
- endGroup();
- // move the project out of the way
- String moduleName = outProject.getName();
- BenchmarkUtils.renameResource(outProject, moduleName + "out");
- outProject = BenchmarkUtils.getProject(moduleName + "out");
- // test initial project checkout
- IProject inProject = BenchmarkUtils.getProject(moduleName);
- checkoutProject(inProject, moduleName, null);
- endGroup();
- // Test incoming and outgoing change scenarios
- // Test 1: adding a new component - localized additions and some changes
- startGroup(COMMIT1);
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 5);
- BenchmarkUtils.touchRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 2);
- IFolder componentRoot = BenchmarkUtils.createRandomDeepFolder(gen, outProject);
- BenchmarkUtils.createRandomDeepFiles(gen, componentRoot, 12, FILE_SIZE_MEAN, FILE_SIZE_VARIANCE, PROB_BINARY);
- syncCommitResources(new IResource[] { outProject }, "");
- endGroup();
- // Test 1: catching up to a new component - localized additions and some changes
- startGroup(UPDATE1);
- syncUpdateResources(new IResource[] { inProject });
- endGroup();
- // Test 2: fixing a bug - localized changes
- startGroup(COMMIT2);
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, componentRoot, 2);
- BenchmarkUtils.touchRandomDeepFiles(gen, componentRoot, 2);
- syncCommitResources(new IResource[] { outProject }, "");
- endGroup();
- // Test 2: catching up to a bug fix - localized changes
- startGroup(UPDATE2);
- syncUpdateResources(new IResource[] { inProject });
- endGroup();
- // Test 3: moving a package - scattered changes, files moved
- startGroup(COMMIT3);
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 5); // a few scattered changes
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, componentRoot, 12); // changes to "package" stmt
- BenchmarkUtils.renameResource(componentRoot, BenchmarkUtils.makeUniqueName(gen, "folder", null));
- syncCommitResources(new IResource[] { outProject }, "");
- endGroup();
- // Test 3: catching up to a moved package - scattered changes, files moved
- startGroup(UPDATE3);
- syncUpdateResources(new IResource[] { inProject });
- endGroup();
- // Test 4: big refactoring - scattered changes, files renamed and balanced additions/deletions
- startGroup(COMMIT4);
- BenchmarkUtils.deleteRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 4); // some stuff deleted
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 20); // many scattered changes
- BenchmarkUtils.renameRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 5); // renamed some stuff
- BenchmarkUtils.createRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 4, FILE_SIZE_MEAN, FILE_SIZE_VARIANCE, PROB_BINARY); // some new stuff added
- syncCommitResources(new IResource[] { outProject }, "");
- endGroup();
- // Test 4: catching up to a big refactoring - scattered changes, files renamed and balanced additions/deletions
- startGroup(UPDATE4);
- syncUpdateResources(new IResource[] { inProject });
- endGroup();
- // Test 5: test tagging a project
- startGroup(TAG1);
- tagProject(outProject, new CVSTag("v101", CVSTag.VERSION), false);
- endGroup();
- // replace with remote contents
- // Test 6: no local dirty files, no remote changes
- startGroup(REPLACE1);
- replace(new IResource[] { inProject }, null, true);
- endGroup();
- // Test 7: abandoning some local work, no remote changes
- startGroup(REPLACE2);
- BenchmarkUtils.deleteRandomDeepFiles(gen, inProject, 4); // some stuff locally deleted
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, inProject, 6); // a few unimportant changes to forget
- BenchmarkUtils.createRandomDeepFiles(gen, inProject, 4, FILE_SIZE_MEAN, FILE_SIZE_VARIANCE, PROB_BINARY); // some new work to abandon
- replace(new IResource[] { inProject }, null, true);
- endGroup();
- // Test 8: no local dirty files, many remote changes
- // e.g. returning from a long vacation
- BenchmarkUtils.deleteRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 10); // some components obsoleted
- BenchmarkUtils.modifyRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 42); // many changes
- BenchmarkUtils.renameRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 8); // evidence of some refactoring
- BenchmarkUtils.createRandomDeepFiles(gen, outProject, 10, FILE_SIZE_MEAN, FILE_SIZE_VARIANCE, PROB_BINARY); // a few new components added
- syncCommitResources(new IResource[] { outProject }, "");
- startGroup(REPLACE3);
- replace(new IResource[] { inProject }, null, true);
- endGroup();
- }
- commitGroups(global);
- }

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