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1 files changed, 502 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 433c56932..6194cc4b6 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -79,369 +79,369 @@ import junit.framework.Test;
public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
- public ResourceMapperTests() {
- super();
- }
- public ResourceMapperTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public static Test suite() {
- return suite(ResourceMapperTests.class);
- }
- /**
- * Update the resources contained in the given mappers and ensure that the
- * update was performed properly by comparing the result with the reference projects.
- * @throws Exception
- */
- protected void update(ResourceMapping mapper, LocalOption[] options) throws Exception {
- SyncInfoTree incomingSet = getIncoming(mapper.getProjects());
- update(new ResourceMapping[] { mapper }, options);
- assertUpdate(mapper, incomingSet);
- }
- /**
- * Replace the resources contained in the given mappers and ensure that the
- * update was performed properly by comparing the result with the reference projects.
- * @throws Exception
- */
- protected void replace(ResourceMapping mapper) throws Exception {
- SyncInfoTree incomingSet = getIncoming(mapper.getProjects());
- replace(new ResourceMapping[] { mapper });
- assertUpdate(mapper, incomingSet);
- }
- /**
- * Commit and check that all resources in containing project that should have been committed were and
- * that any not contained by the mappers were not.
- * @throws CoreException
- * @see[], java.lang.String)
- */
- protected void commit(ResourceMapping mapper, String message) throws CoreException {
- SyncInfoTree set = getOutgoing(mapper.getProjects());
- commit(new ResourceMapping[] { mapper }, message);
- assertCommit(mapper, set);
- }
- /**
- * Tag the given resource mappings and assert that only the resources
- * within the mapping were tagged.
- * @throws CoreException
- */
- protected void tag(ResourceMapping mapping, CVSTag tag) throws CoreException {
- tag(new ResourceMapping[] { mapping }, tag, false);
- assertTagged(mapping, tag);
- }
- /**
- * Branch the resources in the given mapping.
- * @throws CoreException
- * @throws IOException
- */
- protected void branch(ResourceMapping mapping, CVSTag branch) throws CoreException, IOException {
- CVSTag version = new CVSTag("Root_" + branch.getName(), CVSTag.VERSION);
- branch(new ResourceMapping[] { mapping }, version, branch, true /* update */);
- assertTagged(mapping, version);
- assertBranched(mapping, branch);
- }
- /**
- * Add any resources contained by the mapping
- * @param mapping
- * @throws CoreException
- */
- protected void add(ResourceMapping mapping) throws CoreException {
- SyncInfoTree set = getUnaddedResource(mapping);
- add(new ResourceMapping[] { mapping });
- assertAdded(mapping, set);
- }
- private void assertAdded(ResourceMapping mapping, final SyncInfoTree set) throws CoreException {
- // Assert that all resources covered by the mapping are now under version control (i.e. are in-sync)
- // Remove the resources contained in the mapping from the set of unadded resources.
- visit(mapping, ResourceMappingContext.LOCAL_CONTEXT, (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
- ICVSResource cvsResource = getCVSResource(resource);
- assertTrue("Resource was not added but should have been: " + resource.getFullPath(),
- (cvsResource.isManaged()
- || (cvsResource.isFolder()
- && ((ICVSFolder)cvsResource).isCVSFolder())));
- set.remove(resource);
- return true;
+ public ResourceMapperTests() {
+ super();
+ }
+ public ResourceMapperTests(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ public static Test suite() {
+ return suite(ResourceMapperTests.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the resources contained in the given mappers and ensure that the
+ * update was performed properly by comparing the result with the reference projects.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected void update(ResourceMapping mapper, LocalOption[] options) throws Exception {
+ SyncInfoTree incomingSet = getIncoming(mapper.getProjects());
+ update(new ResourceMapping[] { mapper }, options);
+ assertUpdate(mapper, incomingSet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace the resources contained in the given mappers and ensure that the
+ * update was performed properly by comparing the result with the reference projects.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected void replace(ResourceMapping mapper) throws Exception {
+ SyncInfoTree incomingSet = getIncoming(mapper.getProjects());
+ replace(new ResourceMapping[] { mapper });
+ assertUpdate(mapper, incomingSet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Commit and check that all resources in containing project that should have been committed were and
+ * that any not contained by the mappers were not.
+ * @throws CoreException
+ * @see[], java.lang.String)
+ */
+ protected void commit(ResourceMapping mapper, String message) throws CoreException {
+ SyncInfoTree set = getOutgoing(mapper.getProjects());
+ commit(new ResourceMapping[] { mapper }, message);
+ assertCommit(mapper, set);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tag the given resource mappings and assert that only the resources
+ * within the mapping were tagged.
+ * @throws CoreException
+ */
+ protected void tag(ResourceMapping mapping, CVSTag tag) throws CoreException {
+ tag(new ResourceMapping[] { mapping }, tag, false);
+ assertTagged(mapping, tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Branch the resources in the given mapping.
+ * @throws CoreException
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ protected void branch(ResourceMapping mapping, CVSTag branch) throws CoreException, IOException {
+ CVSTag version = new CVSTag("Root_" + branch.getName(), CVSTag.VERSION);
+ branch(new ResourceMapping[] { mapping }, version, branch, true /* update */);
+ assertTagged(mapping, version);
+ assertBranched(mapping, branch);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add any resources contained by the mapping
+ * @param mapping
+ * @throws CoreException
+ */
+ protected void add(ResourceMapping mapping) throws CoreException {
+ SyncInfoTree set = getUnaddedResource(mapping);
+ add(new ResourceMapping[] { mapping });
+ assertAdded(mapping, set);
+ }
+ private void assertAdded(ResourceMapping mapping, final SyncInfoTree set) throws CoreException {
+ // Assert that all resources covered by the mapping are now under version control (i.e. are in-sync)
+ // Remove the resources contained in the mapping from the set of unadded resources.
+ visit(mapping, ResourceMappingContext.LOCAL_CONTEXT, (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
+ ICVSResource cvsResource = getCVSResource(resource);
+ assertTrue("Resource was not added but should have been: " + resource.getFullPath(),
+ (cvsResource.isManaged()
+ || (cvsResource.isFolder()
+ && ((ICVSFolder)cvsResource).isCVSFolder())));
+ set.remove(resource);
+ return true;
- // Assert that the remaining unadded resources are still unadded
- SyncInfo[] infos = set.getSyncInfos();
- for (SyncInfo info : infos) {
- ICVSResource cvsResource = getCVSResource(info.getLocal());
- assertTrue("Resource was added but should not have been: " + info.getLocal().getFullPath(), !cvsResource.isManaged());
- }
- }
- /*
- * Need to ensure that only the resources contained in the mapping
- * have the branch tag associated with them.
- */
+ // Assert that the remaining unadded resources are still unadded
+ SyncInfo[] infos = set.getSyncInfos();
+ for (SyncInfo info : infos) {
+ ICVSResource cvsResource = getCVSResource(info.getLocal());
+ assertTrue("Resource was added but should not have been: " + info.getLocal().getFullPath(), !cvsResource.isManaged());
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Need to ensure that only the resources contained in the mapping
+ * have the branch tag associated with them.
+ */
private void assertBranched(ResourceMapping mapping, CVSTag branch) throws CoreException {
- // First, make sure the proper resources are tagged in the repo
- assertTagged(mapping, branch);
- // Now make sure the proper local files are tagged
+ // First, make sure the proper resources are tagged in the repo
+ assertTagged(mapping, branch);
+ // Now make sure the proper local files are tagged
final Map<String, ICVSResource> remotes = getTaggedRemoteFilesByPath(mapping, branch);
final Map<String, ICVSFile> locals = getTaggedLocalFilesByPath(mapping, branch);
for (Iterator<String> iter = remotes.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- String key =;
- ICVSRemoteFile remote = (ICVSRemoteFile)remotes.get(key);
- ICVSFile local = locals.get(key);
- assertNotNull("Remotely tagged resource was not tagged locally: " + remote.getRepositoryRelativePath(), local);
- assertEquals(local.getIResource().getParent().getFullPath(), remote, local, false, false /* include tags */);
- assertEquals("Remotely tagged resource was not tagged locally: " + remote.getRepositoryRelativePath(), branch, local.getSyncInfo().getTag());
- locals.remove(key);
- iter.remove();
- }
- // The remote map should be empty after traversal
- for (Object element : remotes.keySet()) {
- String path = (String) element;
- fail("Remote file " + path + " was tagged remotely but not locally.");
- }
- // The local map should be empty after traversal
- for (Object element : locals.keySet()) {
- String path = (String) element;
- fail("Local file " + path + " was tagged locally but not remotely.");
- }
- }
- private void assertTagged(ResourceMapping mapping, final CVSTag tag) throws CoreException {
+ String key =;
+ ICVSRemoteFile remote = (ICVSRemoteFile)remotes.get(key);
+ ICVSFile local = locals.get(key);
+ assertNotNull("Remotely tagged resource was not tagged locally: " + remote.getRepositoryRelativePath(), local);
+ assertEquals(local.getIResource().getParent().getFullPath(), remote, local, false, false /* include tags */);
+ assertEquals("Remotely tagged resource was not tagged locally: " + remote.getRepositoryRelativePath(), branch, local.getSyncInfo().getTag());
+ locals.remove(key);
+ iter.remove();
+ }
+ // The remote map should be empty after traversal
+ for (Object element : remotes.keySet()) {
+ String path = (String) element;
+ fail("Remote file " + path + " was tagged remotely but not locally.");
+ }
+ // The local map should be empty after traversal
+ for (Object element : locals.keySet()) {
+ String path = (String) element;
+ fail("Local file " + path + " was tagged locally but not remotely.");
+ }
+ }
+ private void assertTagged(ResourceMapping mapping, final CVSTag tag) throws CoreException {
final Map<String, ICVSResource> tagged = getTaggedRemoteFilesByPath(mapping, tag);
- // Visit all the resources in the traversal and ensure that they are tagged
- visit(mapping, ResourceMappingContext.LOCAL_CONTEXT, (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- ICVSRemoteFile file = popRemote(resource, tagged);
- assertNotNull("Resource was not tagged: " + resource.getFullPath(), file);
- }
- return true;
+ // Visit all the resources in the traversal and ensure that they are tagged
+ visit(mapping, ResourceMappingContext.LOCAL_CONTEXT, (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
+ if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
+ ICVSRemoteFile file = popRemote(resource, tagged);
+ assertNotNull("Resource was not tagged: " + resource.getFullPath(), file);
+ }
+ return true;
for (String path : tagged.keySet()) {
- fail("Remote file " + path + " was tagged but should not have been.");
+ fail("Remote file " + path + " was tagged but should not have been.");
- }
+ }
private Map<String, ICVSFile> getTaggedLocalFilesByPath(ResourceMapping mapping, final CVSTag branch)
throws CoreException {
final Map<String, ICVSFile> tagged = new HashMap<>();
- IProject[] projects = mapping.getProjects();
- for (IProject project : projects) {
- project.accept(resource -> {
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- ICVSFile file = (ICVSFile)getCVSResource(resource);
- ResourceSyncInfo info = file.getSyncInfo();
- if (info != null && info.getTag() != null && info.getTag().equals(branch)) {
- tagged.put(file.getRepositoryRelativePath(), file);
- }
- }
- return true;
+ IProject[] projects = mapping.getProjects();
+ for (IProject project : projects) {
+ project.accept(resource -> {
+ if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
+ ICVSFile file = (ICVSFile)getCVSResource(resource);
+ ResourceSyncInfo info = file.getSyncInfo();
+ if (info != null && info.getTag() != null && info.getTag().equals(branch)) {
+ tagged.put(file.getRepositoryRelativePath(), file);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
- }
- return tagged;
- }
+ }
+ return tagged;
+ }
private Map<String, ICVSResource> getTaggedRemoteFilesByPath(ResourceMapping mapping, final CVSTag tag)
throws CVSException {
- IProject[] projects = mapping.getProjects();
- ICVSResource[] remotes = getRemoteTrees(projects, tag);
+ IProject[] projects = mapping.getProjects();
+ ICVSResource[] remotes = getRemoteTrees(projects, tag);
final Map<String, ICVSResource> tagged = getFilesByPath(remotes);
- return tagged;
- }
+ return tagged;
+ }
- private ICVSResource[] getRemoteTrees(IProject[] projects, CVSTag tag) throws CVSException {
+ private ICVSResource[] getRemoteTrees(IProject[] projects, CVSTag tag) throws CVSException {
List<ICVSResource> result = new ArrayList<>();
- for (IProject project : projects) {
- RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree(getRepository(), project, tag, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- result.add(tree);
- }
- return result.toArray(new ICVSResource[result.size()]);
- }
+ for (IProject project : projects) {
+ RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree(getRepository(), project, tag, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
+ result.add(tree);
+ }
+ return result.toArray(new ICVSResource[result.size()]);
+ }
private Map<String, ICVSResource> getFilesByPath(ICVSResource[] remotes) throws CVSException {
Map<String, ICVSResource> result = new HashMap<>();
- for (ICVSResource resource : remotes) {
- collectFiles(resource, result);
- }
- return result;
- }
+ for (ICVSResource resource : remotes) {
+ collectFiles(resource, result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
private void collectFiles(ICVSResource resource, Map<String, ICVSResource> result) throws CVSException {
- if (resource.isFolder()) {
- ICVSResource[] members = ((ICVSFolder)resource).members(ICVSFolder.ALL_EXISTING_MEMBERS);
- for (ICVSResource member : members) {
- collectFiles(member, result);
- }
- } else {
- result.put(resource.getRepositoryRelativePath(), resource);
- }
- }
+ if (resource.isFolder()) {
+ ICVSResource[] members = ((ICVSFolder)resource).members(ICVSFolder.ALL_EXISTING_MEMBERS);
+ for (ICVSResource member : members) {
+ collectFiles(member, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.put(resource.getRepositoryRelativePath(), resource);
+ }
+ }
private ICVSRemoteFile popRemote(IResource resource, Map<String, ICVSResource> tagged) throws CVSException {
- ICVSResource cvsResource = getCVSResource(resource);
- ICVSRemoteFile remote = (ICVSRemoteFile)tagged.get(cvsResource.getRepositoryRelativePath());
- if (remote != null) {
- tagged.remove(remote.getRepositoryRelativePath());
- }
- return remote;
- }
- private ResourceMapping asResourceMapping(final IResource[] resources, final int depth) {
- return new ResourceMapping() {
- private Object object = new Object();
- @Override
+ ICVSResource cvsResource = getCVSResource(resource);
+ ICVSRemoteFile remote = (ICVSRemoteFile)tagged.get(cvsResource.getRepositoryRelativePath());
+ if (remote != null) {
+ tagged.remove(remote.getRepositoryRelativePath());
+ }
+ return remote;
+ }
+ private ResourceMapping asResourceMapping(final IResource[] resources, final int depth) {
+ return new ResourceMapping() {
+ private Object object = new Object();
+ @Override
public Object getModelObject() {
- return object;
- }
- @Override
+ return object;
+ }
+ @Override
public IProject[] getProjects() {
- return getProjects(resources);
- }
- private IProject[] getProjects(IResource[] resources) {
+ return getProjects(resources);
+ }
+ private IProject[] getProjects(IResource[] resources) {
Set<IProject> projects = new HashSet<>();
- for (IResource resource : resources) {
- projects.add(resource.getProject());
- }
- return projects.toArray(new IProject[projects.size()]);
- }
- @Override
+ for (IResource resource : resources) {
+ projects.add(resource.getProject());
+ }
+ return projects.toArray(new IProject[projects.size()]);
+ }
+ @Override
public ResourceTraversal[] getTraversals(ResourceMappingContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
- return new ResourceTraversal[] {
- new ResourceTraversal(resources, depth, IResource.NONE)
- };
- }
+ return new ResourceTraversal[] {
+ new ResourceTraversal(resources, depth, IResource.NONE)
+ };
+ }
public String getModelProviderId() {
return "";
- };
- }
- private void assertUpdate(ResourceMapping mapper, final SyncInfoTree set) throws Exception {
- final Exception[] exception = new Exception[] { null };
- visit(mapper, new SyncInfoSetTraveralContext(set), (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
- SyncInfo info = set.getSyncInfo(resource);
- if (info != null) {
- set.remove(resource);
- try {
- // Assert that the local sync info matches the remote info
- assertEquals(resource.getParent().getFullPath(), getCVSResource(resource), (ICVSResource)info.getRemote(), false, false);
- } catch (CVSException e1) {
- exception[0] = e1;
- } catch (CoreException e2) {
- exception[0] = e2;
- } catch (IOException e3) {
- exception[0] = e3;
- }
- }
- return true;
+ };
+ }
+ private void assertUpdate(ResourceMapping mapper, final SyncInfoTree set) throws Exception {
+ final Exception[] exception = new Exception[] { null };
+ visit(mapper, new SyncInfoSetTraveralContext(set), (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
+ SyncInfo info = set.getSyncInfo(resource);
+ if (info != null) {
+ set.remove(resource);
+ try {
+ // Assert that the local sync info matches the remote info
+ assertEquals(resource.getParent().getFullPath(), getCVSResource(resource), (ICVSResource)info.getRemote(), false, false);
+ } catch (CVSException e1) {
+ exception[0] = e1;
+ } catch (CoreException e2) {
+ exception[0] = e2;
+ } catch (IOException e3) {
+ exception[0] = e3;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
- if (exception[0] != null) throw exception[0];
- // check the the state of the remaining resources has not changed
- assertUnchanged(set);
- }
- private void assertCommit(ResourceMapping mapper, final SyncInfoTree set) throws CoreException {
- visit(mapper, new SyncInfoSetTraveralContext(set), (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
- SyncInfo info = set.getSyncInfo(resource);
- if (info != null) {
- set.remove(resource);
- assertTrue("Committed resource is not in-sync: " + resource.getFullPath(), getSyncInfo(resource).getKind() == SyncInfo.IN_SYNC);
- }
- return true;
+ if (exception[0] != null) throw exception[0];
+ // check the the state of the remaining resources has not changed
+ assertUnchanged(set);
+ }
+ private void assertCommit(ResourceMapping mapper, final SyncInfoTree set) throws CoreException {
+ visit(mapper, new SyncInfoSetTraveralContext(set), (IResourceVisitor) resource -> {
+ SyncInfo info = set.getSyncInfo(resource);
+ if (info != null) {
+ set.remove(resource);
+ assertTrue("Committed resource is not in-sync: " + resource.getFullPath(), getSyncInfo(resource).getKind() == SyncInfo.IN_SYNC);
+ }
+ return true;
- // check the the state of the remaining resources has not changed
- assertUnchanged(set);
- }
- /*
- * Assert that the state of the resources in the set have not changed
- */
- private void assertUnchanged(SyncInfoTree set) throws TeamException {
- //TODO: Need to refresh the subscriber since flush of remote state is deep
- CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().refresh(set.getResources(), IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- SyncInfo[] infos = set.getSyncInfos();
- for (SyncInfo info : infos) {
- assertUnchanged(info);
- }
- }
- private void assertUnchanged(SyncInfo info) throws TeamException {
- SyncInfo current = getSyncInfo(info.getLocal());
- assertEquals("The sync info changed for " + info.getLocal().getFullPath(), info, current);
- }
- private SyncInfo getSyncInfo(IResource local) throws TeamException {
- return CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().getSyncInfo(local);
- }
- private SyncInfoTree getIncoming(IProject[] projects) throws TeamException {
- CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().refresh(projects, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- SyncInfoTree set = getAllOutOfSync(projects);
- set.removeOutgoingNodes();
- set.removeConflictingNodes();
- return set;
- }
- private SyncInfoTree getOutgoing(IProject[] projects) {
- SyncInfoTree set = getAllOutOfSync(projects);
- set.removeIncomingNodes();
- set.removeConflictingNodes();
- return set;
- }
- private SyncInfoTree getUnaddedResource(ResourceMapping mapping) {
- SyncInfoTree set = getAllOutOfSync(mapping.getProjects());
- set.selectNodes(new FastSyncInfoFilter() {
- @Override
+ // check the the state of the remaining resources has not changed
+ assertUnchanged(set);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Assert that the state of the resources in the set have not changed
+ */
+ private void assertUnchanged(SyncInfoTree set) throws TeamException {
+ //TODO: Need to refresh the subscriber since flush of remote state is deep
+ CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().refresh(set.getResources(), IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
+ SyncInfo[] infos = set.getSyncInfos();
+ for (SyncInfo info : infos) {
+ assertUnchanged(info);
+ }
+ }
+ private void assertUnchanged(SyncInfo info) throws TeamException {
+ SyncInfo current = getSyncInfo(info.getLocal());
+ assertEquals("The sync info changed for " + info.getLocal().getFullPath(), info, current);
+ }
+ private SyncInfo getSyncInfo(IResource local) throws TeamException {
+ return CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().getSyncInfo(local);
+ }
+ private SyncInfoTree getIncoming(IProject[] projects) throws TeamException {
+ CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().refresh(projects, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
+ SyncInfoTree set = getAllOutOfSync(projects);
+ set.removeOutgoingNodes();
+ set.removeConflictingNodes();
+ return set;
+ }
+ private SyncInfoTree getOutgoing(IProject[] projects) {
+ SyncInfoTree set = getAllOutOfSync(projects);
+ set.removeIncomingNodes();
+ set.removeConflictingNodes();
+ return set;
+ }
+ private SyncInfoTree getUnaddedResource(ResourceMapping mapping) {
+ SyncInfoTree set = getAllOutOfSync(mapping.getProjects());
+ set.selectNodes(new FastSyncInfoFilter() {
+ @Override
public boolean select(SyncInfo info) {
- try {
- if (info.getLocal().getType() != IResource.PROJECT && info.getRemote() == null && info.getBase() == null) {
- ICVSResource resource = getCVSResource(info.getLocal());
- return !resource.isManaged();
- }
- } catch (CVSException e) {
- fail(e.getMessage());
- }
- return false;
- }
- });
- return set;
- }
- private SyncInfoTree getAllOutOfSync(IProject[] projects) {
- SyncInfoTree set = new SyncInfoTree();
- CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().collectOutOfSync(projects, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, set, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- return set;
- }
- private IResourceDiffTree getAllDiffs(IProject[] projects) throws CoreException {
- final ResourceDiffTree tree = new ResourceDiffTree();
- CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().accept(projects, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, delta -> {
+ try {
+ if (info.getLocal().getType() != IResource.PROJECT && info.getRemote() == null && info.getBase() == null) {
+ ICVSResource resource = getCVSResource(info.getLocal());
+ return !resource.isManaged();
+ }
+ } catch (CVSException e) {
+ fail(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return set;
+ }
+ private SyncInfoTree getAllOutOfSync(IProject[] projects) {
+ SyncInfoTree set = new SyncInfoTree();
+ CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().collectOutOfSync(projects, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, set, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
+ return set;
+ }
+ private IResourceDiffTree getAllDiffs(IProject[] projects) throws CoreException {
+ final ResourceDiffTree tree = new ResourceDiffTree();
+ CVSProviderPlugin.getPlugin().getCVSWorkspaceSubscriber().accept(projects, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, delta -> {
return true;
- return tree;
- }
- private void visit(ResourceMapping mapper, ResourceMappingContext context, IResourceVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
- ResourceTraversal[] traversals = mapper.getTraversals(context, null);
- for (ResourceTraversal traversal : traversals) {
- visit(traversal, context, visitor);
- }
- }
- private void visit(ResourceTraversal traversal, ResourceMappingContext context, IResourceVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
- IResource[] resources = traversal.getResources();
- for (IResource resource : resources) {
- visit(resource, visitor, context, traversal.getDepth());
- }
- }
+ return tree;
+ }
+ private void visit(ResourceMapping mapper, ResourceMappingContext context, IResourceVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
+ ResourceTraversal[] traversals = mapper.getTraversals(context, null);
+ for (ResourceTraversal traversal : traversals) {
+ visit(traversal, context, visitor);
+ }
+ }
+ private void visit(ResourceTraversal traversal, ResourceMappingContext context, IResourceVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
+ IResource[] resources = traversal.getResources();
+ for (IResource resource : resources) {
+ visit(resource, visitor, context, traversal.getDepth());
+ }
+ }
private void visit(IResource resource, IResourceVisitor visitor, ResourceMappingContext context, int depth)
throws CoreException {
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE ? IResource.DEPTH_ZERO : IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
private boolean isTimeout(Throwable e) {
if (e == null) {
return false;
@@ -487,34 +487,34 @@ public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
return isTimeout(e.getCause());
- public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
- try{
- // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
- IProject project = createProject("testUpdate", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
+ try{
+ // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
+ IProject project = createProject("testUpdate", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- // Check the project out under a different name
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- // Perform some operations on the copy and commit them all
- addResources(copy, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"));
- deleteResources(new IResource[] {copy.getFile("deleted.txt")});
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt"));
- commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { copy }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), "A commit message");
- // Update the project using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
- update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), null);
- // Update a subfolder using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
- update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), null);
- // Update the specific file
- update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), null);
- // Update the remaining resources
- update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder2") }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), null);
- assertEquals(project, copy);
+ // Check the project out under a different name
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ // Perform some operations on the copy and commit them all
+ addResources(copy, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"));
+ deleteResources(new IResource[] {copy.getFile("deleted.txt")});
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt"));
+ commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { copy }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), "A commit message");
+ // Update the project using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
+ update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), null);
+ // Update a subfolder using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
+ update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), null);
+ // Update the specific file
+ update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), null);
+ // Update the remaining resources
+ update(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder2") }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), null);
+ assertEquals(project, copy);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isTimeout(e)) {
//TODO see Bug 399375
@@ -524,37 +524,37 @@ public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
throw e;
- }
- public void testReplace() throws Exception {
- try{
- // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
- IProject project = createProject("testReplace", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ }
+ public void testReplace() throws Exception {
+ try{
+ // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
+ IProject project = createProject("testReplace", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- // Check the project out under a different name
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- // Perform some operations on the copy and commit them all
- addResources(copy, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"));
- deleteResources(new IResource[] {copy.getFile("deleted.txt")});
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt"));
- commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { copy }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), "A commit message");
- // Update the project using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
- replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
- // Update a subfolder using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
- deleteResources(new IResource[] {project.getFile("folder1/b.txt")});
- replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
- // Update the specific file
- replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO));
- // Update the remaining resources
- replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder2") }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE));
- assertEquals(project, copy);
+ // Check the project out under a different name
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ // Perform some operations on the copy and commit them all
+ addResources(copy, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"));
+ deleteResources(new IResource[] {copy.getFile("deleted.txt")});
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt"));
+ commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { copy }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), "A commit message");
+ // Update the project using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
+ replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
+ // Update a subfolder using depth one and ensure we got only what was asked for
+ deleteResources(new IResource[] {project.getFile("folder1/b.txt")});
+ replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
+ // Update the specific file
+ replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO));
+ // Update the remaining resources
+ replace(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder2") }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE));
+ assertEquals(project, copy);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isTimeout(e)) {
//TODO see Bug 399375
@@ -564,100 +564,100 @@ public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
throw e;
- }
+ }
- public void testCommit() throws Exception {
+ public void testCommit() throws Exception {
if (TeamCVSTestPlugin.IS_UNSTABLE_TEST && Util.isMac())
- // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
- IProject project = createProject("testCommit", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- // Perform some operations on the copy and commit only the top level
- addResources(project, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("changed.txt"));
- deleteResources(new IResource[] {project.getFile("deleted.txt")});
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt"));
- // Commit the project shallow
- commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), "A commit message");
- // Commit a subfolder shallow
- commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), "A commit message");
- // Now commit the file specifically
- commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), "A commit message");
- // Now commit the rest
- commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder2") }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), "A commit message");
- // Check the project out under a different name
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- assertEquals(project, copy);
- }
- public void testTag() throws Exception {
- // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
- IProject project = createProject("testTag", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION));
- tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("v2", CVSTag.VERSION));
- tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), new CVSTag("v3", CVSTag.VERSION));
- tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), new CVSTag("v4", CVSTag.VERSION));
- }
- public void testBranch() throws Exception {
+ // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
+ IProject project = createProject("testCommit", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ // Perform some operations on the copy and commit only the top level
+ addResources(project, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("changed.txt"));
+ deleteResources(new IResource[] {project.getFile("deleted.txt")});
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt"));
+ // Commit the project shallow
+ commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), "A commit message");
+ // Commit a subfolder shallow
+ commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), "A commit message");
+ // Now commit the file specifically
+ commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), "A commit message");
+ // Now commit the rest
+ commit(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder2") }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), "A commit message");
+ // Check the project out under a different name
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ assertEquals(project, copy);
+ }
+ public void testTag() throws Exception {
+ // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
+ IProject project = createProject("testTag", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION));
+ tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("v2", CVSTag.VERSION));
+ tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), new CVSTag("v3", CVSTag.VERSION));
+ tag(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), new CVSTag("v4", CVSTag.VERSION));
+ }
+ public void testBranch() throws Exception {
- // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
- IProject project = createProject("testBranch", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("b1", CVSTag.BRANCH));
- branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("b2", CVSTag.BRANCH));
- branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), new CVSTag("b3", CVSTag.BRANCH));
- branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), new CVSTag("b4", CVSTag.BRANCH));
- }
- public void testAdd() throws TeamException, CoreException {
- // Create an empty project
- IProject project = createProject("testAdd", new String[] { });
- // add some resources
- buildResources(project, new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" }, false);
- // add them to CVS
- add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
- add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
- add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO));
- add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE));
- }
- public void testCacheBase() throws TeamException, CoreException {
+ // Create a test project, import it into cvs and check it out
+ IProject project = createProject("testBranch", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("b1", CVSTag.BRANCH));
+ branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE), new CVSTag("b2", CVSTag.BRANCH));
+ branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), new CVSTag("b3", CVSTag.BRANCH));
+ branch(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), new CVSTag("b4", CVSTag.BRANCH));
+ }
+ public void testAdd() throws TeamException, CoreException {
+ // Create an empty project
+ IProject project = createProject("testAdd", new String[] { });
+ // add some resources
+ buildResources(project, new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" }, false);
+ // add them to CVS
+ add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
+ add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFolder("folder1") }, IResource.DEPTH_ONE));
+ add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project.getFile("folder1/subfolder1/c.txt") }, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO));
+ add(asResourceMapping(new IResource[] { project }, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE));
+ }
+ public void testCacheBase() throws TeamException, CoreException {
if (TeamCVSTestPlugin.IS_UNSTABLE_TEST && Util.isMac())
- IProject project = createProject("testCacheBase", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- // First, make some local changes and then cache the bases
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("changed.txt"), "Uncommitted text");
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("folder1/b.txt"));
- project.getFile("deleted.txt").delete(false, true, null);
- try {
- cacheBase(project, true /* cache for outgoing and conflicting */);
- cacheBase(project, false /* cache for conflicting only*/);
- // Next, retry after releasing some changes (to ensure proper contents are fetched)
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"), "Text comited from the copy");
- commitProject(copy);
- cacheBase(project, true /* cache for outgoing and conflicting */);
- cacheBase(project, false /* cache for conflicting only */);
- } catch (TeamException e) {
- // see bug 325553
- logIfCausedByInterruptedIOException(e);
- }
- }
+ IProject project = createProject("testCacheBase", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ // First, make some local changes and then cache the bases
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("changed.txt"), "Uncommitted text");
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("folder1/b.txt"));
+ project.getFile("deleted.txt").delete(false, true, null);
+ try {
+ cacheBase(project, true /* cache for outgoing and conflicting */);
+ cacheBase(project, false /* cache for conflicting only*/);
+ // Next, retry after releasing some changes (to ensure proper contents are fetched)
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"), "Text comited from the copy");
+ commitProject(copy);
+ cacheBase(project, true /* cache for outgoing and conflicting */);
+ cacheBase(project, false /* cache for conflicting only */);
+ } catch (TeamException e) {
+ // see bug 325553
+ logIfCausedByInterruptedIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
private void logIfCausedByInterruptedIOException(TeamException e)
throws TeamException {
@@ -683,18 +683,18 @@ public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
throw e;
- public void testCacheRemote() throws TeamException, CoreException {
- IProject project = createProject("testCacheRemote", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- // Make some remote changes
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"), "Uncommitted text");
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/b.txt"));
- commitProject(copy);
- // Delete a local file
- project.getFile("deleted.txt").delete(false, true, null);
- cacheRemote(project);
- }
+ public void testCacheRemote() throws TeamException, CoreException {
+ IProject project = createProject("testCacheRemote", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder1/subfolder1/c.txt" });
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ // Make some remote changes
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("changed.txt"), "Uncommitted text");
+ setContentsAndEnsureModified(copy.getFile("folder1/b.txt"));
+ commitProject(copy);
+ // Delete a local file
+ project.getFile("deleted.txt").delete(false, true, null);
+ cacheRemote(project);
+ }
private void cacheRemote(IProject project) throws CoreException {
@@ -779,35 +779,35 @@ public class ResourceMapperTests extends EclipseTest {
public void testBug134517() throws Exception {
- IProject project = createProject("testBug134517", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt"});
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- addResources(copy, new String[] { "file0.txt",
- "new_folder1/", "new_folder1/file2.txt", "new_folder1/new_folder2/",
- "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/", "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/file3.txt" }, true);
- IResource[] resources = new IResource[] {
- project.getFile("file0.txt"),
- project.getFile("file1.txt"),
- project.getFile("new_folder1/file2.txt"),
- project.getFile("new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/file3.txt")
- };
- update(asResourceMapping(resources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), null);
- assertEquals(project, copy);
+ IProject project = createProject("testBug134517", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt"});
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ addResources(copy, new String[] { "file0.txt",
+ "new_folder1/", "new_folder1/file2.txt", "new_folder1/new_folder2/",
+ "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/", "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/file3.txt" }, true);
+ IResource[] resources = new IResource[] {
+ project.getFile("file0.txt"),
+ project.getFile("file1.txt"),
+ project.getFile("new_folder1/file2.txt"),
+ project.getFile("new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/file3.txt")
+ };
+ update(asResourceMapping(resources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO), null);
+ assertEquals(project, copy);
public void testDeepNewFolder() throws Exception {
- IProject project = createProject("testBug134517", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt"});
- IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
- addResources(copy, new String[] {
- "new_folder1/",
- "new_folder1/new_folder2/",
- "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/",
- "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/file3.txt" }, true);
- IResource[] resources = new IResource[] {
- project.getFolder("new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/")
- };
- update(asResourceMapping(resources, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), null);
- assertEquals(project, copy);
+ IProject project = createProject("testBug134517", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt"});
+ IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
+ addResources(copy, new String[] {
+ "new_folder1/",
+ "new_folder1/new_folder2/",
+ "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/",
+ "new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/file3.txt" }, true);
+ IResource[] resources = new IResource[] {
+ project.getFolder("new_folder1/new_folder2/new_folder3/")
+ };
+ update(asResourceMapping(resources, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE), null);
+ assertEquals(project, copy);

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