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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-02-02Bug 530567 – Move BugSnippets into separate package and exclude fromLeo Ufimtsev1-2/+2
2018-01-31Bug 530567 – Move BugSnippets into separate package and exclude fromLeo Ufimtsev1-4/+5
2017-07-25Fix swt.tests Kurtakov1-2/+3
2014-01-10Bug 419527 - Dirty working tree: SWT jars and zipsAlexander Kurtakov1-2/+2
2013-04-30Bug 406855 - org.eclipse.swt.tests needs to be touched according to comparato...Silenio Quarti1-0/+1
2012-10-03Fix warnings in swt.tests Kurtakov1-2/+2
2008-03-17222872 Fixes for running SWT tests on p2 buildsBogdan Gheorghe1-1/+8
2005-02-28Updated legal documentation for Eclipse 3.1 stream and CPL to EPL transitionVeronika Irvine1-4/+4
2003-11-24*** empty log message ***Christophe Cornu1-1/+1
2003-03-10Copyright fix - automated changesDean Roberts1-0/+10
2003-03-05Converting Binary files to ASCIIVeronika Irvine1-2/+2
2003-01-29*** empty log message ***v2126aGrant Gayed1-1/+1
2001-11-19added build files for relengCarolyn MacLeod1-0/+3

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