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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-21Bug 530393 - EPL 2.0 update for SWT for swt.example plug-insLars Vogel1-3/+6
2011-09-23fix permission of filesSilenio1-0/+0
2007-05-31After copyright bash for 3.3 RC3AFTER_COPYRIGHT_BASH_FOR_33RC3Carolyn MacLeod1-2/+2
2006-09-25update advanced graphics example in examples launcherGrant Gayed1-1/+1
2005-07-27added tiff stringCarolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2005-02-28Updated legal documentation for Eclipse 3.1 stream and CPL to EPL transitionVeronika Irvine1-5/+5
2005-02-17advanced graphics exampleSilenio Quarti1-0/+4
2004-09-23*** empty log message ***Veronika Irvine1-0/+4
2003-12-16adding browser infoChristophe Cornu1-0/+6
2003-03-21*** empty log message ***Grant Gayed1-0/+4
2003-03-10Copyright fix - automated changesDean Roberts1-0/+10
2003-03-05Converting Binary files to ASCIIVeronika Irvine1-112/+112
2002-06-19documentation updatesv2047aVeronika Irvine1-22/+33
2002-05-28change "provider"Grant Gayed1-0/+1
2002-04-18*** empty log message ***Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2001-06-21initv125win32_copyrepository_move_21_06_2001_bVeronika Irvine1-0/+101

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