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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-08-27Bug 413734 - SWT should increase bundle version in master to 3.103.0.qualifierSilenio Quarti2-2/+2
2013-06-26Bug 411167 - Update parent POMs for LunaSilenio Quarti1-1/+1
2013-04-19Bug 403412: Samples miss stylesheetDani Megert1-1/+2
2013-03-27Bug 403967 - Update Platform SWT parent versionsSilenio Quarti1-4/+2
2013-03-11Bug 401797 - [CBI] Versions for SWT decreased in CBI build compared to PDE buildv4322cv4322bI20130313-0800I20130312-2000I20130312-1000I20130312-0800I20130311-2000Silenio Quarti2-2/+2
2013-02-25Bug 397850 - [CBI] use the correct group IDs for all artifactsSilenio Quarti1-2/+2
2013-01-08Bug 396104 - Merge in CBI patches from 4.2.2 into 4.3 (pom changes) for ↵Bogdan Gheorghe1-1/+1
2012-09-17Bug 381192 - SWT is not ready for Tycho builds - comment#37Silenio Quarti1-1/+1
2012-07-19update version strings for 4.3 streamv4301bGrant Gayed1-1/+1
2012-05-23Add poms for Tycho buildIgor Fedorenko1-0/+26
2012-04-11Convert all files with CRLF and CR to LFBogdan Gheorghe4-120/+120
2011-07-14fixing project name (used by egit)Silenio Quarti1-1/+1
2009-06-26273653 - all swt.example* bundles lack manifestsKevin Barnes3-23/+22
2008-06-09236288 - update ... to include about.htmlGrant Gayed2-1/+2
2007-05-31After copyright bash for 3.3 RC3AFTER_COPYRIGHT_BASH_FOR_33RC3Carolyn MacLeod2-3/+3
2006-12-11Set compiler compliance level to 1.4 so that empty statements (;;) are flaggedCarolyn MacLeod1-0/+12
2006-06-07145558Grant Gayed1-1/+1
2006-06-05about.html'sGrant Gayed2-403/+1
2006-06-01new readme's (dated May 12th)Grant Gayed2-2/+404
2006-05-11About files for 3.2v3232gCarolyn MacLeod1-9/+15
2005-06-24tidying the htmlMike Wilson1-1/+1
2005-06-24Update copyright notices in the examples documentation.Billy Biggs3-15/+1
2005-06-24101570 - Fix warnings in the examples.Billy Biggs1-2/+2
2005-06-24101570 - Fix compiler warnings in the examples.Billy Biggs2-12/+5
2005-06-23Fix the doctype line.Billy Biggs1-1/+1
2005-06-14Rename swt_browser_ex.html to swt_browser_demos_ex.html to avoid conflict ↵Veronika Irvine1-0/+0
with name for org.eclipse.swt.examples.browser help doc.
2005-02-28Updated legal documentation for Eclipse 3.1 stream and CPL to EPL transitionVeronika Irvine7-26/+36
2005-02-25Updated legal documentation for Eclipse 3.1 stream and CPL to EPL transitionVeronika Irvine1-15/+7
2004-11-0477493Christophe Cornu1-0/+10
2004-11-01*** empty log message ***Christophe Cornu1-3/+26
2004-10-18add copyrights and add tab 'editor'Christophe Cornu5-231/+430
2004-10-12*** empty log message ***Christophe Cornu1-1/+18
2004-09-30fix layout problem with empty cells having different size from hyperlink cellsChristophe Cornu3-0/+3
2004-09-30new iconsChristophe Cornu33-17/+224
2004-08-30add copyrightsChristophe Cornu2-2/+5
2004-08-30integrate Browser Demos plug-in with SWT Plugin launcherChristophe Cornu5-12/+104
2004-08-30change categoryChristophe Cornu1-2/+2
2004-08-27fix plugin id to match the one in org.eclipse.sdk.examples featureChristophe Cornu1-1/+1
2004-08-26*** empty log message ***Christophe Cornu3-5/+12
2004-08-18SWT Browser demo exampleChristophe Cornu27-0/+747

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