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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2002-06-01Update build.xml to work with new pde-buildv2043aDean Roberts1-15/+14
2002-05-13*** empty log message ***Veronika Irvine1-18/+9
2002-05-13update 1.9.0 -> 2.0.0Grant Gayed1-1/+1
2002-04-30*** empty log message ***Veronika Irvine1-231/+47
2002-03-18build process still using old pde core templateVeronika Irvine1-250/+231
2002-03-15Synching up with new build templateVeronika Irvine1-231/+250
2002-03-14Merge to GTK2 streamSilenio Quarti1-5/+46
2002-03-12build 2030Veronika Irvine1-3/+3
2002-03-08*** empty log message ***Veronika Irvine1-5/+5
2002-02-28fix build script for accessibilityVeronika Irvine1-17/+17
2002-01-29change library names and structureVeronika Irvine1-1/+1
2002-01-29change library names and structuretest_reorgVeronika Irvine1-1/+1
2001-12-18fixed missing file in src.zipVeronika Irvine1-1/+1
2001-12-10*** empty log message ***Grant Gayed1-0/+191

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