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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-05-03Bug 184951 - [Win32] Tree/Table checkboxes render jagged at a high DPINikita Nemkin1-0/+1
2018-04-26Bug 480639 - Provide monitor-specific DPI scaling / zoom levelNikita Nemkin1-5/+1
2018-04-10Bug 480639: Provide monitor-specific DPI scaling / zoom levelLakshmi Shanmugam1-0/+5
2018-03-28Bug 531097 - [Win32] Remove unused PI definitionsI20180328-2000Nikita Nemkin1-199/+4
2017-12-13BugĀ 508033 - Win32: Toolbar ignores foreground colorConrad Groth1-0/+11
2017-10-06Bug 443250 - [win32] Support modern native directory dialogMartin Karpisek1-1/+2
2016-09-08Bug 500363: Native auto generated files should mention that they areLeo Ufimtsev1-1/+4
2013-04-09Bug 404249 - On Windows 7, Cannot convert Korean charactor to Chinese in Styl...Silenio Quarti1-1/+3
2012-09-25Bug 377107 - no 32bits vm for JDK7 - comment#2Silenio Quarti1-0/+5
2012-05-15Bug 368629 - IE Browser widget should alwaysGrant Gayed1-0/+2
2012-04-11Bug 336503 - AppID being changed unexpectedly (PI)Silenio Quarti1-1/+2
2011-11-11natives for Bug 325795 - support Windows Vista and 7 Aero Glass shellsFelipe Heidrich1-0/+1
2011-10-11adding natives for aero work: drawThemeTextExFelipe Heidrich1-0/+2
2011-10-11Adding native for aero workFelipe Heidrich1-0/+1
2011-08-17Bug 281912 - printing to non-default printer no longer works properly Silenio Quarti1-0/+5
2011-05-18328609 - IE7 WebBrowser being embedded on machine with IE8Grant Gayed1-0/+6
2011-04-12Bug 342102 - DBCS3.7 Eclipse disappears when entering DBCS characters in a te...Felipe Heidrich1-0/+5
2011-01-17279884 - Add support for touch events. Also some gesture code cleanup.Scott Kovatch1-0/+1
2011-01-10Show invalid certificate detailsLakshmi Shanmugam1-0/+21
2011-01-07after review of WebKit.javaLakshmi Shanmugam1-0/+2
2011-01-03webkit - after review and code cleanupLakshmi Shanmugam1-7/+32
2010-12-20279884 - Implement gestures on Win32Scott Kovatch1-0/+35
2010-12-15Bug 220098 - Support for WebKit on WindowsLakshmi Shanmugam1-6/+25
2010-03-30Bug 305815 - GC could not draw Chinese text when setAdvanced(true).Silenio Quarti1-0/+1
2010-03-02fix 64bitFelipe Heidrich1-0/+10
2010-03-02fix 64bitFelipe Heidrich1-0/+5
2010-03-02native for file operation (jump list support)Felipe Heidrich1-0/+19
2010-02-25Bug 293229 - support Windows 7 jump lists for Eclipse-specific actionsFelipe Heidrich1-0/+24
2010-02-05Bug 293228: show progress in the Eclipse icon on the Windows 7 Task BarFelipe Heidrich1-0/+25
2010-01-20Bug 279772 - Clicking on a batch file from within the eclipse IDE does not r...Silenio Quarti1-1/+2
2010-01-18201154 - Add support in SWT for event-based document openingKevin Barnes1-0/+5
2009-11-12294368 - Mozilla SWT Browser AppFileLocProvider has caching issuesGrant Gayed1-0/+2
2009-10-0260387 and 283223: Browser.setUrl() with header values and post argsGrant Gayed1-0/+7
2009-08-21Bug 126158: [DND] Provide support for FEEDBACK_INSERT_BEFORE for drag under e...Felipe Heidrich1-0/+11
2009-07-01restore HEAD after accidental deletion by error in automated build scriptSilenio Quarti1-0/+1815
2009-06-30*** empty log message ***Felipe Heidrich1-1815/+0
2009-05-29After copyright bash for 3.5RC4AFTER_COPYRIGHT_BASH_FOR_35RC4Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2009-04-1652789 - DCR: No pageOrientation in PrintData?Carolyn MacLeod1-0/+22
2009-03-24*** empty log message ***Felipe Heidrich1-1/+10
2009-02-27cookiesGrant Gayed1-0/+4
2009-02-05Bug 262867: Text Editor doesn't show selected string correctly in Japanese in...Felipe Heidrich1-0/+5
2008-11-14250501 - Control.print(GC) does not work correctlyCarolyn MacLeod1-0/+2
2008-09-05Mac generator and building 64 bit enabled C codeSilenio Quarti1-0/+788
2008-08-12165251 - Not enough information in Calendar control's SelectionEventSteve Northover1-0/+3
2008-05-29234738 - TextLayout font fallback improvementFelipe Heidrich1-0/+15
2008-05-21Bug 229481 - Drag Images not supported in Custom Trees and TablesFelipe Heidrich1-1/+3
2008-05-06*** empty log message ***Felipe Heidrich1-0/+1
2008-04-29*** empty log message ***Felipe Heidrich1-0/+3
2008-03-24Bug 222120 - DND - how to detect which tab item is involved in a DropTargetEventDuong Nguyen1-0/+3
2008-01-25*** empty log message ***Silenio Quarti1-0/+2

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