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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-09-27Bug 525255 - Enable indirect static usage warningsAlexander Kurtakov2-230/+232
2016-09-12Bug 447930 - Accessibility: IA2 object not instantiated until IA2Arun Thondapu1-16/+4
2016-08-29Bug 447930 - Accessibility: IA2 object not instantiated until IA2Arun Thondapu1-0/+12
2016-08-18Bug 312451: Accessible.addRelations should check if target == nullLev Ufimtsev1-2/+4
2016-07-24Bug 497962 - Use lambdas where possibleAlexander Kurtakov1-8/+5
2016-03-31Bug 490699 - Prefer usage of Integer.valueOf() over new Integer inY20160331-1000Lars Vogel1-5/+5
2016-02-10Bug 487556 - Remove redundant type parematers Alexander Kurtakov1-12/+12
2016-02-10Bug 483640 - Add missing annotations to SWT after the move to Java 7Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+3
2016-02-09Revert "Bug 447930 - Accessibility: IA2 object not instantiated until IA2 int...Arun Thondapu1-12/+0
2016-02-03Bug 447930 - Accessibility: IA2 object not instantiated until IA2Arun Thondapu1-0/+12
2016-01-07Bug 485367 - cleaned trailing spaces in swt (win32)Andrey Loskutov2-136/+136
2015-11-02Bug 462633: Enable save actions for annotationsMarkus Keller2-4/+221
2015-10-21Bug 478706 - [Win32] Invalid thread access in Accessible.textCaretMovedNiraj Modi1-1/+1
2015-07-31Bug 458863 - [Common] Replace Vector with ArrayList and friendsJacek Sieka1-27/+28
2015-02-09Bug 457964 -Niraj Modi1-3/+3
2015-02-05Bug 458863 - Replace Vector with ArrayList where appropriateJacek Sieka1-154/+161
2014-12-30Bug 371326 - "Widget is disposed" in combination with accessibilityNiraj Modi1-0/+7
2014-03-25Bug 428091 - [Accessibility] Performance problems in source editors whenv4423aNiraj Modi1-14/+15
2014-03-19Bug 428091 - [Accessibility] Performance problems in source editors whenNiraj Modi1-8/+16
2014-01-10fix formatting for previous commitLakshmi Shanmugam1-2/+4
2014-01-10Bug 421255 - [Accessibility] [Regression] - JAWS does not read text fromNiraj Modi1-7/+15
2013-12-02Added @SuppressWarnings after Java 1.5 change (Bug 411356)Lakshmi Shanmugam1-0/+1
2013-07-10Bug 405450 - Redundant calls in Accessible class when setFocus to childSilenio Quarti1-0/+7
2013-05-30Bug 407270 - Miss NPE check in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.Accessiblev4332aI20130604-2000I20130603-2000I20130602-2000I20130601-1500I20130531-2000I20130530-1430Carolyn MacLeod1-22/+44
2013-05-28Bug 408895 - Do the annual javadoc/copyright bash for 4.3Carolyn MacLeod2-2/+2
2013-04-29add debug statementCarolyn MacLeod1-2/+5
2013-04-26Bug 405244 - Accessibility: There is no way to supply group positionCarolyn MacLeod1-21/+23
2013-04-16Bug 405448 - Accessible object occupied too many memoryCarolyn MacLeod1-11/+3
2013-04-15Bug 405448 - Accessible object occupied too many memoryCarolyn MacLeod1-143/+187
2013-04-15Bug 405448 - Accessible object occupied too many memoryCarolyn MacLeod1-22/+44
2013-03-09Bug 248410 - [Wizards] Accessibility: User is not alerted to errorCarolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2012-09-24Make 64-bit the default source codeSilenio Quarti2-460/+460
2012-06-01Bug 380560 - Do the annual javadoc/copyright bash for 3.8 and 4.2Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2012-02-22Bug 372268 - the "message" in a Text with SEARCH style is inaccessibleCarolyn MacLeod1-2/+22
2011-11-23Bug 333448 - Some radio button groups not read correctly by JAWSCarolyn MacLeod1-5/+20
2011-10-18Bug 346517 - Add accessible keyboard shortcut to TabFolder andCarolyn MacLeod1-1/+6
2011-09-27Bug 349978 - need Accessible.sendEvent(int event, Object eventData, intCarolyn MacLeod1-0/+52
2011-05-10Bug 345279 - Do the annual copyright bash for 3.7AFTER_COPYRIGHT_BASH_FOR_37RC1Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2011-04-04javadoc - mention where eventData is spec'dCarolyn MacLeod1-0/+1
2011-04-04Bug 341804 - Unclear javadoc reference to 'AccessibleAttribute'Carolyn MacLeod1-26/+26
2011-04-04Bug 341804 - Unclear javadoc reference to 'AccessibleAttribute'Felipe Heidrich1-2/+2
2011-02-15Remove "API Under Construction" warning for AccessibleEditableTextCarolyn MacLeod1-4/+0
2010-11-08missing ; for text-line-through-type in get_attributesCarolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2010-10-15*** empty log message ***Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2010-10-14Bug 324005 - Add IAccessible2EditableText support to EclipseCarolyn MacLeod1-39/+49
2010-10-13 Bug 324005 - Add IAccessible2EditableText support to EclipseCarolyn MacLeod1-131/+322
2010-09-17*** empty log message ***Grant Gayed1-17/+1
2010-08-23Bug 320066 - DROP_DOWN ToolItems need accessible nameCarolyn MacLeod1-1/+59
2010-08-18Bug 323056 - [Accessibility] get_hyperlink returns incorrect address for acc...Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2010-07-12Bug 319582 - AIOOBE calling IAHyperlink methodsCarolyn MacLeod1-1/+1

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