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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/texteditor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/texteditor/ b/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/texteditor/
deleted file mode 100755
index 04f7ec7286..0000000000
--- a/examples/org.eclipse.swt.examples/src/org/eclipse/swt/examples/texteditor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.swt.examples.texteditor;
-import org.eclipse.swt.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.custom.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
-import java.util.*;
- */
-public class TextEditor {
- Shell shell;
- ToolBar toolBar;
- StyledText text;
- Images images = new Images();
- Vector cachedStyles = new Vector();
- Color RED = null;
- Color BLUE = null;
- Color GREEN = null;
- Font font = null;
- ToolItem boldButton, italicButton, underlineButton, strikeoutButton;
- static ResourceBundle resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("examples_texteditor");
-Menu createEditMenu() {
- Menu bar = shell.getMenuBar ();
- Menu menu = new Menu (bar);
- MenuItem item = new MenuItem (menu, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setText (resources.getString("Cut_menuitem"));
- item.setAccelerator(SWT.MOD1 + 'X');
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- handleCutCopy();
- text.cut();
- }
- });
- item = new MenuItem (menu, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setText (resources.getString("Copy_menuitem"));
- item.setAccelerator(SWT.MOD1 + 'C');
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- handleCutCopy();
- text.copy();
- }
- });
- item = new MenuItem (menu, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setText (resources.getString("Paste_menuitem"));
- item.setAccelerator(SWT.MOD1 + 'V');
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- text.paste();
- }
- });
- new MenuItem (menu, SWT.SEPARATOR);
- item = new MenuItem (menu, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setText (resources.getString("Font_menuitem"));
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- setFont();
- }
- });
- return menu;
-Menu createFileMenu() {
- Menu bar = shell.getMenuBar ();
- Menu menu = new Menu (bar);
- MenuItem item = new MenuItem (menu, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setText (resources.getString("Exit_menuitem"));
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- shell.close ();
- }
- });
- return menu;
- * Set a style
- */
-void setStyle(Widget widget) {
- Point sel = text.getSelectionRange();
- if ((sel == null) || (sel.y == 0)) return;
- StyleRange style;
- for (int i = sel.x; i<sel.x+sel.y; i++) {
- StyleRange range = text.getStyleRangeAtOffset(i);
- if (range != null) {
- style = (StyleRange)range.clone();
- style.start = i;
- style.length = 1;
- } else {
- style = new StyleRange(i, 1, null, null, SWT.NORMAL);
- }
- if (widget == boldButton) {
- style.fontStyle ^= SWT.BOLD;
- } else if (widget == italicButton) {
- style.fontStyle ^= SWT.ITALIC;
- } else if (widget == underlineButton) {
- style.underline = !style.underline;
- } else if (widget == strikeoutButton) {
- style.strikeout = !style.strikeout;
- }
- text.setStyleRange(style);
- }
- text.setSelectionRange(sel.x + sel.y, 0);
- * Clear all style data for the selected text.
- */
-void clear() {
- Point sel = text.getSelectionRange();
- if (sel.y != 0) {
- StyleRange style;
- style = new StyleRange(sel.x, sel.y, null, null, SWT.NORMAL);
- text.setStyleRange(style);
- }
- text.setSelectionRange(sel.x + sel.y, 0);
- * Set the foreground color for the selected text.
- */
-void fgColor(Color fg) {
- Point sel = text.getSelectionRange();
- if ((sel == null) || (sel.y == 0)) return;
- StyleRange style, range;
- for (int i = sel.x; i<sel.x+sel.y; i++) {
- range = text.getStyleRangeAtOffset(i);
- if (range != null) {
- style = (StyleRange)range.clone();
- style.start = i;
- style.length = 1;
- style.foreground = fg;
- } else {
- style = new StyleRange (i, 1, fg, null, SWT.NORMAL);
- }
- text.setStyleRange(style);
- }
- text.setSelectionRange(sel.x + sel.y, 0);
-void createMenuBar () {
- Menu bar = new Menu (shell, SWT.BAR);
- shell.setMenuBar (bar);
- MenuItem fileItem = new MenuItem (bar, SWT.CASCADE);
- fileItem.setText (resources.getString("File_menuitem"));
- fileItem.setMenu (createFileMenu ());
- MenuItem editItem = new MenuItem (bar, SWT.CASCADE);
- editItem.setText (resources.getString("Edit_menuitem"));
- editItem.setMenu (createEditMenu ());
-void createShell (Display display) {
- shell = new Shell (display);
- shell.setText (resources.getString("Window_title"));
- images.loadAll (display);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
- layout.numColumns = 1;
- shell.setLayout(layout);
- shell.addDisposeListener (new DisposeListener () {
- public void widgetDisposed (DisposeEvent e) {
- if (font != null) font.dispose();
- images.freeAll ();
- RED.dispose();
- GREEN.dispose();
- BLUE.dispose();
- }
- });
-void createStyledText() {
- initializeColors();
- text = new StyledText (shell, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL);
- GridData spec = new GridData();
- spec.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- spec.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- spec.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- spec.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
- text.setLayoutData(spec);
- text.addExtendedModifyListener(new ExtendedModifyListener() {
- public void modifyText(ExtendedModifyEvent e) {
- handleExtendedModify(e);
- }
- });
-void createToolBar() {
- toolBar = new ToolBar(shell, SWT.NONE);
- SelectionAdapter listener = new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- setStyle (event.widget);
- }
- };
- boldButton = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.CHECK);
- boldButton.setImage(images.Bold);
- boldButton.setToolTipText(resources.getString("Bold"));
- boldButton.addSelectionListener(listener);
- italicButton = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.CHECK);
- italicButton.setImage(images.Italic);
- italicButton.setToolTipText(resources.getString("Italic"));
- italicButton.addSelectionListener(listener);
- underlineButton = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.CHECK);
- underlineButton.setImage(images.Underline);
- underlineButton.setToolTipText(resources.getString("Underline"));
- underlineButton.addSelectionListener(listener);
- strikeoutButton = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.CHECK);
- strikeoutButton.setImage(images.Strikeout);
- strikeoutButton.setToolTipText(resources.getString("Strikeout"));
- strikeoutButton.addSelectionListener(listener);
- ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.SEPARATOR);
- item = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setImage(images.Red);
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- fgColor(RED);
- }
- });
- item = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setImage(images.Green);
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- fgColor(GREEN);
- }
- });
- item = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setImage(images.Blue);
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- fgColor(BLUE);
- }
- });
- item = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.SEPARATOR);
- item = new ToolItem(toolBar, SWT.PUSH);
- item.setImage(images.Erase);
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
- clear();
- }
- });
- * Cache the style information for text that has been cut or copied.
- */
-void handleCutCopy() {
- // Save the cut/copied style info so that during paste we will maintain
- // the style information. Cut/copied text is put in the clipboard in
- // RTF format, but is not pasted in RTF format. The other way to
- // handle the pasting of styles would be to access the Clipboard directly and
- // parse the RTF text.
- cachedStyles = new Vector();
- Point sel = text.getSelectionRange();
- int startX = sel.x;
- for (int i=sel.x; i<=sel.x+sel.y-1; i++) {
- StyleRange style = text.getStyleRangeAtOffset(i);
- if (style != null) {
- style.start = style.start - startX;
- if (!cachedStyles.isEmpty()) {
- StyleRange lastStyle = (StyleRange)cachedStyles.lastElement();
- if (lastStyle.similarTo(style) && lastStyle.start + lastStyle.length == style.start) {
- lastStyle.length++;
- } else {
- cachedStyles.addElement(style);
- }
- } else {
- cachedStyles.addElement(style);
- }
- }
- }
-void handleExtendedModify(ExtendedModifyEvent event) {
- if (event.length == 0) return;
- StyleRange style;
- if (event.length == 1 || text.getTextRange(event.start, event.length).equals(text.getLineDelimiter())) {
- // Have the new text take on the style of the text to its right (during
- // typing) if no style information is active.
- int caretOffset = text.getCaretOffset();
- style = null;
- if (caretOffset < text.getCharCount()) style = text.getStyleRangeAtOffset(caretOffset);
- if (style != null) {
- style = (StyleRange) style.clone ();
- style.start = event.start;
- style.length = event.length;
- } else {
- style = new StyleRange(event.start, event.length, null, null, SWT.NORMAL);
- }
- if (boldButton.getSelection()) style.fontStyle |= SWT.BOLD;
- if (italicButton.getSelection()) style.fontStyle |= SWT.ITALIC;
- style.underline = underlineButton.getSelection();
- style.strikeout = strikeoutButton.getSelection();
- if (!style.isUnstyled()) text.setStyleRange(style);
- } else {
- // paste occurring, have text take on the styles it had when it was
- // cut/copied
- for (int i=0; i<cachedStyles.size(); i++) {
- style = (StyleRange)cachedStyles.elementAt(i);
- StyleRange newStyle = (StyleRange)style.clone();
- newStyle.start = style.start + event.start;
- text.setStyleRange(newStyle);
- }
- }
-public static void main (String [] args) {
- Display display = new Display ();
- TextEditor example = new TextEditor ();
- Shell shell = (display);
- while (!shell.isDisposed ())
- if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
- display.dispose ();
-public Shell open (Display display) {
- createShell (display);
- createMenuBar ();
- createToolBar ();
- createStyledText ();
- shell.setSize(500, 300);
- ();
- return shell;
-void setFont() {
- FontDialog fontDialog = new FontDialog(shell);
- fontDialog.setFontList((text.getFont()).getFontData());
- FontData fontData =;
- if (fontData != null) {
- if (font != null) {
- font.dispose();
- }
- font = new Font(shell.getDisplay(), fontData);
- text.setFont(font);
- }
-void initializeColors() {
- Display display = Display.getDefault();
- RED = new Color (display, new RGB(255,0,0));
- BLUE = new Color (display, new RGB(0,0,255));
- GREEN = new Color (display, new RGB(0,255,0));

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