#!/usr/bin/env bash # this is not really to be executed, but sourced where needed # general purpose utility for "hard exit" if return code not zero. # especially useful to call/check after basic things that should normally # easily succeeed. # usage: # checkForErrorExit $? "Failed to copy file (for example)" checkForErrorExit () { # arg 1 must be return code, $? # arg 2 (remaining line) can be message to print before exiting do to non-zero exit code exitCode=$1 shift message="$*" if [[ -z "${exitCode}" ]] then echo "PROGRAM ERROR: checkForErrorExit called with no arguments" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${message}" ]] then echo "WARNING: checkForErrorExit called without message" message="(Calling program provided no message)" fi # first make sure exit code is well formed if [[ "${exitCode}" =~ [0] ]] then #echo "exitcode was zero" exitrc=0 else if [[ "${exitCode}" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] then #echo "exitcode was non-zero numeric" exitrc=exitCode else #echo "exitode was not numeric, so will force to 1" exitrc=1 fi fi if [[ $exitrc != 0 ]] then echo echo " ERROR. exit code: ${exitrc}" echo " ERROR. message: ${message}" echo exit $exitrc fi } # USAGE: fn-git-clone URL [BRANCH [TARGET_DIR] ] # URL: file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance # TARGET_DIR: e.p.releng.aggregator fn-git-clone () { URL="$1"; shift if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then BRANCH="-b $1"; shift fi if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then TARGET_DIR="$1"; shift fi echo git clone $BRANCH $URL $TARGET_DIR git clone $BRANCH $URL $TARGET_DIR } # USAGE: fn-git-checkout BRANCH | TAG # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-checkout () { BRANCH="$1"; shift echo git checkout "$BRANCH" git checkout "$BRANCH" } # USAGE: fn-git-pull fn-git-pull () { echo git pull git pull } # USAGE: fn-git-submodule-update fn-git-submodule-update () { echo git submodule init git submodule init echo git submodule update git submodule update } # USAGE: fn-git-clean fn-git-clean () { echo git clean -f -d git clean -f -d } # USAGE: fn-git-reset fn-git-reset () { echo git reset --hard $@ git reset --hard $@ } # USAGE: fn-git-clean-submodules fn-git-clean-submodules () { echo git submodule foreach git clean -f -d git submodule foreach git clean -f -d } # USAGE: fn-git-reset-submodules fn-git-reset-submodules () { echo git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD } # USAGE: fn-build-id BUILD_TYPE # BUILD_TYPE: I, M, N fn-build-id () { BUILD_TYPE="$1"; shift echo $BUILD_TYPE$(date +%Y%m%d)-$(date +%H%M) } # USAGE: fn-local-repo URL [TO_REPLACE] # URL: git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git # TO_REPLACE: git://git.eclipse.org fn-local-repo () { FORCE_LOCAL_REPO=false URL="$1"; shift if [ build = $(hostname) -o $FORCE_LOCAL_REPO = true ]; then TO_REPLACE='git://git.eclipse.org' if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then TO_REPLACE="$1"; shift fi echo $URL | sed "s!$TO_REPLACE!file://!g" else echo $URL fi } # USAGE: cat repositories.txt | fn-local-repos [TO_REPLACE] # TO_REPLACE: git://git.eclipse.org fn-local-repos () { TO_REPLACE='git://git.eclipse.org' if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then TO_REPLACE="$1"; shift fi sed "s!$TO_REPLACE!file://!g" } # USAGE: fn-git-clone-aggregator GIT_CACHE URL BRANCH # GIT_CACHE: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache # URL: file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-clone-aggregator () { GIT_CACHE="$1"; shift URL="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift if [ ! -e "$GIT_CACHE" ]; then mkdir -p "$GIT_CACHE" fi pushd "$GIT_CACHE" fn-git-clone "$URL" "$BRANCH" popd pushd $(fn-git-dir "$GIT_CACHE" "$URL" ) fn-git-submodule-update popd } # USAGE: fn-git-clean-aggregator AGGREGATOR_DIR BRANCH # AGGREGATOR_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-clean-aggregator () { AGGREGATOR_DIR="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift pushd "$AGGREGATOR_DIR" fn-git-clean fn-git-clean-submodules fn-git-reset-submodules fn-git-checkout "$BRANCH" fn-git-reset origin/$BRANCH popd } # USAGE: fn-git-cache ROOT BRANCH # ROOT: /shared/eclipse/builds # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-cache () { ROOT="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift echo $ROOT/$BRANCH/gitCache } # USAGE: fn-git-dir GIT_CACHE URL # GIT_CACHE: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache # URL: file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git fn-git-dir () { GIT_CACHE="$1"; shift URL="$1"; shift echo $GIT_CACHE/$( basename "$URL" .git ) } # USAGE: fn-build-dir ROOT BRANCH BUILD_ID # ROOT: /shared/eclipse/builds # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance # BUILD_ID: M20121119-1900 fn-build-dir () { ROOT="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift BUILD_ID="$1"; shift STREAM="$1"; shift eclipseStreamMajor=${STREAM:0:1} dropDirSegment=siteDir/eclipse/downloads/dropscbibased if [[ $eclipseStreamMajor > 3 ]] then dropDirSegment=siteDir/eclipse/downloads/drops4cbibased fi echo $ROOT/$BRANCH/$dropDirSegment/$BUILD_ID } # USAGE: fn-basebuilder-dir ROOT BRANCH BASEBUILDER_TAG # ROOT: /shared/eclipse/builds # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance # BASEBUILDER_TAG: R38M6PlusRC3D fn-basebuilder-dir () { ROOT="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_TAG="$1"; shift echo $ROOT/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_$BASEBUILDER_TAG } # USAGE: fn-maven-signer-install REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo fn-maven-signer-install () { REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn -f eclipse-jarsigner-plugin/pom.xml \ clean install \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO popd } # USAGE: fn-maven-parent-install REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo fn-maven-parent-install () { REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn -f eclipse-parent/pom.xml \ clean install \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO popd } # USAGE: fn-maven-cbi-install REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo fn-maven-cbi-install () { REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn -f maven-cbi-plugin/pom.xml \ clean install \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO popd } # USAGE: fn-maven-build-aggregator BUILD_ID REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO VERBOSE SIGNING UPDATE_BRANDING MAVEN_BREE # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo # VERBOSE: true # SIGNING: true # UPDATE_BRANDING: true fn-maven-build-aggregator () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift MARGS="-DbuildId=$BUILD_ID" if $VERBOSE; then MARGS="$MARGS -X" fi shift if $SIGNING; then MARGS="$MARGS -Peclipse-sign" fi shift if $UPDATE_BRANDING; then MARGS="$MARGS -Pupdate-branding-plugins" fi shift MARGS="$MARGS ${MAVEN_BREE}" echo "DEBUG: BUILD_ID: $BUILD_ID" echo "DEBUG: REPO_DIR: $REPO_DIR" echo "DEBUG: LOCAL_REPO: $LOCAL_REPO" echo "DEBUG: VERBOSE: $VERBOSE" echo "DEBUG: UPDATE_BRANDING: $UPDATE_BRANDING" echo "DEBUG: MAVEN_BREE: $MAVEN_BREE" pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn $MARGS \ clean install \ -Dmaven.test.skip=true \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO popd } # USAGE: fn-submodule-checkout BUILD_ID REPO_DIR REPOSITORIES_TXT # BUILD_ID: M20121116-1100 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/scripts/git-submodule-checkout.sh # REPOSITORIES_TXT: /shared/eclipse/builds/scripts/repositories.txt fn-submodule-checkout () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift SCRIPT="$1"; shift REPOSITORIES_TXT="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" git submodule foreach "/bin/bash $SCRIPT $REPOSITORIES_TXT \$name" uninit=$( git submodule | grep "^-" | cut -f2 -d" " | sort -u ) if [ ! -z "$uninit" ]; then echo Some modules are not initialized: $uninit return fi conflict=$( git submodule | grep "^U" | cut -f2 -d" " | sort -u ) if [ ! -z "$conflict" ]; then echo Some modules have conflicts: $conflict return fi adds=$( git submodule | grep "^+" | cut -f2 -d" " ) if [ -z "$adds" ]; then echo No updates for the submodules return fi popd } # USAGE: fn-add-submodule-updates REPO_DIR # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator fn-add-submodule-updates () { REPO_DIR="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" adds=$( git submodule | grep "^+" | cut -f2 -d" " ) if [ -z "$adds" ]; then echo No updates for the submodules return fi echo git add $adds git add $adds popd } # USAGE: fn-submodule-checkout BUILD_ID REPO_DIR REPOSITORIES_TXT # BUILD_ID: M20121116-1100 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # REPOSITORIES_TXT: /shared/eclipse/builds/scripts/repositories.txt fn-tag-build-inputs () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift REPOSITORIES_TXT="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" git submodule foreach "if grep \"^\${name}:\" $REPOSITORIES_TXT >/dev/null; then git tag $BUILD_ID; $GIT_PUSH origin $BUILD_ID; else echo Skipping \$name; fi" git tag $BUILD_ID $GIT_PUSH origin $BUILD_ID popd } # USAGE: fn-pom-version-updater REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo fn-pom-version-updater () { REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift # fail fast if not set up correctly rc=$(fn-check-dir-exists TMP_DIR) checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" report=${TMP_DIR}/pom_${BUILD_ID}.txt pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn $MARGS \ org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:update-pom \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO changes=$( git status --short -uno | cut -c4- ) if [ -z "$changes" ]; then echo No changes in pom versions return else echo Changes in pom versions fi popd } # USAGE: fn-pom-version-update-with-commit BUILD_ID REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo # VERBOSE: true # SIGNING: true fn-pom-version-update-with-commit () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift # fail fast if not set up correctly rc=$(fn-check-dir-exists TMP_DIR) checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" report=${TMP_DIR}/pom_${BUILD_ID}.txt MARGS="-DbuildId=$BUILD_ID" pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn $MARGS \ org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:update-pom \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO changes=$( git status --short -uno | cut -c4- ) if [ -z "$changes" ]; then echo No changes in pom versions return fi repos=$( git status --short -uno | cut -c4- | grep -v pom.xml ) for CURRENT_REPO in $repos; do pushd "$CURRENT_REPO" pom_only=$( git status --short -uno | grep -v pom.xml | wc -l ) if (( pom_only == 0 )); then git add $( git status --short -uno | cut -c4- ) git commit -m "Update pom versions for build $BUILD_ID" echo $GIT_PUSH origin HEAD else echo Unable to update poms for $CURRENT_REPO fi popd done echo git add $changes git add $changes popd } # USAGE: fn-gather-repo BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-repo () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY=$REPO_DIR/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" cp -r eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository $BUILD_DIR popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY did not exist in fn-gather-repo" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-static-drop BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-static-drop () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift REPO_DIR_BUILDER=$REPO_DIR/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR_BUILDER" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" cp -r eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/staticDropFiles/* $BUILD_DIR cp -r eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/clickThroughs $BUILD_DIR # FIXME workaround the download page temp directory # fail fast if not set up correctly rc=$(fn-check-dir-exists TMP_DIR) checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" sed 's!downloads/drops!staging/cbi/drops!g' $BUILD_DIR/download.php >${TMP_DIR}/t1_$$ mv {TMP_DIR}/t1_$$ $BUILD_DIR/download.php popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR_BUILDER did not exist in fn-gather-static-drop" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-sdk BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-sdk () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift TARGET_PRODUCTS="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/sdk/target/products if [[ -d "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" ]] then pushd "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-aix.gtk.ppc64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-aix-gtk-ppc64.zip cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-aix.gtk.ppc.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-aix-gtk-ppc.zip cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-hpux.gtk.ia64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-hpux-gtk-ia64.zip cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.ppc.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-ppc.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.ppc64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-ppc64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.s390.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-s390.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.s390x.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-s390x.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.x86.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-macosx.cocoa.x86.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-solaris.gtk.sparc.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-solaris-gtk.zip cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-solaris.gtk.x86.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-solaris-gtk-x86.zip cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-win32.win32.x86_64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-win32-x86_64.zip cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-win32.win32.x86.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-win32.zip popd else echo " ERROR: $TARGET_PRODUCTS did not exist in fn-gather-sdks" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-platform BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-platform () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift TARGET_PRODUCTS="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.sdk/target/products if [[ -d "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" ]] then pushd "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-aix.gtk.ppc64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-aix-gtk-ppc64.zip cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-aix.gtk.ppc.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-aix-gtk-ppc.zip cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-hpux.gtk.ia64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-hpux-gtk-ia64.zip cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-linux.gtk.ppc.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-ppc.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-linux.gtk.ppc64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-ppc64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-linux.gtk.s390.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-s390.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-linux.gtk.s390x.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-s390x.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-linux.gtk.x86.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-macosx.cocoa.x86.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-solaris.gtk.sparc.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-solaris-gtk.zip cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-solaris.gtk.x86.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-solaris-gtk-x86.zip cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-win32.win32.x86_64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-win32-x86_64.zip cp org.eclipse.rcp.sdk.id-win32.win32.x86.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-win32.zip popd else echo " ERROR: $TARGET_PRODUCTS did not exist in fn-gather-platform" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-swt-zips BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-swt-zips () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift # TODO: this directory sanity check does not accomplish much, since "binaries/bundles" always # exists. Results in "not found" msg. Doubt there's any simple solution. SWT_BUNDLES_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.swt.binaries/bundles if [[ -d "$SWT_BUNDLES_DIR" ]] then pushd "$SWT_BUNDLES_DIR" cp */target/*.zip "$BUILD_DIR" popd else echo " ERROR: $SWT_BUNDLES_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-swt-zips" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-test-zips BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-test-zips () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift TEST_ZIP_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/target if [[ -d "$TEST_ZIP_DIR" ]] then pushd "$TEST_ZIP_DIR" cp eclipse-junit-tests-bundle.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-Automated-Tests-${BUILD_ID}.zip TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR=$TEST_ZIP_DIR/eclipse-test-framework if [[ -d "$TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR" ]] then pushd "$TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR" zip -r "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-test-framework-${BUILD_ID}.zip * popd else echo " ERROR: $TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-test-zips." fi popd else echo " ERROR: $TEST_ZIP_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-test-zips." fi } # USAGE: fn-slice-repos BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # ANT_SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar fn-slice-repos () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift ANT_SCRIPT="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/repos/buildAll.xml REPO_DIR_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR_DIR" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" java -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile "$ANT_SCRIPT" \ -Declipse.build.configs="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildRepo="$REPO_DIR_DIR" \ -DpostingDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR") \ -DequinoxPostingDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR") \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildDirectory="$BUILD_DIR" popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR_DIR did not exist in fn-slice-repo" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-repo-zips BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-repo-zips () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repos for r in org.eclipse.*; do pushd $r zip -r "$BUILD_DIR"/${r}-${BUILD_ID}.zip * popd done popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-repo-zips" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-compile-logs BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-compile-logs () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins pushd "$REPO_DIR" for dot in $( find * -name "@dot.xml" ); do echo "Processing $dot" # org.eclipse.e4.core.di/target/@dot.xml targetDir=$( dirname "$dot" ) if [ ! -r "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF ]; then echo "**Failed to process $dot" else BUNDLE_ID=$( grep Bundle-SymbolicName "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1 -d\; | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) BUNDLE_VERSION=$( grep Bundle-Version "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) mkdir "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION} cp "$dot" "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION} fi done popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-compile-logs" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-main-index BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR STREAM BUILD_TYPE BUILD_DATE # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # STREAM: 4.2.2 # BUILD_TYPE: M, I, N # BUILD_DATE: Thu Nov 20 17:47:35 EST 2012 fn-gather-main-index () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift STREAM="$1"; shift BUILD_TYPE="$1"; shift BUILD_TYPE_NAME=Integration if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = M ]; then BUILD_TYPE_NAME=Maintenance fi BUILD_DATE="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/templateFiles # fail fast if not set up correctly rc=$(fn-check-dir-exists TMP_DIR) checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" T1=${TMP_DIR}/t1_$$ T2=${TMP_DIR}/t2_$$ sed "s/@eclipseStream@/$STREAM/g" index.php.template >$T1 sed "s/@type@/$BUILD_TYPE_NAME/g" $T1 >$T2 sed "s/@build@/$BUILD_ID/g" $T2 >$T1 sed "s/@date@/$BUILD_DATE/g" $T1 >$T2 sed "s/@buildlabel@/$BUILD_ID/g" $T2 >$T1 cp $T1 "$BUILD_DIR"/index.php rm $T1 $T2 popd } # USAGE: fn-parse-compile-logs BUILD_ID ANT_SCRIPT BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # ANT_SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar fn-parse-compile-logs () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift ANT_SCRIPT="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift pushd "$BUILD_DIR" java -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile "$ANT_SCRIPT" \ -DbuildDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR" ) \ -DpostingDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR" ) \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ verifyCompile popd } # USAGE: fn-publish-eclipse BUILD_TYPE BUILD_STREAM BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_TYPE: I # BUILD_STREAM: 4.2.2 # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar fn-publish-eclipse () { BUILD_TYPE="$1"; shift BUILD_STREAM="$1"; shift BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift pushd "$BUILD_DIR" java -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -v \ -buildfile "$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/helper.xml \ -Declipse.build.configs="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildRepo="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository \ -DpostingDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR") \ -DequinoxPostingDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR") \ -DpublishingContent="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ -Dhudson=true \ -DeclipseStream=$BUILD_STREAM \ -DbuildType="$BUILD_TYPE" \ -Dbase.builder=$(dirname $(dirname "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" ) ) \ -DbuildDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR") \ publish popd } # USAGE: fn-checkout-basebuilder BUILDER_DIR BASEBUILDER_TAG # BUILDER_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7 # BASEBUILDER_TAG: R3_7 fn-checkout-basebuilder () { BUILDER_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_TAG="$1"; shift if [ -e "$BUILDER_DIR" ]; then return fi pushd $( dirname "$BUILDER_DIR" ) wget --no-verbose -O basebuilder-${BASEBUILDER_TAG}.zip http://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.basebuilder.git/snapshot/eclipse.platform.releng.basebuilder-${BASEBUILDER_TAG}.zip 2>&1 unzip -q basebuilder-${BASEBUILDER_TAG}.zip mv eclipse.platform.releng.basebuilder-${BASEBUILDER_TAG} "$BUILDER_DIR" rm basebuilder-${BASEBUILDER_TAG}.zip popd } # USAGE: fn-basebuilder-launcher BUILDER_DIR # BUILDER_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7 fn-basebuilder-launcher () { BUILDER_DIR="$1"; shift find "$BUILDER_DIR" -name "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" | tail -1 } # USAGE: fn-pom-version-report BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR LOCAL_REPO # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-pom-version-report () { BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR"/pom_updates git submodule foreach "if (git status -s -uno | grep pom.xml >/dev/null ); then git diff >$BUILD_DIR/pom_updates/\$name.diff; fi " pushd "$BUILD_DIR"/pom_updates echo "" >index.html echo "" >>index.html echo "POM version report for $BUILD_ID" >>index.html echo "" >>index.html echo "" >>index.html echo "

POM version report for $BUILD_ID

" >>index.html echo "

These repositories need patches to bring their pom.xml files up to the correct version.

" >>index.html echo "" >> index.html echo "" >> index.html popd popd } # USAGE: fn-check-dir-exists DIR_VAR_NAME # DIR_VAR_NAME: JAVA_HOME (not, $JAVA_HOME, for better error messages) # callers should check for non-zero returned value, which itself is suitable for message, # but must be quoted. Such as # rc=${fn-check-dir-exists JAVA_HOME) # checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" fn-check-dir-exists () { DIR_VAR_NAME=$1 if [[ -z "${!DIR_VAR_NAME}" ]] then echo "DIR_VAR_NAME, ${DIR_VAR_NAME}, must be defined before running this script." else if [[ ! -d "${!DIR_VAR_NAME}" ]] then echo "The directory DIR_VAR_NAME, ${DIR_VAR_NAME} (\"${!DIR_VAR_NAME}\"), must exist before running this script." else echo 0 fi fi }