#!/usr/bin/env bash #******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # David Williams - initial API and implementation #******************************************************************************* # if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo USAGE: $0 env_file exit 1 fi if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then echo "$1" cannot be read echo USAGE: $0 env_file exit 1 fi source "$1" export SCRIPT_PATH=${SCRIPT_PATH:-$(pwd)} cd $BUILD_ROOT source $SCRIPT_PATH/build-functions.shsource # derived values gitCache=$( fn-git-cache "$BUILD_ROOT") aggDir=$( fn-git-dir "$gitCache" "$AGGREGATOR_REPO" ) if [ -z "$BUILD_ID" ]; then BUILD_ID=$(fn-build-id "$BUILD_TYPE" ) fi buildDirectory=$( fn-build-dir "$BUILD_ROOT" "$BUILD_ID" "$STREAM" ) basebuilderDir=$( fn-basebuilder-dir "$BUILD_ROOT" "$BUILD_ID" "$STREAM" ) printf "\n\tINFO: %s\n" "calling getEBuilderForDropDir.sh from publish-eclipse.sh" $SCRIPT_PATH/getEBuilderForDropDir.sh $buildDirectory $EBUILDER_HASH fn-checkout-basebuilder "$basebuilderDir" launcherJar=$( fn-basebuilder-launcher "$basebuilderDir" ) EBuilderDir="$buildDirectory"/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder # Temporary fork/condition # if [[ "true" == "${USING_TYCHO_SNAPSHOT}" ]] # then fn-gather-23-compile-logs "$BUILD_ID" "$aggDir" "$buildDirectory" #else # fn-gather-compile-logs "$BUILD_ID" "$aggDir" "$buildDirectory" # fi echo -e "\n\n[DEBUG] == critical values in publish-eclipse.sh == " echo -e "\n[DEBUG] buildDirectory in publish-eclipse.sh: $buildDirectory" echo -e "\n[DEBUG] BUILD_ID in publish-eclipse.sh: $BUILD_ID" fn-parse-compile-logs "$BUILD_ID" \ "${EBuilderDir}/eclipse/helper.xml" \ "$buildDirectory" "$launcherJar" fn-summarize-comparator-logs "$BUILD_ID" \ "${EBuilderDir}/eclipse/buildScripts/eclipse_compare.xml" \ "$buildDirectory" "$launcherJar" # As far as I know, "API Tooling" is not very useful for a patch feature, or X or Y build. if [[ ! $BUILD_TYPE =~ [PX] ]] then fn-summarize-apitooling "$BUILD_ID" \ "${EBuilderDir}/eclipse/buildScripts/api-tools-builder.xml" \ "$buildDirectory" "$launcherJar" fi fn-publish-eclipse "$BUILD_TYPE" "$STREAM" "$BUILD_ID" "$aggDir" "$buildDirectory" "$launcherJar"