#!/usr/bin/env bash # if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo USAGE: $0 env_file touch "${buildDirectory}/buildFailed-get-aggregator" exit 1 fi if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then echo "$1" cannot be read echo USAGE: $0 env_file touch "${buildDirectory}/buildFailed-get-aggregator" exit 1 fi source "$1" SCRIPT_PATH=${SCRIPT_PATH:-$(pwd)} source $SCRIPT_PATH/build-functions.shsource cd $BUILD_ROOT # derived values gitCache=$( fn-git-cache "$BUILD_ROOT" ) aggDir=$( fn-git-dir "$gitCache" "$AGGREGATOR_REPO" ) if [[ -r "$aggDir" ]] then fn-git-clean-aggregator2 "$aggDir" "${BRANCH}" RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then pushd "$aggDir" fn-git-pull RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-git-submodule-update RC=$? popd fi fi else fn-git-clone-aggregator "$gitCache" \ $(fn-local-repo "$AGGREGATOR_REPO") "${BRANCH}" RC=$? fi buildDirectory=$( fn-build-dir "$BUILD_ROOT" "$BUILD_ID" "$STREAM" ) if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then # create as "indicator file" ... gets filled in more once there is a log to grep touch "${buildDirectory}/buildFailed-get-aggregator" echo "ERROR: get-aggregator returned non-zero return code: $RC" echo " assuming 'master' for EBUILDER_HASH (for later use), since could not reliably get aggregator." EBUILDER_HASH=master fn-write-property EBUILDER_HASH exit $RC fi pushd "$aggDir" # save current hash tag value for documenting build (e.g. to reproduce, run tests, etc.) EBUILDER_HASH=$( git show-ref --hash --verify refs/remotes/origin/${BRANCH} ) checkForErrorExit $? "git show-ref --hash failed for refs/remotes/origin/${BRANCH}. Not valid ref?" # remember, literal name as argument ... its defrefernced in function fn-write-property EBUILDER_HASH # write to "relengdirectory.txt", as a double check on build input" # In particular, this "early one" is the "starting point". # By the time we do a build and commit submodules, there would # be a different one that is tagged with buildId. I'm thinking it is the latter that would be needed # to "reproduce a build" but this early one may be important to debug what went wrong with a build. buildDirectory=$( fn-build-dir "$BUILD_ROOT" "$BUILD_ID" "$STREAM" ) echo "# Build ${BUILD_ID}, ${BUILD_PRETTY_DATE}" > ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "# " >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "# This is a listing of reverse lookup of commits and tags in a build." >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "# It is intended to serve as double check or source of debug information if something appears wrong with a build." >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "# " >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "# Starting point, directing build:" >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "$AGGREGATOR_REPO $BRANCH $EBUILDER_HASH" >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt echo "# " >> ${logsDirectory}/relengdirectory.txt popd