#!/usr/bin/env bash # Utility to download the overall "web pages" from DL site, without getting all # the unnecessary things, and especially without getting the huge artifacts. # This is written to be ran "in place" in a local clone of the git tree, so that # a proper "compare" can be done with what is already checked in to git. # The script assumes there's a known host "build", which can be configured in ~/.ssh/config like this: # #Host build # HostName build.eclipse.org # User your-eclipse-ssh-account-name rsync -aP --delete-excluded --prune-empty-dirs \ --exclude 'TIME' --exclude '**/ztime/' --exclude '**/pde/' --exclude '**/equinox/' --exclude '**/eclipse.org-common/' \ --exclude '**/e4/' \ --include '**/updates/*/categories*/' --include '**/updates/?-builds/*' --include '**/updates/milestones/*' --exclude '**/updates/*/*' \ --include '/index.html' --include '**/drops/index.html' --include '**/drops4/index.html' \ --exclude '**/drops/**' --exclude '**/drops4/**' --exclude 'downloads/index.html' --exclude '**/downloads/eclipse3x.html' \ build:/home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org/eclipse/ ./eclipse/ find . -name content.jar -execdir unzip '{}' \; -delete