#!/usr/bin/env bash #******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation and others. # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ # # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 # # Contributors: # David Williams - initial API and implementation #******************************************************************************* # General purpose utilities related to git and similar, # to be sourced where needed # this localBuildProperties.shsource file is to ease local builds to override some variables. # It should not be used for production builds. source localBuildProperties.shsource 2>/dev/null ARCHIVE_HOST=${ARCHIVE_HOST:-archive.eclipse.org} DOWNLOAD_HOST=${DOWNLOAD_HOST:-download.eclipse.org} if [[ -z "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]] then echo -e "\n\t[ERROR] SCRIPT_PATH is not defined as expected in ${0##*/}" exit 1 else echo -e "\n\t[INFO] SCRIPT_PATH defined as ${SCRIPT_PATH}" fi source ${SCRIPT_PATH}/bashUtilities.shsource source ${SCRIPT_PATH}/bootstrapVariables.shsource # USAGE: fn-git-clone URL [BRANCH [TARGET_DIR] ] # URL: file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance # TARGET_DIR: e.p.releng.aggregator fn-git-clone () { URL="$1"; shift if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then BRANCH_CMD="-b $1"; shift fi if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then TARGET_DIR="$1"; shift fi # We specify --shared so that the # directory has group write permissions, as well as g+sx, # which is mostly done for easier "cleanup" of directories, etc., # by anyone in "eclipse.platform.releng" group, not just genie.releng # owner id itself. echo git clone --recursive $BRANCH_CMD $URL $TARGET_DIR git clone --recursive $BRANCH_CMD $URL $TARGET_DIR } # USAGE: fn-git-checkout BRANCH | TAG # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-checkout () { BRANCH="$1"; shift # always fetch before checkout, to be sure new # branches are in local repo (in case we are switching # to a new branch). echo git fetch current repo before checkout git fetch RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git fetch: $RC" else echo git checkout "$BRANCH" --force git checkout "$BRANCH" --force RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git checkout: $RC" fi fi return $RC } # USAGE: fn-git-pull fn-git-pull () { echo git pull git pull } # USAGE: fn-git-submodule-update fn-git-submodule-update () { echo "git submodule init" git submodule init echo "git submodule update --recursive" git submodule update --recursive } # USAGE: fn-git-update-submodules fn-git-update-submodules () { echo git submodule update --init git submodule update --init } # USAGE: fn-git-clean fn-git-clean () { # See bug 400657 echo git clean -f -d -x git clean -f -d -x RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git clean: $RC" return $RC else # after initial clean, we'll also use git stash to clean up any temp commits # and modified tracked files, which will also call clean under the covers, I believe, # so may eventually want to do this first? (But, that may not allow the -x type cleanup). git stash RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git stash: $RC" return $RC else # we don't really want to save this stash in build directory git stash clear RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git stash clear: $RC" return $RC fi fi fi return 0 } # USAGE: fn-git-reset fn-git-reset () { echo git reset --hard $@ git reset --hard $@ RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git reset: $RC" fi return $RC } # USAGE: fn-git-clean-submodules fn-git-clean-submodules () { # See bug 400657 echo git submodule foreach git clean -f -d -x git submodule foreach git clean -f -d -x RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from submodule foreach git clean: $RC" return $RC else # after initial clean, we'll also use git stash to clean up any temp commits # and modified tracked files, which will also call clean under the covers, I believe, # so may eventually want to do this first? (But, that may not allow the -x type cleanup). git submodule foreach git stash RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git submodule stash: $RC" return $RC else # we don't really want to save this stash in build directory git submodule foreach git stash clear RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from git submodule stash clear: $RC" return $RC fi fi fi return 0 } # USAGE: fn-git-reset-submodules fn-git-reset-submodules () { echo git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "[ERROR] RC from submodule foreach git reset: $RC" fi return $RC } # USAGE: fn-local-repo URL # URL: git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git fn-local-repo () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi # we assume REPO_AND_ACCESS is exported from calling scripts URL="$1"; shift TO_REPLACE='git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot' if [[ -n "${REPO_AND_ACCESS}" && "${REPO_AND_ACCESS}" != "${TO_REPLACE}" ]] then echo $URL | sed "s!${TO_REPLACE}!${REPO_AND_ACCESS}!g" else echo $URL fi } # USAGE: fn-git-clone-aggregator GIT_CACHE URL BRANCH # GIT_CACHE: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache # URL: file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-clone-aggregator () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi GIT_CACHE="$1"; shift URL="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift if [ ! -e "$GIT_CACHE" ]; then mkdir -p "$GIT_CACHE" fi pushd "$GIT_CACHE" fn-git-clone "$URL" "$BRANCH" popd pushd $(fn-git-dir "$GIT_CACHE" "$URL" ) fn-git-submodule-update popd } # USAGE: fn-git-clean-aggregator AGGREGATOR_DIR BRANCH # AGGREGATOR_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-clean-aggregator () { checkNArgs $# 2 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi AGGREGATOR_DIR="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift pushd "$AGGREGATOR_DIR" fn-complete-status "Repo state status before any cleaning." fn-git-clean RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-git-clean-submodules RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-complete-status "Repo state status after cleaning but before reset." fn-git-reset-submodules RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-complete-status "Repo state status after submodules reset but before checkout." fn-git-checkout "$BRANCH" RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-complete-status "Repo state status after checkout but final reset." fn-git-reset origin/$BRANCH RC=$? fn-complete-status "Repo state status after all cleanup in clean-aggregator." fi fi fi fi popd return $RC } # USAGE: fn-git-clean-aggregator AGGREGATOR_DIR BRANCH # AGGREGATOR_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BRANCH: R4_2_maintenance fn-git-clean-aggregator2 () { checkNArgs $# 2 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi AGGREGATOR_DIR="$1"; shift BRANCH="$1"; shift pushd "$AGGREGATOR_DIR" fn-complete-status "Repo state status before any cleaning." fn-git-clean RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-git-clean-submodules RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-complete-status "Repo state status after clean but before checkout." fn-git-checkout "$BRANCH" RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-complete-status "Repo state status after checkout but before reset." fn-git-reset origin/$BRANCH RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]] then fn-complete-status "Repo state status after reset but before forced update." fn-git-update-submodules RC=$? fn-complete-status "Repo state status after all cleanup and init in clean-aggregator." fi fi fi fi popd return $RC } # USAGE: fn-basebuilder-dir ROOT BUILD_ID STREAM # ROOT: /shared/eclipse/builds # BUILD_ID: M20121116-1100 # STREAM: 4.2.2 fn-basebuilder-dir () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi ROOT="$1"; shift BUILD_ID="$1"; shift STREAM="$1"; shift buildDirectory=$( fn-build-dir "$ROOT" "$BUILD_ID" "$STREAM" ) echo $buildDirectory/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder } # USAGE: fn-maven-build-aggregator BUILD_ID REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO DEBUG QUIET SIGNING MAVEN_BREE # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo # VERBOSE: true # SIGNING: true # TODO: depends on BUILD_TYPE being exported/global fn-maven-build-aggregator () { checkNArgs $# 7 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift DEBUG=$1; shift QUIET=$1; shift SIGNING=$1; shift MAVEN_BREE=$1; shift # For now, we always specify --update-snapshots. We may eventually want # to fine tune that to use it only when we do not "clean workspace" before # a build. i.e. only specify for nightlies? See bug 480817. MARGS="-DbuildId=$BUILD_ID --update-snapshots" if $DEBUG; then MARGS="$MARGS -X -e" fi if $QUIET; then MARGS="$MARGS -q" fi if $SIGNING; then MARGS="$MARGS -Peclipse-sign" fi if [[ -n "${PATCH_BUILD}" ]]; then MARGS="$MARGS -P${PATCH_BUILD}" fi MARGS="$MARGS ${MAVEN_BREE}" export MAVEN_TMP_DIR=${MAVEN_TMP_DIR:-${TMP_DIR}} mkdir -p ${MAVEN_TMP_DIR} # Here we count on $BUILD_TYPE being exported. TODO: make parameter later? if [[ -n "$BUILD_TYPE" && "$BUILD_TYPE" == "N" ]] then FORCEQUALIFIERARG="-DforceContextQualifier=${BUILD_ID}" # always fail-fast for now. Otherwise too hard to debug. #FAIL_OPTION=${FAIL_OPTION:-"--fail-never"} FAIL_OPTION=${FAIL_OPTION:-"--fail-fast"} #CODE_WARNINGS="-Dcode.ignoredWarnings=-warn:-deprecation" # For now treat N- and I-builds the same for bug 483395 comment 21. CODE_WARNINGS= else # just for safety, make sure unset FORCEQUALIFIERARG= FAIL_OPTION=${FAIL_OPTION:-"--fail-fast"} # if not N-build, allow parent pom defaults. We unset for safety. CODE_WARNINGS= fi echo "DEBUG: Variables in $0" echo "DEBUG: BUILD_ID: $BUILD_ID" echo "DEBUG: REPO_DIR: $REPO_DIR" echo "DEBUG: LOCAL_REPO: $LOCAL_REPO" echo "DEBUG: DEBUG: $DEBUG" echo "DEBUG: QUIET: $QUIET" echo "" echo "DEBUG: CBI_JDT_REPO_URL: $CBI_JDT_REPO_URL" echo "DEBUG: CBI_JDT_VERSION: $CBI_JDT_VERSION" echo "" echo "DEBUG: SIGNING: $SIGNING" echo "DEBUG: MAVEN_BREE: $MAVEN_BREE" echo "DEBUG: MARGS: $MARGS" echo "DEBUG: FORCEQUALIFIERARG: $FORCEQUALIFIERARG" echo "DEBUG: CODE_WARNINGS: ${CODE_WARNINGS}" # --fail-at-end gives chance for bundles to compile, even after # a compile error. Might have to specify --fail-never to see them all? See # http://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnref-book/reference/running-sect-options.html#running-sect-failure-option # during debugging, sometimes helpful to change to --fail-fast pushd "$REPO_DIR" # lock-snapshots, if not obvious, should only be run occasionally, once ready to "stabilize" # mvn versions:lock-snapshots -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO -Dincludes=org.eclipse.tycho* >${logsDirectory}/lock-snapshots.txt # mvn versions:display-plugin-updates -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO > ${logsDirectory}/display-plugin-updates.txt # 'dependency updates' not useful for Tycho, since its "dependencies" are via p2. # mvn versions:display-dependency-updates -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO > ${logsDirectory}/display-dependency-updates.txt # mvn versions:display-property-updates -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO > ${logsDirectory}/display-property-updates.txt # Note: we pass in bogus eclipse-p2-repo.url value (XXXXX), to help ensure no regressions of # bug 471835 (See bug 478483) # Note: reactorBuildTimestampProperty was added as a work around for bug 486698. # It should be removed once bug 486783 is fixed. I created bug 489510 as a reminder to remove the workaround. mvn $MARGS ${FAIL_OPTION} ${MAVEN_SETTINGS} -V ${ALT_POM_FILE} \ clean verify \ -DskipTests=true \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO $CBI_JDT_REPO_URL_ARG $CBI_JDT_VERSION_ARG \ -Dtycho.debug.artifactcomparator -Djava.io.tmpdir=${MAVEN_TMP_DIR}\ -Dcbi.jarsigner.continueOnFail=true -Djgit.dirtyWorkingTree=error \ -DaggregatorBuild=true \ -DbuildTimestamp="${TIMESTAMP}" -DbuildType="${BUILD_TYPE}" -DbuildId="${BUILD_ID}" -Declipse-p2-repo.url="NOT_FOR_PRODUCTION_USE" ${FORCEQUALIFIERARG} ${CODE_WARNINGS} ${JAVA_DOC_TOOL} rc=$? popd return $rc } # USAGE: fn-submodule-checkout BUILD_ID REPO_DIR REPOSITORIES_TXT # BUILD_ID: M20121116-1100 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/scripts/git-submodule-checkout.sh # REPOSITORIES_TXT: /shared/eclipse/builds/streams/repositories.txt fn-submodule-checkout () { checkNArgs $# 4 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift SCRIPT="$1"; shift REPOSITORIES_TXT="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" git submodule foreach "/bin/bash $SCRIPT $REPOSITORIES_TXT \$name" uninit=$( git submodule | grep "^-" | cut -f2 -d" " | sort -u ) if [ ! -z "$uninit" ]; then echo Some modules are not initialized: $uninit return fi conflict=$( git submodule | grep "^U" | cut -f2 -d" " | sort -u ) if [ ! -z "$conflict" ]; then echo Some modules have conflicts: $conflict return fi adds=$( git submodule | grep "^+" | cut -f2 -d" " ) if [ -z "$adds" ]; then echo No updates for the submodules return fi popd } # USAGE: fn-add-submodule-updates REPO_DIR # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator fn-add-submodule-updates () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi REPO_DIR="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" adds=$( git submodule | grep "^+" | cut -f2 -d" " ) if [ -z "$adds" ]; then echo No updates for the submodules return fi echo git add $adds git add $adds popd } # USAGE: fn-tag-build-inputs BUILD_ID REPO_DIR REPOSITORIES_TXT # BUILD_ID: M20121116-1100 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # REPOSITORIES_TXT: /shared/eclipse/builds/streams/repositories.txt # NOTE: the use of || : at the end of git submodules foreach commands. # See git submodules --help for more info ,or # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19728933/continue-looping-over-submodules-with-the-git-submodule-foreach-command-after fn-tag-build-inputs () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift REPOSITORIES_TXT="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" # == Step 1 of git logging. # TODO: This may not work right if "streams/repositories.txt" contains tags. GITLOG_FILENAME=gitLog.html GITLOG_FILE=${buildDirectory}/${GITLOG_FILENAME} echo "Creating ${GITLOG_FILENAME}" # we set REPORTDATE first thing, to get some idea of "time elapsed" since start of build. # While we still have "tagging" to do, we have by now checked out everything and cleaned up # the working tree. (So any commits after this time, would definitely not be "included" in build. REPORTDATE=$( date +%s ) # we make in same format as "build id" for easy comparison. REPORTTIMESTAMP=$( date +%Y%m%d-%H%M --date='@'$REPORTDATE ) # before tagging anything with current build id, # get the most recent tag that matches the build type # I am assuming BUILD_TYPE has been exported by some calling method, # so we have access to it without re-computing, and without passing # as an argument. # I am fairly sure this find tags in "local repo", so would work for Nightlies, as well as # working before we pushed current tag. If found to be empty (no changes) we could skip the build. # I've learned N-builds are "special", since we do not push those tags. # For I and M builds, though, we do want the "remote" (permanent) tag, to avoid # picking up tags of cancelled jobs. if [[ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "N" ]] then monthInSeconds=$(( 3600 * 24 * 30 )) rightnow=$(date +%s) oneMonthAgo=$(( rightnow - monthInSeconds)) commitish=$(git rev-list --tags="${BUILD_TYPE}*" --max-age=${oneMonthAgo} --max-count=1 ) lastTag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 ${commitish}) if [[ ! ${lastTag} =~ ^([${BUILD_TYPE}]).*$ ]] then # Unset if was not an 'N' build (even with all the constraints specified, Git # will "find" an I-tag, if no N-tag satisfies the constraints. lastTag="" else echo "DEBUG: lastTag matched ^([${BUILD_TYPE}]).*$" fi else lastTag=$(git describe --tags --match "${BUILD_TYPE}*" --abbrev=0) fi # == Here is where we do the actual tagging git submodule foreach "if grep \"^\${name}:\" $REPOSITORIES_TXT >/dev/null; then git tag $BUILD_ID; $GIT_PUSH --verbose origin $BUILD_ID; else echo Skipping \$name; fi || :" git tag $BUILD_ID # == Step 2 of Git logging. if [[ -n "${lastTag}" ]] then TMP_GIT_LOG=${TMP_DIR}/gitlog.txt echo -e "

Git log from ${lastTag} (previous) to ${BUILD_ID} (current)

" > ${GITLOG_FILE} echo -e "

The tagging, and this report, were done at about $REPORTTIMESTAMP

" >> ${GITLOG_FILE} git log ${lastTag}..${BUILD_ID} --date=short --format=format:"%cd%s%aN"> ${TMP_GIT_LOG} FILESIZE1=$(stat -c%s ${TMP_GIT_LOG}) if [ $FILESIZE1 -ne 0 ] then echo "" >> ${GITLOG_FILE} echo "" >> ${GITLOG_FILE} cat ${TMP_GIT_LOG} >> ${GITLOG_FILE} echo "
Repository: eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator
Date Commit message Author

">> ${GITLOG_FILE} echo >> ${GITLOG_FILE} fi git submodule --quiet foreach "comp=\$(echo \$path|cut -d. -f2);git log ${lastTag}..${BUILD_ID} --date=short --format=format:\"%cd%s%aN\">${TMP_GIT_LOG};FILESIZE=\$(stat -c%s ${TMP_GIT_LOG});if [ \$FILESIZE -ne 0 ]; then echo \"\";echo \"\";cat ${TMP_GIT_LOG};echo \"
Repository: \$path
Date Commit message Author

\";echo;fi" >> ${GITLOG_FILE} else echo -e "\n\tGit log not generated because a reasonable previous tag could not be found." > ${GITLOG_FILE} fi # == end of Git logging # have final push of for aggregator at end, since in future we may not build if we find "no changes" $GIT_PUSH --verbose origin $BUILD_ID popd } # USAGE: fn-pom-version-updater REPO_DIR LOCAL_REPO DEBUG QUIET # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # LOCAL_REPO: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/localMavenRepo # TODO: depends on TMP_DIR being exported/global fn-pom-version-updater () { checkNArgs $# 4 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi REPO_DIR="$1"; shift LOCAL_REPO="$1"; shift DEBUG=$1; shift QUIET=$1; shift MARGS=" --update-snapshots" if $DEBUG; then MARGS="$MARGS -X -e" fi if $QUIET; then MARGS="$MARGS -q" fi if [[ -n "${PATCH_BUILD}" ]]; then MARGS="$MARGS -P${PATCH_BUILD}" fi echo "DEBUG: Variables in $0" echo "DEBUG: PATCH_BUILD: $PATCH_BUILD" echo "DEBUG: REPO_DIR: $REPO_DIR" echo "DEBUG: LOCAL_REPO: $LOCAL_REPO" echo "DEBUG: DEBUG: $DEBUG" echo "DEBUG: QUIET: $QUIET" echo "DEBUG: MARGS: $MARGS" export MAVEN_TMP_DIR=${MAVEN_TMP_DIR:-${TMP_DIR}} mkdir -p ${MAVEN_TMP_DIR} # fail fast if not set up correctly rc=$(fn-check-dir-exists TMP_DIR) checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" rc=$(fn-check-dir-exists MAVEN_TMP_DIR) checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" report=${TMP_DIR}/pom_${BUILD_ID}.txt pushd "$REPO_DIR" mvn ${MAVEN_SETTINGS} $MARGS ${ALT_POM_FILE} \ org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:1.3.0:update-pom \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$LOCAL_REPO -Djava.io.tmpdir=${MAVEN_TMP_DIR}\ -DaggregatorBuild=true \ -DbuildTimestamp="${TIMESTAMP}" -DbuildType="${BUILD_TYPE}" -DbuildId="${BUILD_ID}" -Declipse-p2-repo.url="NOT_FOR_PRODUCTION_USE" RC=$? if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then echo "ERROR: tycho-versions-plugin:update-pom returned non-zero return code: $RC" >&2 else changes=$( git status --short -uno | cut -c4- ) if [ -z "$changes" ]; then echo "INFO: No changes in pom versions" >&2 RC=0 else echo "INFO: Changes in pom versions: $changes" >&2 RC=0 fi fi popd return $RC } # USAGE: fn-gather-repo BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-repo () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift if [[ -n "${PATCH_BUILD}" ]] then PATCH_BUILD_GENERIC=java11patch TARGET_PATH=eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/${PATCH_BUILD}/eclipse.releng.repository.${PATCH_BUILD_GENERIC}/target/repository REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY=$REPO_DIR/${TARGET_PATH} else TARGET_PATH=eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY=$REPO_DIR/$TAGET_PATH fi if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" cp -r ${TARGET_PATH} $BUILD_DIR popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR_REPOSITORY did not exist in fn-gather-repo" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-sdk BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-sdk () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift TARGET_PRODUCTS="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/sdk/target/products buildType=$(echo $BUILD_ID|cut -b1) if [[ -d "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" ]] then pushd "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.ppc64le.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-ppc64le.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.dmg "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.dmg cp org.eclipse.sdk.ide-win32.win32.x86_64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-SDK-${BUILD_ID}-win32-x86_64.zip popd else echo " ERROR: $TARGET_PRODUCTS did not exist in fn-gather-sdks" fi TARBALL_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse-platform-sources/target/ if [[ -d "$TARBALL_DIR" ]] then pushd "$TARBALL_DIR" cp eclipse-platform-sources-${BUILD_ID}.tar.xz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-sources-${BUILD_ID}.tar.xz popd else echo " ERROR: $TARBALL_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-sdks" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-platform BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-platform () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift TARGET_PRODUCTS="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/platform/target/products buildType=$(echo $BUILD_ID|cut -b1) if [[ -d "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" ]] then pushd "$TARGET_PRODUCTS" cp org.eclipse.platform.ide-linux.gtk.ppc64le.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-ppc64le.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.platform.ide-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.platform.ide-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz cp org.eclipse.platform.ide-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.dmg "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.dmg cp org.eclipse.platform.ide-win32.win32.x86_64.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-platform-${BUILD_ID}-win32-x86_64.zip popd else echo " ERROR: $TARGET_PRODUCTS did not exist in fn-gather-platform" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-swt-zips BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-swt-zips () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift # TODO: this directory sanity check does not accomplish much, since binaries/bundles always # exists. Results in a 'not found' msg. Doubt there is any simple solution. SWT_BUNDLES_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.swt.binaries/bundles if [[ -d "$SWT_BUNDLES_DIR" ]] then pushd "$SWT_BUNDLES_DIR" cp */target/*.zip "$BUILD_DIR" popd else echo " ERROR: $SWT_BUNDLES_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-swt-zips" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-test-zips BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-test-zips () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift TEST_ZIP_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/target if [[ -d "$TEST_ZIP_DIR" ]] then pushd "$TEST_ZIP_DIR" cp eclipse-junit-tests-bundle.zip "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-Automated-Tests-${BUILD_ID}.zip TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR=$TEST_ZIP_DIR/eclipse-test-framework if [[ -d "$TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR" ]] then pushd "$TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR" zip -r "$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse-test-framework-${BUILD_ID}.zip * popd else echo " ERROR: $TEST_FRAMEWORK_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-test-zips." fi popd else echo " ERROR: $TEST_ZIP_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-test-zips." fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-ecj-jars BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-ecj-jars () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift ECJ_JAR_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core/target if [[ -d "$ECJ_JAR_DIR" ]] then pushd "$ECJ_JAR_DIR" # The blob wildcard ('*') is to match "any version number", e.g. 3.9.0, 3.9.1, etc. cp org.eclipse.jdt.core-*-SNAPSHOT-batch-compiler.jar "$BUILD_DIR"/ecj-${BUILD_ID}.jar cp org.eclipse.jdt.core-*-SNAPSHOT-batch-compiler-src.jar "$BUILD_DIR"/ecjsrc-${BUILD_ID}.jar popd else echo " ERROR: $ECJ_JAR_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-ecj-jars." #TODO eventually, fail the build here? If they do not exist, something must be pretty wrong? fi } # USAGE: fn-slice-repos BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # ANT_SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar fn-slice-repos () { checkNArgs $# 4 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift ANT_SCRIPT="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/repos/buildAll.xml REPO_DIR_DIR="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR_DIR" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -data ${BUILD_DIR}/workspace-buildrepos \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile "$ANT_SCRIPT" \ -Declipse.build.configs="$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildRepo="$REPO_DIR_DIR" \ -DpostingDirectory=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR") \ -DequinoxPostingDirectory="$BUILD_ROOT/siteDir/equinox/drops" \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \ -DbuildDirectory="$BUILD_DIR" RC=$? popd if [[ $RC != 0 ]] then BUILD_FAILED="${buildDirectory}/buildFailed-slice-repo-error" echo " ERROR: Java antrunner call with $ANT_SCRIPT returned non-zero return code, $RC, in fn-slice-repo" >>${BUILD_FAILED} return $RC fi else BUILD_FAILED="${buildDirectory}/buildFailed-slice-repo-error" echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR_DIR did not exist in fn-slice-repo. Probably due to an earlier error?" >>${BUILD_FAILED} return 1 fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-repo-zips BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-repo-zips () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repos for r in org.eclipse.*; do pushd $r zip -r "$BUILD_DIR"/${r}-${BUILD_ID}.zip * popd done popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-repo-zips" fi } # TODO: could probably remove this function. It has been replaced # by fn-gather-23-compile-log as long as we are on Tycho 23 or above. # USAGE: fn-gather-compile-logs BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-compile-logs () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins pushd "$REPO_DIR" for dot in $( find * -name "@dot.xml" ); do targetDir=$( dirname "$dot" ) echo "Processing $dot in $targetDir" if [ ! -r "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF ]; then echo "**Failed to process $dot in $targetDir. Likely compile error. Will try source MANIFEST.MF in directory containing target." targetDir=$( dirname "${targetDir}" ) if [ ! -r "$targetDir"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ] then echo "**Failed to process $dot in $targetDir." else BUNDLE_ID=$( grep Bundle-SymbolicName "$targetDir"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1 -d\; | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) BUNDLE_VERSION=$( grep Bundle-Version "$targetDir"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) mkdir "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION} cp "$dot" "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION} fi else BUNDLE_ID=$( grep Bundle-SymbolicName "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1 -d\; | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) BUNDLE_VERSION=$( grep Bundle-Version "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) mkdir "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION} cp "$dot" "$BUILD_DIR"/compilelogs/plugins/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION} fi done popd else echo "[ERROR] $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-compile-logs" fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-23-compile-logs BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR # This method for use when using Tycho 0.23.0 or greater, due to # fix for multi-jar bundles. # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-gather-23-compile-logs () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then COLLECTED_LOGS_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}/compilelogs/plugins" mkdir -p "${COLLECTED_LOGS_DIR}" pushd "$REPO_DIR" # The directory 'compilelogs' is used when we generate the logs. See parent pom for compilerArgs. for log in $( find "${REPO_DIR}" -name "compilelogs" -type d ); do targetDir=$( dirname "$log" ) # Remember to remove INFO echo, after confirmed working echo -e "\t[INFO] Processing \n\t$log\n\tin\n\t$targetDir" if [ ! -r "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF ]; then echo -e "\n\t** Failed to process\n\t$log in \n\t$targetDir. \n\tLikely compile error? Will backup to source MANIFEST.MF in directory containing target." targetDir=$( dirname "${targetDir}" ) if [ ! -r "$targetDir"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ] then echo "**Failed to process $log in $targetDir." else BUNDLE_ID=$( grep Bundle-SymbolicName "$targetDir"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1 -d\; | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) BUNDLE_VERSION=$( grep Bundle-Version "$targetDir"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) mkdir -p "${COLLECTED_LOGS_DIR}/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION}" rsync -vr "${log}/" "${COLLECTED_LOGS_DIR}/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION}/" fi else BUNDLE_ID=$( grep Bundle-SymbolicName "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1 -d\; | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) BUNDLE_VERSION=$( grep Bundle-Version "$targetDir"/MANIFEST.MF | cut -f2 -d" " | tr -d '\f\r\n\t' ) # directory may not be "new", since we now collect @dot.xml, plus nested jar compile logs, of the form .jar.xml # as well as handy for "re-running" mkdir -p "${COLLECTED_LOGS_DIR}/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION}" # All logs should be directly under $log, but ... will specify -r in case not. # Remember to remove 'v' after confirmed working rsync -vr "${log}/" "${COLLECTED_LOGS_DIR}/${BUNDLE_ID}_${BUNDLE_VERSION}/" fi done popd else echo "[ERROR] $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-23-compile-logs" fi } # fn-gather-buildnotes # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 function fn-gather-buildnotes { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift echo "collecting buildnotes" if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" buildnotesDir="${BUILD_DIR}/buildnotes" mkdir -p ${buildnotesDir} find . -name "buildnotes_*.html" -exec rsync '{}' ${buildnotesDir} \; popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-buildnotes" return 1 fi } # fn-gather-artifactcomparisons # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # TODO: this may take a while, for something that usually won't be found. # could skip for N-builds. Plus, could check if size of log was greater than minimum. # see syncDropLocation for current home of that "check". function fn-gather-artifactcomparisons { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift echo "collecting artifactcomparisons" if [[ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]] then pushd "$REPO_DIR" mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/buildlogs/comparatorlogs" find . -regex ".*target/artifactcomparison" -type d -exec zip -r "${BUILD_DIR}/buildlogs/comparatorlogs/artifactcomparisons.zip" '{}' \; popd else echo " ERROR: $REPO_DIR did not exist in fn-gather-artifactcomparisons" return 1 fi } # USAGE: fn-gather-main-index BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR STREAM BUILD_TYPE BUILD_PRETTY_DATE # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # STREAM: 4.2.2 # BUILD_TYPE: M, I, N, X, Y, P, U # BUILD_PRETTY_DATE: Thu Nov 20 17:47:35 EST 2012 fn-gather-main-index () { checkNArgs $# 6 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift STREAM="$1"; shift BUILD_TYPE="$1"; shift BUILD_PRETTY_DATE="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/templateFiles # Simplified by creating PHP variables in buildproperties.php cp "index.template_${PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL}.php" "$BUILD_DIR"/index.php popd } # USAGE: fn-parse-compile-logs BUILD_ID ANT_SCRIPT BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # ANT_SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar fn-parse-compile-logs () { checkNArgs $# 4 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift ANT_SCRIPT="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift EBuilderDir="${BUILD_DIR}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder" pushd "$BUILD_DIR" java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -data ${BUILD_DIR}/workspace-verifyCompile \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile "$ANT_SCRIPT" \ -DpostingDirectory=$(dirname $BUILD_DIR) \ -DbuildDirectory="$BUILD_DIR" \ -DEBuilderDir="${EBuilderDir}" \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \ verifyCompile popd } # USAGE: fn-summarize-comparator-logs BUILD_ID ANT_SCRIPT BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # ANT_SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar # TODO: I think this could be pure ant task fn-summarize-comparator-logs () { checkNArgs $# 4 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift ANT_SCRIPT="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift EBuilderDir="${BUILD_DIR}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder" pushd "$BUILD_DIR" java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -data ${BUILD_DIR}/workspace-comparatorLogs \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile "$ANT_SCRIPT" \ -DbuildDirectory="$BUILD_DIR" \ -DEBuilderDir="${EBuilderDir}" \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \ compare popd } # USAGE: fn-summarize-apitooling BUILD_ID ANT_SCRIPT BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # ANT_SCRIPT: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar # TODO: could avoid some of the hard coding of "previous version" and URL fn-summarize-apitooling () { checkNArgs $# 4 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift ANT_SCRIPT="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift EBuilderDir=$BUILD_DIR/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder pushd "$BUILD_DIR" # Make sure FREEZE_PARAMS is defined, but empty space, if not using freeze reports. FREEZE_PARAMS=" " # When no "freeze" in effect for a release comment these out. Uncomment after M6, changing to appropriate versions. #FREEZE_PARAMS="-DfreezeBaseURL=http://${DOWNLOAD_HOST}/eclipse/downloads/drops4/S-4.11RC1-201811290330/eclipse-SDK-4.11RC1-win32-x86_64.zip \ # -DfreezeName=Eclipse-SDK-4.11RC1 \ # -DfreezeFilename=eclipse-SDK-4.11RC1-win32-x86_64.zip " # this API_PREV_REF_LABEL variable should be changed any time the version used # by previousBaseURL changes. Its purpose is just to localize changes to this one # place, and not have to make further, hard-coded changes to php files. # Similar for freeze label. # NOTE: the *reference* for API changes should be the "previous release", even if it is a "service release". API_PREV_REF_LABEL=4.10 fn-write-property API_PREV_REF_LABEL #API_FREEZE_REF_LABEL=4.11RC1 API_FREEZE_REF_LABEL=" " fn-write-property API_FREEZE_REF_LABEL java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -data ${BUILD_DIR}/workspace-apitoolingsLogs \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile "$ANT_SCRIPT" \ -DbuildDirectory="$BUILD_DIR" \ -DEBuilderDir=$EBuilderDir \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildWorkingArea="${BUILD_HOME}/4${BUILD_TYPE}/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator" \ -DpreviousBaseURL=http://${DOWNLOAD_HOST}/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.10-201812060815/eclipse-SDK-4.10-win32-x86_64.zip \ -DpreviousBaselineName=Eclipse-SDK-4.10 \ -DpreviousBaselineFilename=eclipse-SDK-4.10-win32-x86_64.zip \ -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \ ${FREEZE_PARAMS} \ apiToolsReports popd } # USAGE: fn-publish-eclipse BUILD_TYPE BUILD_STREAM BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER # BUILD_TYPE: I # BUILD_STREAM: 4.2.2 # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 # BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar fn-publish-eclipse () { checkNArgs $# 6 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_TYPE="$1"; shift BUILD_STREAM="$1"; shift BUILD_ID="$1"; shift AGGR_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER="$1"; shift EBuilderDir="$BUILD_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder pushd "$BUILD_DIR" java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR -jar "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" \ -data ${BUILD_DIR}/workspace-publish \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -v \ -buildfile "$EBuilderDir"/eclipse/helper.xml \ -DbuildId="$BUILD_ID" \ -DbuildRepo="$AGGR_DIR"/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/target/repository \ -DpostingDirectory="$BUILD_ROOT/siteDir/eclipse/downloads/drops4" \ -DequinoxPostingDirectory="$BUILD_ROOT/siteDir/equinox/drops" \ -DpublishingContent="$EBuilderDir"/eclipse/publishingFiles \ -DdropTemplateFileName="${EBuilderDir}/eclipse/publishingFiles/templateFiles/index.template_${PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL}.php" \ -DindexFileName="index.php" \ -DbuildLabel="$BUILD_DIR_SEG" \ -DEBuilderDir="$EBuilderDir" \ -DAGGR_DIR="$AGGR_DIR" \ -DeclipseStream=$BUILD_STREAM \ -DbuildType="$BUILD_TYPE" \ -Dbase.builder=$(dirname $(dirname "$BASEBUILDER_LAUNCHER" ) ) \ -DbuildDirectory="$BUILD_DIR" \ -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMP_DIR \ publish # hide experimental builds, for now if [[ $BUILD_TYPE =~ [PX] ]] then touch buildHidden fi if [[ "$invisibleBuild" == "true" ]] then touch buildHidden fi popd } # USAGE: fn-checkout-basebuilder BUILDER_DIR # BUILDER_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7 fn-checkout-basebuilder () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILDER_DIR="$1"; shift if [ -e "$BUILDER_DIR" ]; then echo "A basic builder directory already existed, so not re-fetched." echo " Directory found at $BUILDER_DIR." return 0 fi echo "A basic builder did not exist, so will fetch platform and tools." DROP_DIR=$( dirname "$BUILDER_DIR" ) # Are these as expected? TODO: change comments. echo "Drop directory: $DROP_DIR" echo "BUILDER_DIR: $BUILDER_DIR" EBuilderDir=$DROP_DIR/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder if [[ ! -d "${EBuilderDir}" ]] then echo "EBuilderDir did not exist, so will fetch that first" ${SCRIPT_PATH}/getEBuilderForDropDir.sh $DROP_DIR $EBUILDER_HASH else echo "EBuilderDir already existed, so no need to fetch that" fi ant -f $EBuilderDir/eclipse/getBaseBuilderAndTools.xml -DWORKSPACE=$DROP_DIR } # USAGE: fn-basebuilder-launcher BUILDER_DIR # BUILDER_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder_R3_7 fn-basebuilder-launcher () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILDER_DIR="$1"; shift find "$BUILDER_DIR" -name "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" | tail -1 } # USAGE: fn-pom-version-report BUILD_ID REPO_DIR BUILD_DIR LOCAL_REPO # BUILD_ID: I20121116-0700 # REPO_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator # BUILD_DIR: /shared/eclipse/builds/R4_2_maintenance/dirs/M20121120-1747 fn-pom-version-report () { checkNArgs $# 3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi BUILD_ID="$1"; shift REPO_DIR="$1"; shift BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift pushd "$REPO_DIR" mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR"/pom_updates git submodule foreach "if (git status -s -uno | grep pom.xml >/dev/null ); then git diff >$BUILD_DIR/pom_updates/\$name.diff; fi " pushd "$BUILD_DIR"/pom_updates nDiffs=$( ls -1 $BUILD_DIR/pom_updates/*.diff | wc -l ) # do not create index.html if no diffs to display, as our PHP DL page knows # not to display link if index.html is not present. if (( $nDiffs > 0 )) then POM_UPDATES="" echo "" >index.html echo "" >>index.html echo "POM version report for $BUILD_ID" >>index.html echo "" >>index.html echo "" >>index.html echo "

POM version report for $BUILD_ID

" >>index.html echo "

These repositories need patches to bring their pom.xml files up to the correct version.

" >>index.html echo "" >> index.html echo "" >> index.html # we write to property files, for later use in email message fn-write-property POM_UPDATES fi popd popd } # USAGE: fn-check-dir-exists DIR_VAR_NAME # DIR_VAR_NAME: JAVA_HOME (not, $JAVA_HOME, for better error messages) # callers should check for non-zero returned value, which itself is suitable for message, # but must be quoted. Such as # rc=${fn-check-dir-exists JAVA_HOME) # checkForErrorExit "$rc" "$rc" fn-check-dir-exists () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi DIR_VAR_NAME=$1 if [[ -z "${!DIR_VAR_NAME}" ]] then echo "DIR_VAR_NAME, ${DIR_VAR_NAME}, must be defined before running this script." else if [[ ! -d "${!DIR_VAR_NAME}" ]] then echo "The directory DIR_VAR_NAME, ${DIR_VAR_NAME} (\"${!DIR_VAR_NAME}\"), must exist before running this script." else echo 0 fi fi } # USAGE: fn-write-property VAR_NAME # VAR_NAME: Variable name to write as "variable=value" form # This script assumes the following variables have been defined and are pointing # to an appropriate file (see master-build.sh): # BUILD_ENV_FILE=${buildDirectory}/buildproperties.shsource # BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP=${buildDirectory}/buildproperties.php # BUILD_ENV_FILE_PROP=${buildDirectory}/buildproperties.properties # Note we always append to file, assuming if doesn't exist yet and will be # created, and for each build, it won't exist, so will be written fresh for # each build. # TODO: Could add some sanity checking of if variable name appropriate # for various language (e.g. I forget all the rules, but bash variables # can not start with numerial, PHP variables (or is it Ant) can't have hyphens # (or is it underscore :), etc. But may need to add some mangling, or warning? # Similarly, not sure at the moment of what to # write if value is null/empty. For now will leave empty string, but some might need blank? # Or literally nothing? Also, unsure of effects of full quoting or if always needed? fn-write-property () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi VAR_NAME=$1 if [[ -z "${VAR_NAME}" ]] then echo "VAR_NAME must be passed to this script, $0." return 1 fi # bash scripts (export may be overkill ... but, just in case needed) echo "export ${VAR_NAME}=\"${!VAR_NAME//\"/\\\"}\"" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE # PHP, suitable for direct "include" echo "\$${VAR_NAME} = \"${!VAR_NAME//\"/\\\"}\";" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP # standard properties file echo "${VAR_NAME} = \"${!VAR_NAME//\"/\\\"}\"" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PROP } # USAGE: fn-write-property-init # Must be called (exactly) once before writing properties. fn-write-property-init () { checkNArgs $# 0 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi # nothing really required for bash shsource, but we'll put in some niceties echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash" > $BUILD_ENV_FILE echo "# properties written for $BUILD_ID" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE # PHP, suitable for direct "include": needs to start and end with $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP echo "// properties written for $BUILD_ID " >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP # standard properties file: nothing special required echo "! properties written for $BUILD_ID" > $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PROP } # USAGE: fn-write-property-close # Must be called (exactly) once when completely finished writing properties. fn-write-property-close () { checkNArgs $# 0 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi # nothing really required for bash shsource, but we'll put in some niceties echo "# finished properties for $BUILD_ID" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE # PHP, suitable for direct "include": needs to start and end with for an 'include' echo "// finished properties for $BUILD_ID " >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP # standard properties file: nothing special required echo "! finshed properties for $BUILD_ID" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PROP } # USAGE: fn-complete-status "message" # Assumed called while in aggregator directory, so get's its git status, # then iterates through each submodule for status. # This is/was intend to debug why "cleanup" does not always clean up/reset everything, # so if too verbose, can remove in future. # Message is a quoted string that can be printed out before each status, for # improved logging. fn-complete-status () { checkNArgs $# 1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then return 1; fi MESSAGE=$1 printf "\n\t%s\n\n" "${MESSAGE}" git status git submodule foreach git status }