"; return; } // The 'col-md-n' classes refer to Bootstraps grid system, and must total 12. // See http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_grid_system.asp // and especially http://donnapeplinskie.com/using-tables-with-bootstrap-grids/ function columnHeads() { echo "Platform"; echo "Download"; echo "Size"; //echo "Checksum"; return; } function getDropSize($zipfile) { $filesize = "N/A"; if (file_exists($zipfile)) { $filesizebytes = filesize($zipfile); if($filesizebytes > 0) { if($filesizebytes < 1048576) { $filesize = round($filesizebytes / 1048576, 2) . " MB"; } elseif ($filesizebytes >= 1048576 && $filesizebytes < 10485760) { $filesize = round($filesizebytes / 1048576, 1) . " MB"; } else { $filesize = round($filesizebytes / 1048576, 0) . " MB"; } } } return($filesize); } // This function is generated "in line" by the "index" custom ant task. // Hence, must "stay coordinated" with what is there. function genLinks($zipfile) { global $clickthroughstr; global $BUILD_DIR_SEG; $filetarget = "$clickthroughstr$zipfile"; if (file_exists("./buildUnstable")) { $filelink = "\"Build$zipfile"; } else { $filelink = "$zipfile"; } $filesize = getDropSize($zipfile); echo "$filelink\n"; echo "$filesize\n"; // TODO: investgate using https:// to Eclipse Foundation's database of checksums // TODO: can make some future variables so it has one value on "build" server, and another value on // downloads, such as in buildproperties.php (value would get changed in "promtoe" script). // Also handy/needed when doing "local test builds". // Remember, md5 and sha1 are still in "checksum" directory, for at least initial Luna release, just not linked to. See bug // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=423714 // echo "[SHA512]"; }