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Diffstat (limited to 'eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish.xml b/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7f467cf9..000000000
--- a/eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
- This program and the accompanying materials
- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
- Contributors:
- David Williams - initial API and implementation
- -->
- name="Publish Build"
- default="default">
- <!-- Properties that must be passed to this script:
- buildDirectory: Path to perform the build in. (A working directory)
- buildType: Type of build (nightly, integration etc.)
- buildId: Build name
- buildLabel: <buildType>-<buildName>-<timestamp>
- -->
- <fail
- if="result"
- message="the value result was passed in as publish.xml started. As if someone was overriding buildDirectory?" />
- <fail
- if="dropDirectory"
- message="the value dropDirectory was passed in as publish.xml started. But we expect to compute it." />
- <fail
- unless="buildDirectory"
- message="buildDirectory must be defined for publish.xml " />
- <fail
- unless="buildLabel"
- message="buildLabel must be defined for publish.xml" />
- <!-- this is the "top" of the drop directory
- It is used internal to this script to define
- the "real" dropDirecotry. Sometimes equal to this root,
- but for tests, will be one level lower, such as testResult (for unit tests),
- performance (for main stream performance tests).
- -->
- <property
- name="dropDirectoryName"
- value="${postingDirectory}/${buildLabel}" />
- <condition property="notRedundantDir">
- <not>
- <equals
- arg1="${buildDirectory}"
- arg2="${dropDirectoryName}" />
- </not>
- </condition>
- <echo message="== buildDirectory: ${line.separator}==${buildDirectory}" />
- <echo message="== dropDirectoryName: ${line.separator}==${dropDirectoryName}" />
- <fail
- if="notRedundantDir"
- message="buildDirectory and dropDirectoryName are surpisingly NOT equal. Caller has passed in wrong value." />
- <target name="default">
- <antcall target="getStaticFiles" />
- <antcall target="generateIndex" />
- </target>
- <target name="generateIndex">
- <property
- name="class"
- value="org.eclipse.releng.generators.TestResultsGenerator" />
- <taskdef
- name="indexResults"
- classname="${class}" />
- <!--
- isBuildTested: true|false should JUnit plugin test results be used to generate index page
- dropTokenList: comma separated list of strings which should be replaced by the fileName attribute settings in the testManifest.xml.
- xmlDirectoryName: path to directory containing JUnit plugin test results in xml format (see doc is org.eclipse.test).
- dropDirectoryName: path to directory containing the result of the build.
- testResultsHtmlFileName: name of file which will be generated with links to JUnit test results
- dropHtmlFileName: name of generated index page
- hrefTestResultsTargetPath: relative path from index page to parent directory containing JUnit html and xml test results
- for example,
- if html is in
- .../testResults/html/...
- and xml is in
- .../testResults/xml/...
- then hrefTestResultsTargetPath would be set to testResults
- if, that is, the "testResults.php" page is a peer of the 'testResults'
- directory. If testResults.php page is under testResults directory,
- then the value would be ".".
- hrefCompileLogsTargetPath: relative path from index page directory containing compilelogs
- testManifestFileName: name of xml file containing descriptions of zip types and log files
- -->
- <!-- This list is for Eclipse. Equinox overrides and provides their own list -->
- <property
- name="dropTokenList"
- value="%repository%,%sdk%,%tests%,%rcpruntime%,%rcpsdk%,%runtime%,%jdtc%,%swt%" />
- <!-- xml results directory -->
- <condition
- property="xmlDirectoryName"
- value="${buildDirectory}/performance/xml">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <!-- else standard default for unit tests -->
- <property
- name="xmlDirectoryName"
- value="${buildDirectory}/testresults/xml" />
- <condition
- property="indexFileName"
- value="performance/performance.php">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <condition
- property="indexFileName"
- value="testResults.php">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-unit-" />
- </condition>
- <!-- else standard default for download page -->
- <property
- name="indexFileName"
- value="index.php" />
- <condition
- property="dropTemplateFileName"
- value="${basedir}/templateFiles/performance.php">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <condition
- property="dropTemplateFileName"
- value="${basedir}/staticDropFiles/testResults.php">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-unit-" />
- </condition>
- <!-- else standard default for download index.php page -->
- <property
- name="dropTemplateFileName"
- value="${basedir}/templateFiles/index.template.php" />
- <condition
- property="manifestFile"
- value="${basedir}/performanceTestManifest.xml"
- else="${basedir}/testManifest.xml">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <condition
- property="expectedConfigFilename"
- value="perfTestConfigs.php"
- else="testConfigs.php">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <condition
- property="foundConfigFilename"
- value="perfTestConfigsFound.php"
- else="testConfigsFound.php">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <condition
- property="testResultsHtmlFileName"
- value="performanceResultsTable.html">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <property
- name="testResultsHtmlFileName"
- value="testResultsTables.html" />
- <condition
- property="hrefTestResultsTargetPath"
- value=".">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <property
- name="hrefTestResultsTargetPath"
- value="testresults" />
- <!-- we should be able to do this now, and refine list in manifest. -->
- <property
- name="doMissingListValue"
- value="true" />
- <!-- it is surprising these are defined here? -->
- <property
- name="hrefCompileLogsTargetPath"
- value="compilelogs/plugins/" />
- <property
- name="compileLogsDirectoryName"
- value="${buildDirectory}/${hrefCompileLogsTargetPath}" />
- <property
- name="testManifestFileName"
- value="${manifestFile}" />
- <!-- test configs: follows pattern of [job]_[OSGiTriplet]_[VM]
- the underscores are significant. When we "select files" to group,
- in a column, part of the selection is based on plugin unit test result files that *end with*:
- '_' + [job]_[OSGiTriplet]_[VM] + ".xml" where what comes before the '_' is the plugin name.
- Then later, for display, we break [job]_[OSGiTriplet]_[VM] at the first and last underscores.
- (There can be other underscores besides "first and last", such as in 'x86_64'.
- In other words, the "expected config" must match exactly what the unit tests produce as
- the end of the filename. (Not sure of impact of "LR" on our
- heuristics.)
- -->
- <fail unless="eclipseStreamMajor" message="This publish.xml script needs eclipseStreamMajor and eclipseStreamMinor" />
- <fail unless="eclipseStreamMinor" message="This publish.xml script needs eclipseStreamMajor and eclipseStreamMinor"/>
- <condition
- property="perfLRtestsConfigExpected"
- value="ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}LR-perf-lin64_linux.gtk.x86_64_11,ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}LR-perf-lin64-baseline_linux.gtk.x86_64_11">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="LR-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <condition
- property="testsConfigExpected"
- value="ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-perf-lin64_linux.gtk.x86_64_11,ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-perf-lin64-baseline_linux.gtk.x86_64_11">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-" />
- </condition>
- <!-- else normal unit tests configs -->
- <property
- name="testsConfigExpected"
- value="ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-unit-mac64-java17_macosx.cocoa.x86_64_17,ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-unit-macM1-java17_macosx.cocoa.aarch64_17,ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-unit-win32-java11_win32.win32.x86_64_11,ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-unit-cen64-gtk3-java11_linux.gtk.x86_64_11,ep${eclipseStreamMajor}${eclipseStreamMinor}${buildType}-unit-cen64-gtk3-java17_linux.gtk.x86_64_17" />
- <echo message=" = = properties in publish.xml == " />
- <echo message=" job: ${job}" />
- <echo message=" indexFileName: ${indexFileName}" />
- <echo message=" dropTokenList: ${dropTokenList}" />
- <echo message=" buildDirectory: ${buildDirectory}" />
- <echo message=" xmlDirectoryName: ${xmlDirectoryName}" />
- <echo message=" dropDirectoryName ${dropDirectoryName}" />
- <echo message=" dropTemplateFileName: ${dropTemplateFileName}" />
- <echo message=" testResultsHtmlFileName: ${testResultsHtmlFileName}" />
- <echo message=" hrefTestResultsTargetPath: ${hrefTestResultsTargetPath}" />
- <echo message=" hrefCompileLogsTargetPath: ${hrefCompileLogsTargetPath}" />
- <echo message=" compileLogsDirectoryName: ${compileLogsDirectoryName}" />
- <echo message=" testManifestFileName: ${testManifestFileName}" />
- <echo message=" testsConfigExpected: ${testsConfigExpected}" />
- <echo message=" isBuildTested: ${isBuildTested}" />
- <echo message=" buildType: ${buildType}" />
- <echo message=" doMissingListValue: ${doMissingListValue}" />
- <echo message=" testsConfigExpected: ${testsConfigExpected}" />
- <echo message=" expectedConfigFilename: ${expectedConfigFilename}" />
- <echo message=" foundConfigFilename: ${foundConfigFilename}" />
- <indexResults
- isBuildTested="${isBuildTested}"
- buildType="${buildType}"
- dropTokenList="${dropTokenList}"
- dropHtmlFileName="${indexFileName}"
- xmlDirectoryName="${xmlDirectoryName}"
- dropDirectoryName="${dropDirectoryName}"
- dropTemplateFileName="${dropTemplateFileName}"
- testResultsHtmlFileName="${testResultsHtmlFileName}"
- hrefTestResultsTargetPath="${hrefTestResultsTargetPath}"
- hrefCompileLogsTargetPath="${hrefCompileLogsTargetPath}"
- compileLogsDirectoryName="${compileLogsDirectoryName}"
- testManifestFileName="${testManifestFileName}"
- testsConfigExpected="${testsConfigExpected}"
- expectedConfigFilename="${expectedConfigFilename}"
- foundConfigFilename="${foundConfigFilename}"
- doMissingList="${doMissingListValue}" />
- </target>
- <target name="getStaticFiles">
- <!--get static files required in the buildLabel directory -->
- <copy todir="${buildDirectory}">
- <fileset dir="staticDropFiles" />
- </copy>
- </target>

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