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Diffstat (limited to 'cje-production/scripts')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 748 deletions
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/addToComposite.xml b/cje-production/scripts/addToComposite.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0394c553d..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/addToComposite.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- default="addToComposite"
- basedir=".">
- <target name="addToComposite">
- <fail unless="repodir" message="repodir must be passed in to this script" />
- <fail unless="complocation" message="complocation must be passed in to this script" />
- <echo message="Adding child (complocation) to composite (repodir)" />
- <echo message=" repodir: ${repodir}" />
- <echo message=" complocation: ${complocation}" />
- <p2.composite.repository>
- <repository
- location="file://${repodir}"
- name="The Eclipse Project repository" />
- <add>
- <repository location="${complocation}" />
- </add>
- </p2.composite.repository>
- </target>
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/checkComposites/ b/cje-production/scripts/checkComposites/
deleted file mode 100755
index cbab97bd4..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/checkComposites/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
-# Contributors:
-# Sravan Lakkimsetti - initial API and implementation
-# Utility to run on Hudson, to periodically confirm that our
-# atomic composite repositories are valid.
-# can be retrieved, on Hudson, with
-# wget --no-verbose --no-cache -O https://${GIT_HOST}/c/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git/plain/production/miscToolsAndNotes/checkComposites/;
-# and typically set chmod +x
-# and then executed in "bash script" build step.
-# TODO: reduce this list soon
-/eclipse/updates/4.22/ \
-/eclipse/updates/4.23/ \
-/eclipse/updates/4.23-I-builds/ \
-/eclipse/updates/4.23-Y-builds/ \
-/eclipse/updates/4.23-P-builds/ \
-# Confirm that Eclipse Platform has already been installed, if not, install it
-if [[ ! -d ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse ]]
- epRelDir=$(ssh ls -d --format=single-column ${dropsPath}/R-*|sort|tail -1)
- scp${epRelDir}/eclipse-platform-*-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz .
- tar -xzf eclipse-platform-*-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C ${WORKSPACE}
-for repo in ${repoList}
- echo -e "\n\n\tChecking repo:\n\t\t ${repoAccess}${repo}\n\n"
- nice -n 10 ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse/eclipse -nosplash -consolelog --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository ${repoAccess}${repo} -list -vm ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java
- RC=$?
- if [[ $RC != 0 ]]
- then
- echo -e "\n\t[ERROR]: p2.director list returned a non-zero return code: $RC"
- exit $RC
- fi
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml b/cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb549278..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- name="collectTestResults"
- default="collectTestResults"
- basedir=".">
- <!-- example properties. Caller normally provides. -->
- <property
- name="job"
- value="ep4-unit-mac64" />
- <property
- name="buildNumber"
- value="49" />
- <property
- name="buildId"
- value="N20121014-2000" />
- <property
- name="eclipseStream"
- value="4.3.0" />
- <property
- value="master" />
- <target
- name="collectTestResults"
- depends="init"
- description="Collect Test Results from Hudson to build machine location.">
- <fail unless="buildNumber" />
- <retry
- retrycount="3"
- retrydelay="1000">
- <get
- ignoreerrors="true"
- verbose="true"
- src="${hudsonResultURL}"
- dest="${tmpzipdir}/" />
- </retry>
- <!-- not sure if mkdir needed? -->
- <mkdir dir="${resultsDir}/directorLogs" />
- <unzip
- overwrite="true"
- src="${tmpzipdir}/"
- dest="${resultsDir}/">
- <globmapper
- from="archive/workarea/${buildId}/eclipse-testing/results/*"
- to="*" />
- </unzip>
- <echo message="hudsonTestResultsURL ${hudsonTestResultsURL} " />
- <retry
- retrycount="3"
- retrydelay="1000">
- <get
- src="${hudsonTestResultsURL}"
- dest="${resultsDir}/${job}-${buildNumber}.xml" />
- </retry>
- <delete failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="${resultsDir}">
- <include name="${tmpzipdir}" />
- <include name="archive/**" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target
- name="init"
- unless="collectTestResultsInitialized">
- <property
- name="env.HUDSON_ROOT_URI"
- value="releng" />
- <!-- we set these "env" variables here not to effect the
- environment, but that because we need some value for them,
- so if not actually set in the environment, we create these
- with some reasonable default. (Though, if not set in the environment,
- could be a sign that somethign is not as expected?)
- -->
- <condition
- property="hudsonHost"
- value="${env.HUDSON_PERF_HOST}">
- <and>
- <isset property="HUDSON_PERF_HOST" />
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-lin"
- casesensitive="yes" />
- </and>
- </condition>
- <!-- if that didn't set hudsonHost, check env variable before using fallback default -->
- <condition
- property="hudsonHost"
- value="${env.HUDSON_HOST}"
- else="">
- <isset property="env.HUDSON_HOST" />
- </condition>
- <property
- name="env.HUDSON_PROTOCOL"
- value="https" />
- <property
- name="env.HUDSON_PORT"
- value="443" />
- <!-- if not set externally, set to eclipse default (for -perf-lin jobs) -->
- <property
- value="releng" />
- <condition
- property="hudsonPathSegment"
- value="${env.LINUX_PERF_SEGMENT}"
- else="${env.HUDSON_ROOT_URI}">
- <and>
- <isset property="env.LINUX_PERF_SEGMENT" />
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-lin"
- casesensitive="yes" />
- </and>
- </condition>
- <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
- var buildId = project.getProperty("buildId");
- var patternbuildType = new RegExp(/^([IMXYNSRU])(\d{8})-(\d{4})$/);
- var sArraybuildType = patternbuildType.exec(buildId);
- // sArray 0 is "whole match"
- var buildType = sArraybuildType[1];
- project.setProperty("buildType", buildType);
- var eclipseStream = project.getProperty("eclipseStream");
- var patternStream = new RegExp(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- var sArrayStream = patternStream.exec(eclipseStream);
- // sArray[0] is "whole match"
- var eclipseStreamMajor = sArrayStream[1];
- var eclipseStreamMinor = sArrayStream[2];
- var eclipseStreamService = sArrayStream[3];
- project.setProperty("eclipseStreamMajor", eclipseStreamMajor);
- project.setProperty("eclipseStreamMinor", eclipseStreamMinor);
- project.setProperty("eclipseStreamService", eclipseStreamService);
- var buildhome = "/home/data/httpd/";
- var postingDirectory = buildhome + "/eclipse/downloads/drops4"
- project.setProperty("postingDirectory", postingDirectory);
- ]]>
- </script>
- <echo message="postingDirectory: ${postingDirectory}" />
- <!--
- Two possible results directories.
- All of these asssume following naming conventions in Hudson jobs. TODO: in future could/should have properties
- that describe the tests anyway, so might want to use that, to deside results directories.Currently:
- contains -perf- : performance
- else: testresults
- We need to avoid "-baseline" distinction. If anything,
- make one base on "LR" (long running).
- -->
- <condition
- property="resultsDir"
- value="${postingDirectory}/${buildId}/performance"
- else="${postingDirectory}/${buildId}/testresults">
- <contains
- string="${job}"
- substring="-perf-"
- casesensitive="yes" />
- </condition>
- <!-- attempt to create incase hasn't been created yet -->
- <mkdir dir="${resultsDir}" />
- <property
- name="hudsonResultRootJobURL"
- value="${env.HUDSON_PROTOCOL}://${hudsonHost}:${env.HUDSON_PORT}/${hudsonPathSegment}/job/${job}/${buildNumber}" />
- <property
- name="hudsonResultRootURL"
- value="${hudsonResultRootJobURL}/artifact/*zip*" />
- <property
- name="hudsonResultURL"
- value="${hudsonResultRootURL}/" />
- <echo message="hudsonResultURL ${hudsonResultURL} " />
- <property
- name="hudsonTestResultsURL"
- value="${hudsonResultRootJobURL}/testReport/api/xml?tree=failCount,passCount,skipCount,duration" />
- <echo message="hudsonTestResultsURL ${hudsonTestResultsURL} " />
- <property
- name="tmpzipdir"
- value="${resultsDir}/tmp${job}" />
- <mkdir dir="${tmpzipdir}" />
- <property
- name="collectTestResultsInitialized"
- value="true" />
- </target>
-</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/common-functions.shsource b/cje-production/scripts/common-functions.shsource
deleted file mode 100755
index bb6d6a5ce..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/common-functions.shsource
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
-# Contributors:
-# Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti - initial API and implementation
-# USAGE: fn-write-property VAR_NAME
-# VAR_NAME: Variable name to write as "variable=value" form
-# This script assumes the following variables have been defined and are pointing
-# to an appropriate file (see
-# BUILD_ENV_FILE=${buildDirectory}/buildproperties.shsource
-# BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP=${buildDirectory}/buildproperties.php
-# BUILD_ENV_FILE_PROP=${buildDirectory}/
-# Note we always append to file, assuming if doesn't exist yet and will be
-# created, and for each build, it won't exist, so will be written fresh for
-# each build.
-fn-write-property ()
- echo "export $1=$2" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE
- echo "\$$1 = $2;" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PHP
- echo "$1 = $2" >> $BUILD_ENV_FILE_PROP
-# this function executes command passed as command line parameter and
-# if that command fails it exit with the same error code as the failed command
-fn-run-command ()
- $*
- returnCode=$?
- if [ $returnCode != 0 ]; then
- echo "Execution of \"$*\" failed with return code : $returnCode"
- exit $returnCode
- fi
-fn-notarize-macbuild ()
- set -x
- BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift
- DMG="$1"; shift
- pushd "$BUILD_DIR" || exit 5
- PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID="${DMG//-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.dmg/}"
- retryCount=3
- while [ ${retryCount} -gt 0 ]; do
- RAW_RESPONSE=$(curl -sS --write-out "\n%{http_code}" -X POST -F file=@"${DMG}" -F 'options={"primaryBundleId": "'"${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID}"'", "staple": true};type=application/json' || : )
- RESPONSE=$(head -n-1 <<<"${RAW_RESPONSE}")
- STATUS_CODE=$(tail -n1 <<<"${RAW_RESPONSE}")
- if [[ "${STATUS_CODE}" != "200" ]]; then
- echo "Bad response from the server (status=${STATUS_CODE})"
- echo "${RESPONSE}"
- retryCount=$((retryCount - 1))
- if [ $retryCount -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Notarization failed 3 times. Exiting"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Retrying..."
- sleep 2
- fi
- fi
- UUID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -Po '"uuid"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]+' || : )
- STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -Po '"status"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]+' || : )
- while [[ ${STATUS} == 'IN_PROGRESS' ]]; do
- sleep 1m
- RESPONSE=$(curl -sS "${UUID}/status")
- STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -Po '"status"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]+' || : )
- done
- if [[ ${STATUS} != 'COMPLETE' ]]; then
- echo "Notarization failed: ${RESPONSE}"
- retryCount=$((retryCount - 1))
- if [ $retryCount -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Notarization failed 3 times. Exiting"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Retrying..."
- sleep 2
- fi
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- rm "${DMG}"
- curl -sSJO "${UUID}/download"
- popd || exit 5
- set +x
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/genTestIndexes.xml b/cje-production/scripts/genTestIndexes.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3308367f..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/genTestIndexes.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- name="Helper targets"
- default="generateEclipseIndex"
- basedir=".">
- <target
- name="init"
- depends="initStreamVariables"
- unless="genTestIndexesInitialized">
- <fail unless="buildId" />
- <fail unless="eclipseStream" />
- <fail unless="job" />
- <property
- name="isBuildTested"
- value="true" />
- <script language="javascript">
- <![CDATA[
- var buildId = project.getProperty("buildId");
- var pattern = new RegExp(/^([IMXYPNSRU])(\d{8})-(\d{4})$/);
- var sArray = pattern.exec(buildId);
- // sArray 0 is "whole match"
- project.setProperty("buildType", sArray[1]);
- ]]>
- </script>
- <property
- name="dropsDirSegment"
- value="drops4"/>
- <!-- publish.xml expects buildLabel in places, instead of buildId,
- though we use them interchangebly -->
- <property
- name="buildLabel"
- value="${buildId}" />
- <property
- name="buildRoot"
- value="/home/data/httpd/" />
- <property
- name="postingDirectory"
- value="${buildRoot}/${dropsDirSegment}" />
- <property
- name="publishingContent"
- value="${workspace}/publishingFiles" />
- <echo message="= = Properties in genTestIndexes.xml, init = = " />
- <echo message=" job: ${job}" />
- <echo message=" postingDirectory: ${postingDirectory}" />
- <echo message=" isBuildTested: ${isBuildTested}" />
- <!-- This is our new, "safe for every test" location -->
- <property
- name="base.builder"
- value="${basebuilder}" />
- <property
- name="buildDirectory"
- value="${postingDirectory}/${buildId}" />
- <property
- name="genTestIndexesInitialized"
- value="true" />
- </target>
- <target
- name="generateEclipseIndex"
- depends="init">
- <property
- name="generatorClass"
- value="org.eclipse.releng.generators.TestResultsGenerator" />
- <echo message=" DEBUG: generatorClass: ${generatorClass}" />
- <available
- classname="${generatorClass}"
- property="class"
- value="${generatorClass}" />
- <!-- These variables used to be defined here, but now are defined in
- publish.xml generateIndex target based on $job
- indexFileName
- dropTemplateFileName
- testManifestFileName
- -->
- <antcall target="publishEclipseIndex" />
- </target>
- <target
- name="publishEclipseIndex"
- depends="init">
- <fail
- unless="buildType"
- message="buildType should have been defined by now" />
- <!--regenerate the index page with links to test results -->
- <ant
- antfile="${workspace}/publish.xml"
- dir="${publishingContent}"
- target="generateIndex">
- </ant>
- </target>
- <target name="initStreamVariables">
- <fail
- unless="eclipseStream"
- message="eclipseStream must be provided by caller" />
- <condition property="streamOK">
- <matches
- pattern="\d+\.\d+\.\d+"
- string="${eclipseStream}" />
- </condition>
- <fail
- message="eclipseStream variable had unexpected format. Should be digit.digit.digit, but was ${eclipseStream}"
- unless="streamOK" />
- <script language="javascript">
- <![CDATA[
- var eclipseStream = project.getProperty("eclipseStream");
- var pattern = new
- RegExp(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- var sArray = pattern.exec(eclipseStream);
- // sArray[0] is "whole match"
- project.setProperty("eclipseStreamMajor", sArray[1]);
- project.setProperty("eclipseStreamMinor", sArray[2]);
- project.setProperty("eclipseStreamService", sArray[3]);
- ]]>
- </script>
- </target>
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/ b/cje-production/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e09137ef..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021 IBM Corporation and others.
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
-# Contributors:
-# Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti - initial API and implementation
-set -x
-BUILD_DIR="$1"; shift
-DMG="$1"; shift
-pushd "$BUILD_DIR" || exit 5
-while [ ${retryCount} -gt 0 ]; do
- RAW_RESPONSE=$(curl -sS --write-out "\n%{http_code}" -X POST -F file=@"${DMG}" -F 'options={"primaryBundleId": "'"${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID}"'", "staple": true};type=application/json' || : )
- RESPONSE=$(head -n-1 <<<"${RAW_RESPONSE}")
- STATUS_CODE=$(tail -n1 <<<"${RAW_RESPONSE}")
- if [[ "${STATUS_CODE}" != "200" ]]; then
- echo "Bad response from the server (status=${STATUS_CODE})"
- echo "${RESPONSE}"
- retryCount=$((retryCount - 1))
- if [ $retryCount -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Notarization failed 3 times. Exiting"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Retrying..."
- sleep 2
- fi
- fi
- UUID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -Po '"uuid"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]+' || : )
- STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -Po '"status"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]+' || : )
- while [[ ${STATUS} == 'IN_PROGRESS' ]]; do
- sleep 1m
- RESPONSE=$(curl -sS "${UUID}/status")
- STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -Po '"status"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]+' || : )
- done
- if [[ ${STATUS} != 'COMPLETE' ]]; then
- echo "Notarization failed: ${RESPONSE}"
- retryCount=$((retryCount - 1))
- if [ $retryCount -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Notarization failed 3 times. Exiting"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Retrying..."
- sleep 2
- fi
- else
- break
- fi
-rm "${DMG}"
-curl -sSJO "${UUID}/download"
-popd || exit 5
-set +x
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/removeFromComposite.xml b/cje-production/scripts/removeFromComposite.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a15a27f9..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/removeFromComposite.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- default="removeFromComposite"
- basedir=".">
- <target name="removeFromComposite">
- <fail unless="repodir" message="repodir must be passed in to this script" />
- <fail unless="complocation" message="complocation must be passed in to this script" />
- <echo message="Removing child (complocation) to composite (repodir)" />
- <echo message=" repodir: ${repodir}" />
- <echo message=" complocation: ${complocation}" />
- <p2.composite.repository>
- <repository
- location="file://${repodir}"
- name="The Eclipse Project repository" />
- <remove>
- <repository location="${complocation}" />
- </remove>
- </p2.composite.repository>
- </target>
diff --git a/cje-production/scripts/updateGenericComposites.xml b/cje-production/scripts/updateGenericComposites.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e681e84b..000000000
--- a/cje-production/scripts/updateGenericComposites.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
- This program and the accompanying materials
- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
- Contributors:
- David Williams - initial API and implementation
- default="updateGenericComposites"
- basedir=".">
- <!--
- updateGenericComposites is a utilty to use once a year or so,
- when ever a new release is started.
- It must be ran from "antRunner appliction"
- -->
- <target name="updateGenericComposites">
- <fail
- unless="currentStream"
- message="currentStream (such as '4.19') must be defined for this script" />
- <fail
- unless="previousStream"
- message="maintenanceStream (such as '4.18') must be defined for this script" />
- <!-- Note: we do not put stream number in 'name', since once a 'name' is defined
- in Eclipse's UI, it does not change. -->
- <updatecomposite
- repotocreate="${workspace}/I-builds"
- repotopointto="${currentStream}-I-builds/"
- reponame="Eclipse Project current integration builds repository" />
- <updatecomposite
- repotocreate="${workspace}/Y-builds"
- repotopointto="${currentStream}-Y-builds/"
- reponame="Eclipse Project current Beta Java builds repository" />
- <updatecomposite
- repotocreate="${workspace}/P-builds"
- repotopointto="${currentStream}-P-builds/"
- reponame="Eclipse Project current Beta Java patch builds repository" />
- <updatecomposite
- repotocreate="${workspace}/latest"
- repotopointto="${previousStream}/"
- reponame="Eclipse Project latest release repository" />
- </target>
- <!--
- macro to create a "generic" composite site, that simply points to
- annohter repository.
- repoToCreate must be an absolute file path directory,
- that is writeable.
- repoToPointTo can be any repo, but must be in "full form", such as
- -->
- <macrodef name="updatecomposite">
- <attribute name="repoToCreate" />
- <attribute name="repoToPointTo" />
- <attribute name="reponame" />
- <sequential>
- <!-- delete it, if already exists -->
- <delete
- dir="@{repoToCreate}"
- failonerror="false" />
- <!-- create it -->
- <mkdir dir="@{repoToCreate}" />
- <!-- now add the one child -->
- <echo message="(re)creating repostory: @{repoToCreate}" />
- <echo message="adding child repository: @{repoToPointTo}" />
- <p2.composite.repository>
- <repository location="file://@{repoToCreate}" name="@{reponame}"/>
- <add location="@{repoToPointTo}" />
- </p2.composite.repository>
- <local name="p2IndexFilename" />
- <property
- name="p2IndexFilename"
- value="@{repoToCreate}/p2.index" />
- <echo message="creating p2.index file" />
- <echo
- file="${p2IndexFilename}"
- message="version=1${line.separator}" />
- <echo
- file="${p2IndexFilename}"
- append="true"
- message="metadata.repository.factory.order=compositeContent.xml,!${line.separator}" />
- <echo
- file="${p2IndexFilename}"
- append="true"
- message="artifact.repository.factory.order=compositeArtifacts.xml,!${line.separator}" />
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>

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