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Diffstat (limited to 'cje-production/mbscripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/cje-production/mbscripts/ b/cje-production/mbscripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index a22ff2ecd..000000000
--- a/cje-production/mbscripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019, 2021 IBM Corporation and others.
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
-# Contributors:
-# Kit Lo - initial API and implementation
-if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- echo USAGE: $0 env_file
- exit 1
-source $CJE_ROOT/scripts/common-functions.shsource
-source $1
-reportDate=$(TZ="America/New_York" date +%s)
-reportTimestamp=$(TZ="America/New_York" date +%Y%m%d-%H%M --date='@'$reportDate)
-# try to find the last tag of the current build type that is available as a promoted build
-# by checking the most recent 5 tags and seeing if an update site for it exists
-lastTagList=$(git tag --list "${BUILD_TYPE}*" | tail -n5)
-for lt in $lastTagList ; do
- if ssh test -d ${updateSiteRootPath}/${lt} ; then
- lastTag=$lt
- fi
-# if no build is promoted yet, then just fallback to the last tag of the current build type
-if [[ -z "$lastTag" ]] ; then
- lastTag=$(git describe --tags --match "${BUILD_TYPE}*" --abbrev=0)
-# git tagging
-if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "I" ]
- git commit -m "Build input for build $BUILD_ID"
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
- then
- git push origin HEAD
- fi
-function toPushRepo() {
- from="$1"
- if ! [[ "$from" == http* ]]; then
- echo $from
- else
- echo $(sed -e 's,,ssh://,' -e 's,,ssh://,' -e 's,,,' <<< $from)
- fi
-export -f toPushRepo
-git submodule foreach 'if grep "^${name}:" ../../../streams/repositories_$PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL.txt > /dev/null; then git tag $BUILD_ID; PUSH_URL="$(toPushRepo $(git config --get remote.origin.url))"; git push --verbose $PUSH_URL $BUILD_ID; else echo Skipping $name; fi || :'
-git tag $BUILD_ID
-git push --verbose origin $BUILD_ID
-# git logging
-if [[ -n "$lastTag" ]]; then
- tmpGitLog=$CJE_ROOT/$TMP_DIR/gitLog.txt
- echo -e "<h2>Git log from $lastTag (previous) to $BUILD_ID (current)</h2>" > $gitLogFile
- echo -e "<h2>The tagging, and this report, were done at about $reportTimestamp</h2>" >> $gitLogFile
- git log $lastTag..$BUILD_ID --date=short --format=format:"<tr><td class=\"datecell\">%cd</td><td class=\"commitcell\"><a href=\"\">%s</a></td><td class=\"authorcell\">%aN</td></tr>" > $tmpGitLog
- tmpFileSize=$(stat -c%s $tmpGitLog)
- if [ $tmpFileSize -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "<table><tbody> <tr><th class=\"cell\" colspan=\"3\">Repository: eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator</th></tr>" >> $gitLogFile
- echo "<tr> <th class=\"datecell\">Date</th> <th class=\"commitcell\">Commit message</th> <th class=\"authorcell\">Author</th> </tr>" >> $gitLogFile
- cat $tmpGitLog >> $gitLogFile
- echo "</tbody></table><br><br>" >> $gitLogFile
- echo >> $gitLogFile
- fi
- git submodule --quiet foreach "comp=\$(echo \$path|cut -d. -f2);git log $lastTag..$BUILD_ID --date=short --format=format:\"<tr><td class=\\\"datecell\\\">%cd</td><td class=\\\"commitcell\\\"><a href=\\\"\$comp/\$path.git/commit/?id=%H\\\">%s</a></td><td class=\\\"authorcell\\\">%aN</td></tr>\">$tmpGitLog;FILESIZE=\$(stat -c%s $tmpGitLog);if [ \$FILESIZE -ne 0 ]; then echo \"<table><tbody> <tr><th class=\\\"cell\\\" colspan=\\\"3\\\">Repository: \$path</th></tr>\";echo \"<tr> <th class=\\\"datecell\\\">Date</th> <th class=\\\"commitcell\\\">Commit message</th> <th class=\\\"authorcell\\\">Author</th> </tr>\";cat $tmpGitLog;echo \"</tbody></table><br><br>\";echo;fi" >> $gitLogFile
- echo -e "\n\tGit log not generated because a reasonable previous tag could not be found." > $gitLogFile

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