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2 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cje-production/cleaners/ b/cje-production/cleaners/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d0f76fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cje-production/cleaners/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
+# This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+# Contributors:
+# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+function writeHeader ()
+ compositeRepoDir="$1"
+ antBuildFile=$2
+ if [[ -z "${compositeRepoDir}" ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\n\tWARNING: compositeRepoDir not passed to writeHeader function as expected. But will continue with variable for later use?"
+ compositeRepoDir="\$\{compositeRepoDir\}"
+ fi
+ echo -e "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > $antBuildFile
+ echo -e "<project" >> $antBuildFile
+ echo -e " basedir=\".\"" >>$antBuildFile
+ echo -e " default=\"cleanup\">" >>$antBuildFile
+ echo -e " <target name=\"cleanup\">" >>$antBuildFile
+ echo -e " <p2.composite.repository>" >>$antBuildFile
+ echo -e " <repository location=\"file://${compositeRepoDir}\" />" >>$antBuildFile
+ echo -e " <remove>" >> $antBuildFile
+function writeReposToRemove ()
+ antBuildFile=$1
+ for repo in "${reposToRemove[@]}"
+ do
+ echo " <repository location=\"$repo\" />" >> $antBuildFile
+ done
+function writeClosing ()
+ antBuildFile=$1
+ echo -e " </remove>" >> $antBuildFile
+ echo -e " </p2.composite.repository>" >> $antBuildFile
+ echo -e " </target>" >> $antBuildFile
+ echo -e "</project>" >> $antBuildFile
+function generateCleanupXML ()
+ mainRepoDir=$1
+ antBuildFile=$2
+ if [[ -z "${mainRepoDir}" || ! -e "${mainRepoDir}" ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\n\tERROR: main repo to work with was not defined or did not exist"
+ else
+ writeHeader $mainRepoDir $antBuildFile
+ writeReposToRemove $antBuildFile
+ writeClosing $antBuildFile
+ fi
+function getReposToRemove ()
+ cDir="$1"
+ buildType=$2
+ nRetain=$3
+ if [[ ! -e "${cDir}" ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\n\tERROR: expected directory did not exist" >&2
+ echo -e "\t\t${cDir}" >&2
+ reposToRemove=()
+ return 1
+ else
+ echo -e "\n\tDEBUG: working with directory ${cDir}"
+ # for "repo names" we want only the last segment of the directory, so use -printf %f. The %C@ is seconds since the beginning of time, for sorting.
+ # Some caution is needed here. Seems on "atime" is the one that reflects "when created",
+ # whereas ctime and mtime are all identical, in every directory?! Turns out, mine is that
+ # say too. Apparently p2 "touches" every directory, for some reason. Perhaps only in the "atomic" case?
+ # But, atime can vary from system to system, depending .. some systems do update, when accessed?
+ sortedallOldRepos=( $(find ${cDir} -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "${buildType}*" -printf "%C@ %f\n" | sort -n | cut -d\ -f2 ) )
+ #nOldRepos=${#sortedallOldRepos[@]}
+ # all builds "find" command should match above, except for age related (and printf) arguments
+ nbuilds=$( find ${cDir} -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "${buildType}*" | wc -l )
+ echo -e "\tNumber of repos before cleaning: $nbuilds"
+ #echo -e "\tNumber of old repos ${nOldRepos}"
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG contents of sortedallOldRepos array"
+ for item in "${sortedallOldRepos[@]}"
+ do
+ echo -e "\t${item}"
+ done
+ #totalMinusOld=$(( nbuilds - nOldRepos ))
+ #echo -e "\tDEBUG: total minus old: $totalMinusOld"
+ if [[ $nbuilds -gt $nRetain ]]
+ then
+ # remove all old ones, except for nRetain
+ nToRemove=$(( nbuilds - nRetain ))
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG: nToRemove: $nToRemove"
+ #remove all except newest nRetain (if more than nRetain)
+ if [[ ${nToRemove} -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG: number of old repos to remove found to be ${nToRemove}"
+ reposToRemove=("${sortedallOldRepos[@]:0:$nToRemove}")
+ else
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG: number of old repos to remove found to be ${nToRemove} so we will remove none"
+ reposToRemove=()
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+function cleanRepo ()
+ eclipseRepo=$1
+ buildType=$2
+ nRetain=$3
+ dryRun=$4
+ # Changed to "hard coded" location of where to expect on Hudson.
+ eclipseexe=${workspace}/eclipse
+ if [[ ! -x ${eclipseexe} ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\n\tERROR: expected eclipse location not found, or not executable"
+ echo -e "\t${eclipseexe}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ javaexe=${workspace}/jdk8/jre/bin/java
+ if [[ ! -x ${javaexe} ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\n\tERROR: expected java location not found, or not executable"
+ echo -e "\t${javaexe}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ antBuildFile=${workspace}/cleanupRepoScript${buildType}.xml
+ antRunner=org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner
+ # To allow this cron job to work from hudson, or traditional crontab
+ devWorkspace=${workspace}/workspace-cleanup
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG: Cleaning repository ${eclipseRepo} on $HOSTNAME on $(date ) " >&2
+ getReposToRemove "${eclipseRepo}" $buildType $nRetain
+ RC=$?
+ if [[ $RC == 0 ]]
+ then
+ # be sure there are some to remove
+ nToRemove=${#reposToRemove[@]}
+ if [[ $nToRemove == 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\tfound no files to remove for current repo"
+ else
+ echo -e "\n\tfound $nToRemove so generating ant file"
+ generateCleanupXML "${eclipseRepo}" $antBuildFile
+ if [[ -z "${dryRun}" ]]
+ then
+ $eclipseexe -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -data "${devWorkspace}" -application ${antRunner} -f $antBuildFile -vm ${javaexe}
+ RC=$?
+ fi
+ if [[ $RC == 0 ]]
+ then
+ # we only clean N-build directories, others need to be manually cleaned
+ # after every milestone, or after every release
+ if [[ $buildType == "N" ]]
+ then
+ for file in "${reposToRemove[@]}"
+ do
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG: directories to remove: ${eclipseRepo}/${file}"
+ if [[ -z "${dryRun}" ]]
+ then
+ rm -rf ${eclipseRepo}/${file}
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ echo -e "\n\tReminder: only composite cleaned. For $buildType builds must cleanup simple repos ever milestone or release".
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${dryRun}" ]]
+ then
+ echo "Since dryrun printing $antBuildFile"
+ cat $antBuildFile
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# global
+declare -a reposToRemove=()
+cleanRepo $eclipseIRepo I 4 $doDryrun
+declare -a reposToRemove=()
+cleanRepo $eclipseSRepo S 2 $doDryrun
+declare -a reposToRemove=()
+cleanRepo $eclipseYRepo I 2 $doDryrun
+declare -a reposToRemove=()
+cleanRepo $eclipsePRepo S 1 $doDryrun
+unset reposToRemove
diff --git a/cje-production/cleaners/ b/cje-production/cleaners/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..049be6180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cje-production/cleaners/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
+# This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+# Contributors:
+# Sravan Lakkimsetti - initial API and implementation
+# Utility to clean build machine
+echo -e "\n\tDaily clean of ${HOSTNAME} download server on $(date )\n"
+# Checks whether a build can be retained or not.
+# returns 0 if the build can be retained
+function canBeRetained ()
+ retval=1
+ buildName=$1
+ grep BUILD_FAILED ${buildName}/buildproperties.shsource >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #build didn't fail
+ if [ -f "${buildName}/buildUnstable" ]; then #build is marked unstable so should not be retained
+ retval=1
+ else
+ retval=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $retval
+# remove a build
+function removeBuild ()
+ buildname=$1
+ rm -fr $buildname
+ RC=$?
+ if [[ $RC = 0 ]];then
+ echo -e "Removed: $buildname"
+ else
+ echo -e "\n\tAn Error occurred removing $buildname. RC: $RC"
+ fi
+allOldBuilds=$( find ${cDir} -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +5 -name "${buildType}"|sort )
+nbuilds=$( find ${cDir} -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "${buildType}" | wc -l )
+echo -e "\tNumber of I-builds before cleaning: $nbuilds"
+# Make sure we leave at least 4 on DL server, no matter how old
+# To avoid 'ls' see
+# technically, applies to "find" as well.
+shopt -s nullglob
+# We count on files being "ordered" by date/timestamp in name
+for ((i=${#files[@]}-1; i>=0; --i)); do
+ newest[$count]="${files[$i]}"
+ count=$(( count + 1 ))
+ if [ $count -gt 3 ]
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+areNotToDelete=$(printf '%s\n' "${newest[@]}" | paste -sd '|')
+currentWeekNum=0 #week number from start of the year user to identify the week in which the build is created
+found=0 #it will be 1 when we found a build that can be retained in that week
+for buildname in ${allOldBuilds}; do
+ if [[ $buildname =~ $areNotToDelete ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\tDEBUG: Not removed (since one of 4 newest, even though old): \n\t$buildname"
+ else
+ buildId=$(basename $buildname) #extract buildId
+ yy=$(echo $buildId|cut -b2-5) #extract year from buildId
+ mm=$(echo $buildId|cut -b6-7) #extract month
+ dd=$(echo $buildId|cut -b8-9) #extract day
+ day=${mm}/${dd}/${yy} #construct build date
+ dayOfWeek=$(date -d $day +%u) #get the day of the week like monday, tue, etc
+ weekNum=$(date -d $day +%U) #get the week number from start of the year
+ #special case for Sunday. unix considers sunday as the start of the week. but for us we need to consider
+ #monday as start of the week. For this purpose we subtract 1 to place the build in previous week
+ if [ $dayOfWeek -eq 7 ]; then
+ weekNum=$(expr $weekNum - 1)
+ if [ $weekNum -le 0 ]; then #check for the yearend
+ weekNum=53
+ fi
+ fi
+ canBeRetained ${buildname}
+ retain=$?
+ if [ $weekNum -eq $currentWeekNum ]; then
+ if [ $retain -eq 0 -a $found -ne 1 ]; then # we didn't found a build that can be retained in the current week
+ found=1
+ else
+ removeBuild $buildname
+ fi
+ else #week changed
+ currentWeekNum=$weekNum
+ found=0
+ if [ $retain -eq 0 -a $dayOfWeek -eq 1 ]; then
+ found=1
+ else
+ removeBuild $buildname
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+nbuilds=$( find ${cDir} -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "${buildType}" | wc -l )
+echo -e "\tNumber of N-builds after cleaning: $nbuilds"

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