/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Wind River Systems and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation * IBM Corporation - bug fixing *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.actions.ToggleBreakpointsTargetManager; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.actions.breakpoints.Messages; import org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem; import org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionItem; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.ui.IPartService; import org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import org.eclipse.ui.actions.CompoundContributionItem; import org.eclipse.ui.menus.IWorkbenchContribution; import org.eclipse.ui.services.IServiceLocator; /** * Breakpoint ruler pop-up action that creates a sub-menu to select the currently * active breakpoint type. This menu contribution can be added to an editor * with the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point. The breakpoint * types are calculated based on the toggle breakpoint target factories * contributed through the toggleBreakpointsTargetFactories extension point. *

* Following is example plug-in XML used to contribute this action to an editor's * vertical ruler context menu. *

 * <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.menus">
 *   <menuContribution
 *     locationURI="popup:#CEditorRulerContext?after=additions"
 *     id="example.RulerPopupActions">
 *       <menu\
 *         id="breakpointTypes"
 *         label="Toggle Breakpoint">
 *         <dynamic\
 *           id="example.rulerContextMenu.breakpointTypesAction">
 *           class="org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.BreakpointTypesContribution"
 *         menubarPath="additions">/
 *       </menu>
 *   </menuContribution>


* Clients may refer to this class in plug-in XML. This class * is not intended to be sub-classed. *

* @since 3.8 * @noextend This class is not intended to be sub-classed by clients. */ public class BreakpointTypesContribution extends CompoundContributionItem implements IWorkbenchContribution { private class SelectTargetAction extends Action { private final Set fPossibleIDs; private final String fID; SelectTargetAction(String name, Set possibleIDs, String ID) { super(name, AS_RADIO_BUTTON); fID = ID; fPossibleIDs = possibleIDs; } @Override public void run() { if (isChecked()) { // Note: setPreferredTarget is not declared on the // IToggleBreakpontsTargetManager interface. ToggleBreakpointsTargetManager.getDefault().setPreferredTarget(fPossibleIDs, fID); } } } private IServiceLocator fServiceLocator; private static IContributionItem[] NO_BREAKPOINT_TYPES_CONTRIBUTION_ITEMS = new IContributionItem[] { new ContributionItem() { @Override public void fill(Menu menu, int index) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.NONE); item.setEnabled(false); item.setText(Messages.BreakpointTypesContribution_0); } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return false; } } }; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.actions.CompoundContributionItem#getContributionItems() */ @Override protected IContributionItem[] getContributionItems() { IWorkbenchPart part = null; ISelection selection = null; ISelectionService selectionService = fServiceLocator.getService(ISelectionService.class); if (selectionService != null) { selection = selectionService.getSelection(); } IPartService partService = fServiceLocator.getService(IPartService.class); if (partService != null) { part = partService.getActivePart(); } // If no part or selection, disable all. if (part == null || selection == null) { return NO_BREAKPOINT_TYPES_CONTRIBUTION_ITEMS; } // Get breakpoint toggle target IDs. IToggleBreakpointsTargetManager manager = DebugUITools.getToggleBreakpointsTargetManager(); Set enabledIDs = manager.getEnabledToggleBreakpointsTargetIDs(part, selection); String preferredId = manager.getPreferredToggleBreakpointsTargetID(part, selection); List actions = new ArrayList(enabledIDs.size()); for (String id : enabledIDs) { Action action = new SelectTargetAction(manager.getToggleBreakpointsTargetName(id), enabledIDs, id); if (id.equals(preferredId)) { action.setChecked(true); } actions.add(action); } if ( enabledIDs.isEmpty() ) { return NO_BREAKPOINT_TYPES_CONTRIBUTION_ITEMS; } IContributionItem[] items = new IContributionItem[enabledIDs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { items[i] = new ActionContributionItem(actions.get(i)); } return items; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.menus.IWorkbenchContribution#initialize(org.eclipse.ui.services.IServiceLocator) */ @Override public void initialize(IServiceLocator serviceLocator) { fServiceLocator = serviceLocator; } }