Eclipse 3.3 Debug Platform Build Notes 

Summary of API changes in 3.3

Summary of Extensible Launch Option conversion/changes in 3.3

Oct 24, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

161896: Warnings in N20061022-0010
151848: [launching] Write protected launch configurations fails in Launch Configuration Dialog
153789: [launching] Launch configuration dialog: switching filters should not remove multiselection
154400: [WorkingSets] Select Default Breakpoint Working Set dialog is confusing and can clear default setting accidentally

Oct 3, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

158760: Warning in latest nightly build and integration build

Sep 22, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

158202: LaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy setAttributes(Map) does not set dirty?
140722: Surface Run/Debug Terminate key mapping
76341: [evaluation] Yellow popup box cannot be moved easily

Sep 12, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

155791: Patch to fix jface.text.Assert deprecation
156134: debug.core should reexport dependencies whose API is exposed
155690: Launch shortcuts: Allow 'forcePluginActivation' for expressions
148255: [tests] "should be access" test failure
155055: [views] [actions] Terminate All changed since 3.1.2
156087: NPE in CreateLaunchConfigurationAction#performAction

Aug 22, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

153929: [Memory View] Shift+F10 does not bring up context menu in table rendering
153964: Need public access to LaunchConfigurationManager.getLastLaunch()
153428: Share a launch configuration: NPE

3.3 Milestone 1 - August 10, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

138976: [console] IOException when closing the application
152794: ConcurrentModificationException disposing consoles from Ant UI test suite
152583: Use proceed label and button id for compile error prompt
152664: Separate workbench part from presentation context id

July 29, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

151066: details sash same background color as tree
149728: Detaching from process with many threads takes a long time
142198: [breakpoints] Inital state of breakpoint's 'Enable/Disable Breakpoint' ruler menu is always 'Enable Breakpoint'
138252: [console] Stream closed while debugging
151433: Firing content event on a debug target does not causing the target to be refreshed
148900: IWatchExpressionDelegate needs to be context sensitive
142602: [breakpoints] Default Breakpoint Working Set's setting lost when working set name is changed

July 18, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

151006: Expression View menu inconsistent when refering to Detail(s) Pane/Area
149205: AssignValueAction ignores target messages
135170: Terminate All menu option does not do anything
150193: second frame selected instead of top frame after step return
148995: Deadlock while stepping
148897: [Memory View] memory renderings leak menu listener
148923: [Memory View] selection is incorrect after stepping
140102: [breakpoints] Focus cannot be set to "Type", "Line Number" and "Member" fields in the properties dialog of the breakpoint
150569: [help] Add exception dialog show workbench help
149638: [breakpoints] 'Don't ask again' option for 'Remove All Breakpoints'
149176: [Working Sets] UI is blocked when clearing all items in a breakpoint working set
148863: [Memory View] Memory View should clean up command handler for NextMemoryBlock action
148865: [Memory View]Sync service is holding onto rendering after a memory block is removed
149891: SourceLookupFacility should use IEditorMatchingStrategy

July 11, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

149069: [preferences] Move USE_STEP_FILTERING pref constant to public API
148776: !MESSAGE NLS unused messages
149076: [preferences] Use step filtering pref is not persisted over workbench restart
148526: Editing a string variable discards last entered character
149021: [tests] testInstructionPointerLeaks failing
139089: [breakpoints] NPE in JavaBreakpoint.fireRemoved () shutting down eclipse with Java Debug session running
144258: The image registry is created twice
144560: [console] NPE in ProcessConsole$InputReadJob
145545: [console] Console can only be associated with IDebugElement instances
148940: [Preferences] Step filter settings broken post-RC7
140561: debug view scrolls to top, loses thread focus

June 27, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

142972: [launching] Add "Run" to context menu of shared launch config
148006: [console] deadlock in ConsoleDocument during ant execution in autobuild
148646: [console] current console combo uses CHECK instead of RADIO style buttons
138719: [source lookup] memory leak in DecorationManager
132616: [console] Console corrupts UTF-8
38387: NLS'ing of internal error messages
138473: [breakpoints] BreakpointManager sometimes fails to send a breakpoint-changed notification
142476: TVT3.2:TCT535: Text boxes ovelap with borders
89594: [console] typing in the JSTConsole is screwy
137694: [console] scrollbar in empty console

June 20, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

67370: [console] F1 help missing - Console view
140487: [launching] The Debug/Run Configurations dialog uses wrong color
140823: [launching] Code clean up
141782: [help] Debug dialogs not offering help
141785: [help] No context help for Debug Dialogs
145634: [view management] Context-Based Debug View Activation only uses last contributed binding per view
147335: [help] Source Tab has no context help topic
147502: [view management] most relevant view should be brought to top
42876: [help] F1 help in the Launch Configuration Dialog
145766: [launching] Launch configuration change dialog appears twice
147464: [view management] debug view does not activate in non-debug perspective

June 13, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

132554: keybinding doesn't enable 'Use Step Filters/Step Debug' action
144900: TVT3.2:TCT824: FR : Base - Missing apostrophes in Perspective preferences
120606: [variables] Static variables disappeared after clicking a variable
136085: [variables] view doesn't remember column positions or even which column
140487: [launching] The Debug/Run Configurations dialog uses wrong color
141769: [preferences] Perspectives tab is broken
143569: Debug actions should check status after an action is completed
143805: [viewers] array does not grow when parent not visible
144221: [Memory View] Table rendering fails to show changes after resume
144258: The image registry is created twice
144400: [launching] LaunchManager keeps references on last resource delta
144560: [console] NPE in ProcessConsole$InputReadJob
144900: TVT3.2:TCT824: FR : Base - Missing apostrophes in Perspective preferences
145545: [console] Console can only be associated with IDebugElement instances
145553: [variables] Cannot modify String variable with empty string value with Change Value dialog