Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Platform Debug

June 12, 2002

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

19928: Run/Debug menu ordering

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Platform Debug

June 11, 2002

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

17462: IllegalArgumentException when printing long stack to console
19375: Duplicate launch config naming problem
19170: LaunchConfigurationDialog etc leakage when last launched is Runtime
19740: Content assist is now retargetable

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Platform Debug

June 10, 2002

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

19613: LaunchConfig marked PRIVATE shows in Console View
19338: Missing copyrights

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Platform Debug

June 7, 2002

What's new in this drop

  • API change - a spelling mistake was fixed in the name of a method in IPersistableSourceLocator
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    18789: Source editor not given focus on suspend
    19170: LaunchConfigurationDialog etc leakage when last launched is
    18772: Launch Configurations: Table is cut off on motif
    19379: Debug remembers selected state of toolbar entry even if it is no longer enabled
    19443: IPersistableSourceLocator has misspelled method
    19489: References to IDebugViewAdapter (DOC)

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    June 1, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    18209: Unable to run a program on first attempt

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 31, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    15671: Strange behavior of the console view
    17017: Not always prompted to find source location
    18334: Launch view holding onto Objects longer than necessary
    18153: launch last and run/debug buttons
    18385: NPE during launching after removing the launch info
    16946: several Eclipse buttons are too short
    18474: Empty group in history menus
    16764: Debug Perspective leaks actions
    10383: Help pass for 2.0
    16152: NLS pass
    16379: Launch configs tree is missing label and is not wide enough

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 30, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    17087: Launch view, source lookup and closed projects
    17029: DCR: Please let me specify a launch history size of 20
    16378: Missing icons in launch config creation tabs
    18156: Debug/Run As cascade menu should be sorted
    16462: Not all tabs visible in Run-time Workbench config
    18154: Launch shortcuts menu labels
    16685: Internal error changing launch history preference
    16963: Mneumonic missing on table label for Select Launch Configuration
    16975: Up/down button on launch history page not working correctly
    17512: Missing mneumonics in Console Preference page
    18222: All XML written using platform line delimiters/UTF8
    16955: NPE opening java perspective.
    17633: ActionDelegateHelper should nullify fTextEditor when it does not need it
    17380: Launch history maintains duplicate entries
    14406: Debug menu items becoming disabled inappropriately
    17794: Disabled actions in the context menu of the Launch config dialog viewer
    17358: Revert button not enabled after changes
    17116: Launch related walkbacks in .log

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 29, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    18099: Change provider name
    17490: F1 help for launch config tabs
    18121: Static menus items should be at the top
    17649: ObjectCollectedException written to console
    16838: Over zealous error logging when config has been deleted
    17105: Attempt to save shared launch configs in closed projects
    18122: Scrapbook configs show up in list for Launch history pref page
    16970: ClassCastException out of Launch history preference page
    16492: CommonTab Switch to String
    16956: NPE opening java perspective
    17100: Launch Config name with underscore is truncated
    16638: Missing menmonic on Debug Action Groups page
    17072: "Show Supported Breakpoints" has just one calorie, not meaningful enough
    17946: Generalize launch shortcuts/convenience actions

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 28, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • New/replaced extension point. The extension point "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationShortcuts" has been replaced with "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts". Please see extension point documentation for details.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 27, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    16757: Launch.removeDebugTarget does not work
    17534: Two huge bugs in Launch class
    17676: Run menu history menus not updated after organize favorites
    17069: NPE deleting project with shared config
    16655: Streams are not closed when a java program is finished

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 21, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    16185: Show/hide package names button in doesn't work in debug view
    15964: Updates to preference pages
    16476: TextViewerGotoLineAction$NumberValidator

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 19, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • API change - deprecated method was removed - ILaunchConfigurationTab.isValid()
  • New extension point - org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationComparator. This extension point is for launch configuration attributes that require a custom equality implementation. See documentation for extension point.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    15704: Default "Maximum launch history size" should be at least 10
    15560: Cancel button on edit Configurations is much smaller than others
    15952: Remove deprecated method
    15953: No longer expanding debug target to show threads
    15988: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in config reselection
    16107: NPE opening editor
    16063: Preference pages now re-size
    16060: Re-sizable launch config dialog
    15850: LaunchView changes required from platform ui changes
    16143: Multiple *.launch filters
    12032: Debug Constants should include value in javadoc
    6485: Extension & Package documentation
    16217: launch config "revert" causes flicker
    16325: Content assist action icon
    16356: NPE out of ConsoleDocumentManager
    16148: IProcess should support an exit value
    14927: Cancel button in progress monitor of launch configuration dialog
    15775: Deleting launch config should select the next config

    Problem Reports Closed

    16113: Execution arguments gets lost if starting a class file of a jar library

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 14, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    13766: Error recovery on failed launch - need to bring up dialog
    11540: Misc Debugger source lookup dialog
    15506: Switching launch configs should show busy cursor
    15618: DebugDropDownAction missing resource string
    15375: ClassCastException trying to resume
    15720: Debug perspective should define place holders for standard views
    12316: Message (stack trace) silently written to console when trying to run small java example
    4130: Eclipse Debugger: Setting Breakpoints via keyboard not possilbe (1GITILH)
    15449: 'show detail pane' toolbar button behaves differently than other buttons
    12904: Creating shard Launch Configuration fails
    15748: Duplicate action in launch config dialog
    15848: Change Debug Menu id
    15533: DebugAction contains redundant cascade menu
    14922: Config created by double clicking on launch type; delete not enabled

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    May 08, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    9034: Variables view should scroll to display new variables
    12001: Plug-in startup
    14412: Launch configuration XML should be written to file immediately
    15246: Allow private launch configs to perspective switch
    15325: Remove 'Configuration' from debug action labels
    1636: Copy/paste across console docs (1GF61GB)
    13457: Should expose launch history length as user preference
    15024: Launch configuration dialog doesn't display "favorite" option
    15180: DND.ERROR_CANNOT_SET_CLIPBOARD must be handled
    14657: LaunchDropDownAction and coolbar support
    14897: many missing '...' on buttons in launch configs
    15362: Standard out not always hooked to console
    15446: first click in the debug/launch history preference page results in exception
    11894: Mneumonic collision in the debug menu

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    April 30, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • Changes in the launch configuration dialog:
  • Changes to launch behavior
  • Changes to ILaunchManager
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    13537: DebugActionGroups: Clearer wording in preference page
    13909: Inconsistent margins on preference pages
    11889: Buttons too small in the Console and Launch Configuration Preference pages
    13513: Running a debug view in a Java perspective has several problems
    13536: DebugActionGroups: Collision on ID wipes out both action groups
    13317: New Configuration menu empty
    14560: Deleting breakpoint selects another breakpoint in the wrong direction
    14143: Breakpoints View appears with "Go to file" button enabled regardless of breakpoints
    9834: Views do not remember package visibility filter settings
    11904: Debug menu mneumonics
    14797: NumberFormatException if cancel Go to line in console
    13440: menu reorganization
    14550: Need to be able to make launch configuration type invisible
    6388: Variables view's static and field buttons are backwards
    14495: clipboards must be disposed
    13665: Debug preference page looks cluttered
    14485: Cannot delete a launch config using the Delete key
    14486: Default perspective for Run should not be Debug
    11697: Debug Preference Page needs group box
    14540: Relaunch action not enabled correctly
    14556: Enable breakpoint action using old selection
    14520: Debug plugins should provide consistent unique identifier access
    12577: Launch configurations wizard - usability
    13555: Edit configuration dialog UI confusing

    Problem Reports Closed

    12292: Unable to suspend a running thread to see stack frames

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    April 23, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    13836: Missing and duplicated extensions in debug plugin.xml
    12125: NLS debug projects
    14111: Console terminate button not enabled
    13041: Remove all terminated action incorrectly enabled
    13372: Strange UI feedback when breakpoint hit during evaluation
    13430: Open on Type in console can work better; less beep
    12184: IncompatibleThreadStateException on launchAdded
    14190: Stack dumps noticed in log
    14125: Debug view "Resume" always jumps to source - menu item does not

    Problem Reports Closed

    12132: Can't launch debugger if proxy set.

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    April 18, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    13385: Showing detail should be disabled when multi-select in var view
    12788: Cut, copy, paste actions don't work in details pane
    8590: Allow position of "step debug" in step tools
    12982: Need ability to set initial state of debug view based on AbstractDebugView
    13554: Incorrect dependencies: result is NPE in DebugActionGroupsManager
    13714: Pressing Apply makes tabs disappear
    13307: NPE in launch configs
    12382: Action set part association for the launch view?
    13285: Debug/Run With use old launchers when in config mode
    13425: Double click to expand/contract tree in variable and expression views
    13864: npe on lanuning (latest after 0412)
    12281: Launch configuration tab widgets are private
    13501: hostname cut off when show qualified names is off
    12257: remove single event handling support
    12722: Actions for configuration dialogs should appear on Debug menu
    13324: Change of selection lost in Launch configuration dialog
    11942: Single click launching preference text
    13088: NPE in the log after exiting workspace
    13565: Properties page for process should not contain defaults/apply buttons
    13853: native code error
    13613: Delegating presentation and #setAttribute()...
    12962: Same target shows up twice in drop-downs
    13375: Show Detail Pane in popup menu missing mneumonic
    12785: Select all in the details pane selects all variables
    13383: Copy variables action not enabled correctly
    13993: Debug and Run buttons have been accidentally swapped
    12953: Action "type" constants should be moved from AbstractDebugView to IDebugView
    14124: Launch configuration classes not in launch configuration package

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    April 11, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    12677: Single click launching and F11, Ctrl-F11
    13214: ArrayOutOfBoundException in launch history pref page
    13480: NPE creating Java Project when running Runtime Workbench
    13345: exception in log - after opening/closing projects
    13085: DebugActionGroups cannot handle two actions with same ID in views

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    April 09, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • A new extension point exists in the debug ui to control the types of launch configurations that can be created from the cascading "New run/debug configuration" menu (off the run/debug dropdown menus). A type of configuration can be contributed to mulitple perspectives.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    1696: DCR: Perspective specific launcher filtering (1GIYJXH)
    11733: duplicate shared config after close & restart
    11899: Launch config name collission
    12658: Single click launching doesn't work if the active editor isn't selected
    12488: Launch config dialog should allow double-click on config type
    11710: Deleting a launch configuration leaves no selection
    12598: Launch config - tab group API inconvenience
    11190: cannot set working directory if it includes a japanese character
    12160: Launch creation/lifecycle
    8772: Infinitely looping stack trace in target pgm locks UI
    12619: Exception during startup.
    10282: Rendering of changed variables
    12310: Need ability to determine if a breakpoint applies to a target
    12981: Launcher - listed name does not match given name
    9825: Action icon inconsistencies
    12891: Several IOExceptions from .log in StreamsProxy.write(
    11906: Useless single click launch for classes with no main

    Problem Reports Closed

    12276: Index out of bounds exception from launch configuration dialog

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    April 2, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    12289: Breakpoint should extend platform object
    12548: Debug event filters should use event sets
    12613: Exception when on target workspace when starting eclipse

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    March 28, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    11756: Launch config dialog: button sizes
    11923: Console preference page needs reworking
    11880: Launch ConfigurationType property page missing accelerator
    11925: Up/down buttons for launch history restricted to single select
    11457: Launch Configuration Dialog issues
    11702: Launch configuration defaults are set after widgets are initialized
    11330: JavaEnvironmentTab depends on JavaMainTab
    11053: Launch view too optimistic on source lookup
    11982: Logging exceptions
    12339: NPE when i switch to debug perspective
    7609: Attempting to go to a marker that no longer exists
    11326: Restore instead of rebuild launch config index
    11720: Need replacement for #hasChildren

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    March 26, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • Breaking API change: IDebugViewAdapter had been renamed to IDebugView
  • Launch configurations are the default launch mechanism.
  • Debug events are reported in sets. @see IDebugEventSetListener and IDebugEventListener
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    11610: Doc: identifier for launch extension points are incorrect
    11401: API on ILaunch.getDebugTarget()
    11303: Deadlock on startup processing breakpoints
    11919: 2 NPEs using Preferences->Debug->Launch Configuration Types
    6212: Debug view toolbar/menu pollution
    11849: Duplicate history items showing up
    10448: IExpressionManager#hasExpression, IBreakpointManager#hasBreakpoints,etc.
    10817: configs in java packages get copied to output folder
    11207: IDebugViewAdapter should be named IDebugView
    11612: Agressive clearing of instruction pointer
    12025: Invalid thread access out of Launch configurations
    12229: Set default launching style to configuration based
    9650: Variable change notification bug
    12157: Debug event sets

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    March 18, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    11197: Feature request: Delete in breakpoints view
    11212: Debug UI plugin.xml references jdt
    11308: Launch configurations make workspace non-transportable
    11346: Registering a launch multiple times is not handled well
    10586: Use new workbench selection service
    11425: ILaunchConfiguration JavaDoc is incorrect
    11189: Flicker in the Launch Configurations dialog
    11253: Launch config tab flicker
    11370: Launch view update bug
    11462: Launch config metadata change generates parse exception
    10637: "currently active project" should be the "current working directory"
    10162: Console View to front on error output only
    8937: Feature Request: Select all in the breakpoints view

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    March 12, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    10775: New, delete copy of Launch configurations remain disabled
    10780: Delete and Copy enabled for Launch configuration type
    10778: Launch configuration names should be trimmed
    6376: Should be possible to remove entries from the "Run list"
    10855: Use new workbench API for show perspective
    10610: Null exception when lauchviewer processing events on remove tree items
    8420: Cannot edit ExpressionView detail area until after inspect.
    11076: Delete configs reamin in favorite list
    9922: Null pointer in launch configuration type property page
    7605: Feature: Doubleclicking in launch config dialog
    11072: History menu update
    8294: "Debug History" and "Run History" have empty submenus
    11133: NPE in LaunchView.initializeSelection()
    11110: NPE in AbstractListenerActionDelegate.pageActivated
    10847: API - AbstractLaunchConfiguration tab

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    March 05, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • Launch Configuration API has changed. The launch configuration tab lifecycle is now similar to that of preference and wizard pages.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    9680: Launch config: pressing save returns to first tab
    9660: Launch Config Flicker
    10524: Provide default label provider API
    10506: NPE in launch view
    10582: SWT Exception closing a Debug Perspective in JUnit test
    7207: Launch configuration bugs
    7430: Debug perspective not reused
    10652: Remove action enabled when nothing to be removed
    7430: Debug perspective not reused

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    February 28, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    10243: ClassCastException when removing a breakpoint

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    February 26, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    Problem Reports Closed

    7767: Changing from "Debug View"

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    February 14, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • As part of the transition to configuration-based launching, early adopters may continue to access the launch configuration dialog by Shift-clicking the run and debug buttons, but configuration-based launches will NOT appear in the history, and CANNOT be relaunched.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    9166: NPE in preference page
    9167: LaunchConfigurationLabelDecorator should not be on by default
    9483: NPE in LaunchConfigurationTypePropertyPage
    9652: IllegalArgumentException out of Console
    9704: NPE on shutdown in BreakpointsView
    9167: LaunchConfigurationLabelDecorator should not be on by default

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    February 12, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • Removed deprecated constant IDebugUIConstants.ID_PROCESS_VIEW
  • Basic icons and their support has been removed
  • Breakpoint property sheet has been replaced with breakpoint properties dialog. Choose "Properties..." from the pop-up menu in the breakpoints view.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    8230: Console does not show process as ; better tracking of changes
    9194: Attempting to modify locked resource tree in BreakpointManager
    9200: Editor not opening for suspended stack frame with modified prefs
    9218: NPE in LaunchConfigurationLabelDecorator.isLaunchConfigFile
    9280: Debug event handlers performing runnables after dispose
    9057: API - CHANGE event should be better specified
    9111: Invalid thread access running test suite
    6370: Breakpoint Properties Dialog
    9327: JavaDebugOptionsManager startup loading breakpoints during resource changed
    9200: Editor not opening for suspended stack frame with modified prefs
    9178: Remove All Terminated always disabled?
    9065: WID opening editor for breakpoint
    8296: Debug With menu items have interesting numbering
    9421: NPE out of the LaunchView on shutdown with running target
    7301: no way to switch to custom debug perspective on debug
    5311: Missing debug information should be conveyed
    1683: Extra Action delegates (1GIGUK0)

    Problem Reports Closed

    9299: NPE in LaunchView.showMarkerForCurrentSelection

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    February 05, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • Launch configuration infrastructure and UI is available for early adopters. Developers that have contributed launchers should migrate to launch configurations. To access launch configurations from the workbench, press the run/debug buttons while holding the SHIFT key down.
  • The debugger indicates variables that have changed since the last suspend. See 1533.
  • The debug action set has been renamed from Debug/Run to Debug. See 8729.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    8729: Rename Debug action set from "Debug/Run" to "Debug"
    8945: Non-Persisted breakpoint can be incorrectly deleted at startup
    7965: Debug view refresh flicker
    1533: Feature: notification of changing variables (1G5NRPC)
    1721: Small Feature: separate disable/enable breakpoints (1GKKEI5)
    8245: Launch preferences page problems
    1621: Debugger doesn't come to front when breakpoint is hit (1GEUZEX)
    9102: Remove & Terminate walkback
    6807: launch configurations not crash proof

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    January 29, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    7837: Launch configuration page verifier error
    8235: Ctrl-space does not work for code assist in details pane
    7763: (usability) selecting in variables view with details pane causes un-maximize
    7814: API for char range within a line

    Problem Reports Closed

    8501: "Disable all" breakpoints action
    7864: Need API for selection changes in debug view

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    January 24, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    8059: NPE out of ControlActionDelegate
    8005: Terminate & Remove disabled
    8063: NPE in BreakpointsView when closing workbench
    8318: internal error occured, if open the menu "Debug -> Debug History"

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    January 22, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • Breakpoint API has been updated to allow selective persistence of breakpoint of the same type
  • Breakpoint API now allows for "hidden" breakpoints. @see IBreakpoint.isRegistered()
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    7578: .metadata launch files not in correct location
    7626: Widget is disposed error relaunching
    1710: DCR - Launcher should have control over perspective switching (1GJUT9J)
    6480: Launch configurations - store with workspace
    7961: updating source twice per suspend event
    7507: debugger keyboard shortcuts do not work in 20020109
    2990: Internal errors when fast clicking in debug stack (1GLDZVH)
    7974: Stack overflow pression "remove all" from Expression View

    Problem Reports Closed

    1563: Fully qualified rendering of launch element name (1GD7U0Z)
    7418: Need the Process view back
    7627: Tooltips not working in debug views
    7755: The Breakpoints pane should highlight the breakpoint where the debugger stops
    5141: Breakpoint manager can use new marker API

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    January 15, 2002

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    6088: Move "qualified name" rendering to java debug
    7420: "Debug UI.xml" references JDT
    7580: NPE out of AbstractDebugEventHandler on shutdown
    7513: Terminate and remove fails to remove when timeouts occur

    Problem Reports Closed

    7316: Inconsistent casing for Show detail pane
    7370: TimeoutException occurs during stepping
    1714: Confusion of launches from different projects in history (1GJYNLK)

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    January 9, 2002

    What's new in this drop

  • The debugger now uses the workbench editor re-use policy.
  • There is no longer a Process view. The Debug view shows all debug sessions and processes launched. When a workspace is re-started that had a Process view open, an error message will appear explaining that the Process view could not be created.
  • The debug action set has been split into two groups - debug and launch. Existing debug and Java perspectives need to be closed and re-opened to obtain run and debug buttons in the toolbar. @see bug 1724.
  • There is no longer an Inspector view - it has been replaced with an Expressions view. When a workspace is re-started that had an Inspector view open, an error message will appear explaining the Inspector view could not be created.
  • A launch can be annotated with client specific data. @see bug 6481.
  • A launch can now contain more than one debug target. API has changed in ILaunch, ILaunchListener, and ILaunchManager to suppport this.
  • Problem Reports Fixed

    7120: NPE during shutdown of DebugUIPlugin
    6954: Use new workbench API for openning perspective
    6206: Make AbstractDebugView API
    7151: Toggling ShowDetailPaneAction sets focus to the launch view
    7164: NPE during shutdown to do with DebugSelectionManager
    1724: Feature: split debug action set in to debug & launch (1GKCQVZ)
    7167: NPE shutting down in abstract debug view 'save state'
    6771: DebugEvent constructors changed to take IDebugElement
    1574: Settings in debug views not persisted (1GDTUNW)
    6105: Step accelerators should not take focus from editor
    1671: Option to autoclear terminated processes (1GHSO3L)
    6357: Combine Process/Debug Views
    6200: Extensible set of debug elements
    7204: Copy variables action needs icon
    7031: Inspector is missing a toString area
    6213: Breakpoints view improvements
    6481: Feature: Annotate launch with transaction id
    1617: type names not always shown in inspector (1GEULC4)
    6484: Ability for "super adaptor"
    6783: Console should not steal focus while writing output
    7277: Step detail events for into/over/return
    6214: More that one debug target per lanuch

    Problem Reports Closed

    6482: Ability to group debug targets in one launch
    6215: Exception handling in variables view
    1688: Object display options (1GIKMIG)
    1606: Feature: Source Lookup (1GEPJEN)
    1553: Handling of no source is confusing (1GC2TVU)
    7166: Remove terminated launches preference does not applied correctly
    7169: Debug "F" keys not enabled properly on new editor

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    December 18, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    5260: TVT: Properties view for debug process is missing substitution variable
    6321: Console IOException
    7003: Debug With menu launches incorrect program (not finding selection)

    Problem Reports Closed

    1548: Extensible launch modes (1GBEQYO)
    1592: DebugPlugin must allow for null elements in updateHistory() (1GEI3C1)
    6886: Request: Keep perspective when running application
    1627: Previous editor's unsaved contents are still visible (1GEX5LS)

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    December 11, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    6387: Can't use F10

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    December 6, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    6521: Variables view stays empty with stack frame selected (1GLE8PW)
    6577: NPE in DebugContentProvider
    6598: Problem using old workspace with new build

    Problem Reports Closed

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    December 4, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    6321: Console IOException
    6216: Help for debug views in 1.0
    6521: Newly added resources cannot be checked out

    Problem Reports Closed

    1715: Consider removing state change actions from BreakpointsView (1GKKT90)
    1559: Debugger doesn't pop to front when breakpoint hit (1GD7P7D)
    1564: README: printf's in native code only show up in console at the end of execution (1GD80QZ)
    1588: README: System.exit(0) from Scrapbook (1GE8JU3)
    5485: NPE if missing launcher when using launch history
    1770: Last launch not updated upon deletion (1GLEANH)

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    November 27, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    1720: Issue: breakpoint manager breaks lazy plug-in load rule (1GK

    Problem Reports Closed

    6097: The inspector is not refresh

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    November 20, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    4023: Prompt user for save and build before run (1GGCBO0)
    5818: Debugger Source Lookup page claims project is closed
    5895: NPE out of the Console view on shutdown
    5896: NPE out of LaunchManagerVisitor on shutdown
    1623: StackFrame selected but toolbar actions disable (1GEV0L7)
    5681: Show debug perspective doesn't reuse my perspective
    5909: Should have terminate on Debug menu
    5582: Keyboard shortcut for run/debug
    5789: Console Empty on Hello World Examples

    Problem Reports Closed

    5951: Console buffer not flushed?
    5946: NPE in LaunchManagerVisitor
    5808: Console output being lost
    5925: DebugView does not survive platform crash

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    November 13, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    5360: ListenerList#removeAll
    5613: Debugger hangs when it hits breakpoints during self hosting
    4269: Simplifying debugger perspective (1GKRAWI)

    Problem Reports Closed

    5588: General Protection Fault double clicking on breakpoint in th
    5795: Reached Breakpoint, but no stacktrace

    Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
    Platform Debug

    November 12, 2001

    What's new in this drop

    Problem Reports Fixed

    5686: Launch/Run actions should be available on menubar
    5579: Would like option to switch to Debug perspective on breakpoi

    Problem Reports Closed