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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-21Bug 535802 - EPL-2.0 for platform.debug plug-insY20180823-0800Y20180822-2200S4_9_0_M3I20180823-0450I20180823-0430I20180823-0100I20180822-2000I20180822-0800I20180821-2000Lars Vogel1-3/+6
2017-01-13Bug 510100 - [cleanup] Get rid of trailing white space in platform.debugY20170119-1000I20170119-2000I20170119-1010I20170119-0345I20170118-2000I20170118-1215I20170117-2000I20170116-2000I20170115-2000I20170114-2000I20170113-2000Andrey Loskutov1-7/+7
2006-01-10javadoc fixDarin Wright1-3/+5
2006-01-10114521 - Still too hard to customize the coloring of the executing lineDarin Wright1-41/+18
2005-12-05Bug 114521 - Still too hard to customize the coloring of the executing lineDarin Wright1-1/+2
2005-08-05Bug 106178 - Remove uneccessary NLS tagsDarin Wright1-1/+1
2005-04-07Bug 90318 - Change string externalization to use new formatKevin Barnes1-1/+1
2005-02-24CPL --> EPLDarin Swanson1-1/+1
2005-02-24CPL --> EPLDarin Swanson1-3/+3
2004-01-16javadocDarin Swanson1-3/+3
2004-01-15Bug 48320 - Adapt to annotation deprecationsDarin Wright1-55/+4
2003-12-15Bug 48320 - Annotation.setLayer(int) is deprecatedDarin Wright1-9/+0
2003-11-20Bug 47071 - Set instruction point layer to 0 in codeDarin Wright1-1/+1
2003-11-20Bug 47071 - Set instruction point layer to 0 in codeDarin Wright1-1/+1
2003-11-14Bug 45656 - New Annotation FeaturesDarin Wright1-22/+10
2003-07-31code cleanupDarin Wright1-19/+37
2003-07-09bug 33598 - Need to dynamically set icon for current lineDarin Wright1-4/+10
2003-03-10Copyright fix - automated changesv20030310-postcopyrightupdateDean Roberts1-11/+20
2002-10-30fix for 1524 - Feature: Displaying Instruction pointer (1G3A7CG)jszursze1-0/+108

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