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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-20Bug 530393 - EPL 2.0 for exsd in platform.debugI20180821-0800I20180820-2000Lars Vogel1-3/+6
Based on the following regex. find . -type f -name "*.exsd" -exec sed -i -E 's/http:\/\/\/legal\/epl-v10.html\&quot;\&gt;http:\/\/\/legal\/epl-v10.html\&lt;\/a\&gt;/https:\/\/\/legal\/epl-2.0\&quot;\&gt;https:\/\/\/legal\/epl-v20.html\&lt;\/a\&gt;\/\n\nSPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0/' {} + find . -type f -name "*.exsd" | xargs sed -i 's/Eclipse Public License v1.0/Eclipse Public License 2.0/g' find . -type f -name "*.exsd" -exec sed -i -E 's/([[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]])*([[:blank:]]*)(All rights reserved. )/\1\n\1\2/' {} + Change-Id: I560e99597565ce4ddf645ff1632b84603cb30086 Signed-off-by: Lars Vogel <>
2013-02-21Bug 322689 - [resolver] stringVariablePresentation extension pointI20130224-2000I20130223-1500I20130222-2000Mike Rennie1-122/+122
requires impementation of internal interface
2010-08-13Bug 319298 - Support EE launch variablesDarin Wright1-2/+14
2005-06-22removed mixed line delimitersDarin Swanson1-9/+9
2005-04-20CPL > EPL updatesDarin Wright1-5/+5
2004-11-18Bug 78751 - Extension Point Schema ChangesDarin Swanson1-14/+14
2004-06-24copyright updateR3_0Darin Wright1-6/+5
2004-06-23Fixing mixed line delimitersDarin Swanson1-14/+14
2003-09-23bug 43332 - Re-work launch variable APIDarin Wright1-0/+111

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